Write Club

First Rule

Another fantastic day, another eventful one at least. More people heading out from work and I managed to procrastinate up until seven tonight. Had the whole day, wanted to write five thousand words… did nothing, napped and wrote a blog post. Then swung by a friend’s place came home, cooked, fed the dogs and then got into writing. Blah! Today’s post is brought to you by Fight Club inĀ all of its glory. I had to narrow down which scenes to use, as I found many clever scenes for the post!

writing timeSo this was me all day, sitting on the couch thinking about how I was going to write a story. Man, when I started I was going to kill it. Fast forward an evening and here I am, admitting defeat. I managed to type up over three thousand words today, although I’ll admit, this story is going to be longer than fifty thousand easy. I’m still setting up other villains and their subtle plots.

tell me a story

So as I’ve discussed in a few posts, people have a tendency to relate your story to other works of fiction. The set up is they ask what your story’s about, and then they make it sound so simple by saying “So like Lord of the Rings”. If it were like that, I probably would have said that. Will there be similarities? Undoubtedly. But the thing to remember if you are reading this and you ask someone what their story is about, say something like “That sounds awesome!” or “Can’t wait to read it!” Because there is one thing every writer knows. Our story is not special. It is not a unique snowflake. There have been millions of people on this planet before me, so the chances I’m breaking new ground? Slim. But it’s all in how my characters adapt and survive as well as the depth of my particular world. Even though George R. R. Martin kills everyone you love, well… so does life eventually.


I used to want to write a story so unique, so out there, that publishers would line up to publish it. Truth is, if it is too far out there, no one will touch it. Look at the Fifty Shades series… no one would go for it and she started self publishing it, then suddenly it caught on. Not that sex sells is a new idea, but point is, no one wanted it… until it was a success!

second ruleOut there in Write Club, how are you going? On track? Have you quit? I had the incredible heart attack moment of my word count dropping by two thousand words after my laptop restarted. However when I copied and pasted it into Pages from Scrivener, I was glad to see my current word count around forty three and a half thousand. How many of you know someone who has already won? I’m aiming to do it tomorrow! Only six and a half thousand to go! I’ll keep writing tonight and see where I end off before sleep! Especially because I’m on a roll! Good luck ladies and gents!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!