Semi-Bachelor's Log – Day 1

So… I vanished from the writing world (my poor macbook air began collecting dust) for roughly three days. I’ve already won NaNoWriMo so I started investing time into a few other things (work, games, manscaping, etc.) now that I’m a bit refreshed, it’s high time to get back into writing! Although I’m sad that I’ve fallen behind on my blog posts… I was so close to one a day… I suppose I still could be (In fact, I’m going to backdate this to be optimistic, although in time there will be some discrepancies).

First and foremost, I have dropped my girlfriend off at the airport hotel and she is currently en route to Paris as we speak. Paris wasn’t a city I was overly fond of in my travels last year, and wouldn’t have been excited to revisit again this year. So instead? I’m staying at home playing puppy sitter and cleaning the place up.

Sounds like a drag, right? She’s in Paris and I’m cleaning up house and poop. Funny story though, I’m enjoying staying home! In fact it feels good to just clean. I love the mindlessness of it. I clean, think about my story, listen to music and generally feel accomplished. Not only that but these two dogs are cute as all hell and despite the fact they cost me money in destroyed items and vet bills, I just love the little buggers. We’ve got a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Mini Dachshund and in my mind there are no dogs cuter than these two (Loki and Thor respectively).

Oh ho, but that’s not all. This two week span is going to be a crazy trial as I attempt to create my own blends of beef jerky. What’s that? You think I’m mad?! You have no idea. Cracked Pepper Jerky. Cajun Spiced Jerky. Chili Chocolate Jerky. Not only that, but using this new dehydrator I bought I’m also going to try and make some sort of watermelon blend home made fruit roll ups. They might be watermelon/apple or watermelon/pear… but I LOVE watermelon. I feel like I just discovered the wheel (Read: Purchased a dehydrator) and am thinking of all the ways (Read: Recipes) I can use it. I am also going to try and recreate my favourite drink as a child called “Beep!”. It was a low pulp, fruit drink mix of various flavours. I found the ingredient listing on a website and without using the preservatives I’m going to try and recreate the flavour!  Like a mad scientist! MWA HA HA HA HA HA!


As for my novel, I haven’t even looked at it since hitting the fabled fifty thousand (and a bit). But enough about me! Time to call out my writing friends and see how they’re doing!

Alex! Are you still on track!? Last up date was the seventeenth, and I needs to know!

Nikki! It looks like you’re catching up! Are you going to make it? The internet is watching!

It looks like Serena beat me to the fabled fifty thousand a day early. Still thats much closer than those people who did it in a week! Congrats!

Suzanne seems to still be writing, but also quality blog posts (unlike my movie themed ones). Where are you at for your word count!?

Also special call outs to those of you who have added me into the NaNoWriMo buddy list! Dars! Terzah! Harry! Seems like you’re all close! I’m cheering you on from the land Down Under! 

Anyway, I have to put the pups to bed, shower and sleep (Read: Pokemon, Gotta Catch Em All). Tomorrow is supposed to be my day off but I’ll be heading into work to do interviews for the better part of the day. I’m actually really excited for fresh faces in the store. I’m hoping they’ll bring the excitement I’m looking for to the customer service experience I’m trying to deliver. It’s been a long time coming, but I’m excited to do this! Talk to you all again soon and if you’re reading this, feel free to give those people mentioned above a visit and encourage (Read: Harass) them to finish their fifty thousand words! Good luck everyone! Almost there!


Drop me a line, wait for my reply!