Finding NaNoWriMo

So… time to start writing, I figured I’d post here first and post here again later in order to get caught up! Today’s post is Finding Nemo themed, a movie that while I worked at the movie theatre was in there for almost a whole year. I saw it probably ten times in my life total, and it is timeless humour that anyone can understand! As per the theme, some quotes have been changed to suit my NaNoWriMo needs!fifty thousand words

It’s midday on my first day off and my dogs have been keeping me quite active between destroying things and peeing in the house (on the carpet no less). They know better, but for people who don’t believe dogs can be spiteful? They’ve obviously never owned one. Dogs know spite and they know it well… especially mini dachshunds. I still love him to death, but he’s been quite the terror today!

Just keep writing

No better advice could be given than that of Dory in the photo above. For those of you who are still struggling with word count, just follow her advice and keep writing. Remember, the focus is quantity not quality. Quality can be beaten out later. Not only that but after finishing one novel, let me tell you from experience both ease of and quality of writing improve dramatically for the second one!

For anyone who thinks it’s too hard, or it can’t be done… so many people have done it. If you can’t hit fifty thousand, at least get your story to the end. It took many, many, many short stories for me to get to this length now. Down the side you’ll see the last short story I wrote called Circle of Vengeance (I warn you, Amazon won’t let me list it for free, so hit up Lulu for a free copy) but it helped get me to that end point.

my novel

As for my previous novel, Jefferson & The Magician’s Curse, it will be getting the rewrite treatment to include their story in the new world. My partner has quite enjoyed it but she understands why I am choosing to go with this new story in the push to get published. As I try and distance myself from Harry Potter, this story lacks a boy wizard and would be closer to Lord of the Rings than anything else if it must be compared. I’m also interested in seeing how an editor will like what I’ve done. This will be the first official manuscript I’ll have put together and it’s as if I am creating a resume… for my book. Just means those opening chapters need to grab the reader and keep them forever.

Well, now that I’ve posted, I suppose I should head into Scrivener and crank out some chapters. I’ve got three and a half hours, to try and do five thousand words. That’s only seven hundred and twenty words every thirty minutes. Oh my. I may need some energy for this! Until later, good luck with your writing!

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