NaNoWriMo Milestones & Thanks!

Ladies and gents! I won’t include a photo of my word count as the day isn’t over but I just managed to clear my halfway mark and hit my daily writing target. The King just monologged his hired murder of the Queen and things are underway! Today has been great for my writing as I am getting back on track and still feeling absolutely mentally exhausted.

Another milestone that I actually needed every single one of you lovely folk out there for, is that I have just surpassed two hundred and fifty followers! My all time views have hit thirty five hundred and apparently I’m gaining popularity in Switzerland! (9 Views today… interesting statistic!) I want to thank you all for not only sharing in this journey with me but for putting up with my rampant posting this month. It has been a wild ride and the blog has changed quite a bit from its titled purpose. I haven’t done any sort of episodic fiction in quite awhile, but it is still something I may go back to as I quite enjoyed it!

Not only have I been productive with writing, I did two loads of laundry (although the sky has turned dark and foreboding), a load of dishes and tidied up a bit. I also make the effort to reply to every single comment on the blog as anyone who takes the time to write something will get a response (something I hope I can continue even if I get rich and famous). Actually the best part about blogging is the interactions I have with you lovely folk out there. I can’t stress it enough, if it weren’t for you I’d have closed this blog down forever ago.

So ladies and gents, your writing… how’s it going? Are you on track for word count? Do you need me to email you every morning to check in? I’m so grateful that you’re all still here that I’m open to these things! Look forward to another post tonight with the total word count for the day! Exciting times! Thanks again for your support and talk to you soon!


  1. Aaron_Betts says:

    Congratulations! Word count hasn’t been so kind to me today but the despair is held firmly at bay. Too many parental duties today.

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Parental duties definitely come first. Washing underwear was at the top of duties list today! A few words here and there will get you somewhere though! Although I will say this… I shouldn’t have bought such a comfortable couch.

      Thanks for the support and good luck in your efforts!

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