Micro (Or Should I Say NaNo) Update!

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This is where I’m starting today. Exactly six thousand, six hundred and eighty five words away from fifty thousand words. I had set my own personal goal to have hit the fifty thousand mark by the twentieth, and with T-Minus fourteen and a half hours to go, it can still be done.

I’d love to post something inspirational today, something deep and profound, but all I can say is I’m going to follow my own advice.

I’m just going to write. I might eat. But I’m definitely going to write. A lot.

There will be another blog post, celebrating my complete victory or my utter defeat.

My last piece of advice? Don’t choose somewhere exceptionally comfortable to write. We don’t have a desk where I can do my writing, so I’ve been writing on the lounges or the bed. Beds are made for sleeping, and we bought one that would be really good for that. Lounges are made for lounging, we also bought ones that are essentially clouds for your behind. If I were ever to be put in the doghouse as many a male before me has been, these lounges deliver me unto heaven where I sleep among angels who feed me grapes upon a bed of clouds. In fact, I’ve had many a better rest on these than the bed.

Okay, lost ten minutes writing this (and chasing after the dogs who are currently in the Destroy All The Things phase) so I’m heading into the land of Scrivener, where magic, deceit, treachery, hope, war and death await me.

Good thing I’m just the guy writing it! See you in fourteen or so hours!


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