I am winning NaNoWriMo right now with 13k words in the bank! Also a great visit from the boss's boss means I'm winning everywhere!
A Day In The Retail Trenches
Work can be extra taxing at times, and today was definitely one of them! But we pulled through and I wrote another 2k words bringing me 12k ahead of target at this point of the month! Also, two publishers have both suggested I send my work to them, and they'd better be careful what they ask for! I just might!
Taking A Break!
BAM! 30k with 20 days to go! 6k today alone! Now enjoy some inspirational quotes, tidbits and fun facts about writing and 50k words! Thanks for reading!
NaNoWriMo Milestones & Thanks!
A mini update to say I'm 50% (25K) of the way to 50K words and I hit my daily word target already. Still the whole day ahead of me! Let's see if I can hit 30k!
NaNoWriMo Narcolepsy or NaNoNaps
NaNoWriMo Narcolepsy or NaNoNaps, affects one in three writers per day in November. This is a very real statistic, not made up at all. In fact... it's... Zzzz...
Out of Time
It appears you cannot win them all.
The Tips on NaNoWriMo You Won't See
Today I write another few thousand... oh to hell with it, Tips for your writing! Seriously, these are the best ones.
Week One, Done & Dusted!
Week one has passed and my mind is a veritable wasteland of characters and story ideas swimming in a deep sea of sleep deprivation. What's another day of four hours sleep? Support is the most important thing to me at the moment!
Runaway Characters! Anarchy! Winning!
It's hard to believe that we are six days in and I am sitting at 18k. My characters are driving this story and their thoughts are sometimes better than my own! Tomorrow I WILL hit 20k!
The Narcoleptic NaNoWriMo Author
Oh sleep, take me away to Zzzland. Past the 15k mark, but also nearing the "Loss of Sanity" mark. Stay tuned as the men with the special white coats come for me!