Rise of the Inquisition is a short story based around my NaNoWriMo novel. Hope you enjoy!
Author: TJ Edwards
News: Informs You, Depresses You.
The news is the most depressing part of my day! Here's why!
Semi-Bachelor's Log – Day 1
The plans of a man left to his own devices... MWA HA HA HA HA! Jerky! Beep! Watermelon Fruit Roll Ups! Cleaning! Winning!
A Day's Rest – The Post Win Zero Day
Fluff post before returning to my regularly scheduled programming! Also, if you need me, I'll be Pokemoning it up. Gotta catch em all!
National Novel Writing Month – Fifty Thousand In Twenty Days
Did I win? Did I? Maybe... Okay! No! I did! I rocked it! In twenty days no less! *Insert Happy Dance Here* Thanks for sticking by and putting up with me!
Micro (Or Should I Say NaNo) Update!
6.6k away from 50k, can I hit my goal of hitting that mark by today? Or will I crumble and nap? Only time will tell! Stay tuned!
Write Club
First rule of write club, don't talk about write club. I'm breaking all the rules and talking still about NaNoWriMo! So close to fifty thousand, but cannot write any more!
Finding NaNoWriMo
Just Keep Writing, Just Keep Writing, Just Keep Writing, Writing, Writing. If you do that, then you're a writer!
NaNoWriMo Space – Work Sucks!
NaNoWriMo Space is a lot like Office Space, I'm hoping to get rich quick, I need to write heavily on my days off and I already got the memo! Question is, Did you?
NaNoWriMo and the Quest For The Published Novel
1... 2... 5! Here's my Monty Python themed NaNo Post and I must head off to bed. Exhaustion cannot kick in while I'm driving for three hours tomorrow!