NaNoWriMo Narcolepsy or NaNoNaps

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Not bad for forty five minutes of writing. Exceptionally bad for an entire evening of napping.

Today I had planned on hitting that halfway point. In fact, I had that planned for yesterday, but social activities and my new sleeping disorder had prevented that. In fact, it tried to do it again today. I’m talking about the sudden NaNoWriMo Narcolepsy I’ve suddenly developed. It also doesn’t help that I don’t have a desk to write at. All of my writing spots are exceptionally comfortable.

The two seater couch in the living room with the cloud like cushions for your behind and back, with the wonderful suede-like texture. So soft. So… Zzzz…

Too comfortable right? So I moved upstairs and sat on my bed. I’m still not sure what part of my brain thought that was a good idea. I thought to myself, “That was an awesome line,” leaned back to enjoy the moment, and then woke up at eleven PM. Damnosaurus Rex. Well played brain. Well played.

This sudden surge of NaNoWriMo Narcolepsy has got me thinking…

Maybe I need more sleep?

How ridiculous a notion I know. I mean, everyone should be able to go to bed at twelve AM and wake up at six AM fresh as a daisy! Six hours?! That’s plenty!

Now I know I’m not a spring chicken anymore. I turn thirty next year… (OH NOOOOooooo… Midlife Crisis time!) but I should still be able to deal with only six hours of sleep a night for months on end, right?


Actually I’m going to blame a few things. Number one, my beard. It takes energy to keep a beard around. Not sure how Vikings did it, or bikers, but I said I wasn’t going to shave it until November ends. Think of it as some sort of lucky NaNoWriMo beard. It’s going to get me across the line! (Hopefully.)

Second? I don’t drink coffee. Period. I should start.

Third! Ideas! I love the fact that I can type a bunch of story up and suddenly after my random nap, I am disappointed that it’s after twelve AM but my brain keeps going despite the fact my body has shut down for sleep. After a nap, quite often my muse toys with me.

Fourth… I am trying to eat healthier. Today I tried my best to say within my weight loss calorie budget. I’m eighty six kilograms (which is almost one hundred and ninety pounds, or thirteen and a half stone for those of us still measuring in those) and five foot nine. I’m happy with my body except for the fact that all of my body fat is around the stomach which is apparently the worst place to carry it. I was given a Fitbit for product knowledge through work and decided to use it. Between being informed and wearing this fitness bracelet of thorns, I’ve never wished for a McDonald’s burger so much. Also, there is something horrific about tracking your calories. The TJ Special at McDonald’s is just over twenty five hundred calories. I had it yesterday during my first day of food tracking. For weight loss, apparently I’m supposed to have twenty two hundred calories, a day… It’s going to be a rough month.

Five is work. Work has this way of mentally exhausting me like nothing else. There are a million things that need doing, a thousand things I can delegate, and one hundred that get done. So I need to follow up on nine hundred things, while completing nine hundred and ninety eight thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine other things and there always seems to be one I miss. Damn imperfect humans!

So between Beard, Lack of Caffeine, My Over Active Muse, New Diet and Work… I am running the gauntlet of messing with my mind and body while trying to write a novel. Good thing my muse didn’t come up with that idea, or she’d be fired.

Now that the rant is out there, Alex (Otherwise known as Valourbörn in the comments below) has inspired me to write about my inspiration (see what I did there)! I can understand how some people say they couldn’t write every day. Not everyone can. For me? I personally could and that would be fantastic! Let me take you on a quick journey behind my creative process.

So, I’m listening to a song. The tempo is upbeat, the music itself almost sounds like it’s some sort of emotional tribute to a character’s push through enemy forces. I imagine the battle hardened knight, a bandana covering his missing eye, silver hair pulled back tight as he weaves and slashes his way through some sort of demonic horde. I ask myself, who is this man? Where is he? Why does he fight? What happened to his eye? Is there anyone else with him? Why are the demons attacking?

So I investigate all of those options. The man has been fighting the battle of the reach for two decades. They managed to push the demons back past their borders, however suddenly his team of seven has been ambushed. In his rage, he blindly rips apart demon after demon until he has avenged his fallen comrades. It will take him six days to fast and meditate for his losses. He must understand what went wrong, so he may avoid it in the future. His eye was taken the same day as his wife by demons during what is recognised all over the world as G-Day (Gate Day, when Hell’s gates opened into the world). The world united against the common enemy all too late and perished. The man has lived in Tokyo his entire adult life, and speaks fluent Japanese and English. The demons have invaded the world as the pits of hell have become overburdened by the world’s lack of morals and sudden rampant evils.

But then I ask, what happened to the other six? Who were they? Why is this Englishman in Tokyo? Who was his wife? What sorts of demons are there? Is it set in the future? The past? The Present? Is this the first time he’s experienced loss? So then from there I keep going. I just keep asking questions until there is enough depth that things sound logical (or make sense within the fantasy world). I get believable characters with horrifying (or incredible) back stories. Not everyone is born a hero, and not all heroes were always heroes. Not all villains were always villains. What changed them? How did they get there? I could write a story from this point alone.

The reason I write is because it’s a dangerous business going out your door. I play video games or read to explore someone else’s realm and know that I won’t be maimed or murdered, it’s a comforting thought! But I write because I like to visit old friends and meet new ones. I like to think that some people can change while others shouldn’t at all. I like to think that there is a depth to each person which sometimes characters simply have more of. It may sound sad, but some of the greatest people I’ve ever met, I’ve written. Well, also some of the people I’ve written are off the great people I have met too, so it goes both ways!

To sum it up? If I were left on an island with only one thing, I’d have to say some sort of Solar Powered Laptop. I’d never be alone and could go wherever my imagination took me. Keep on writing ladies and gents, three weeks left! Hope you guys are doing well in your writing!


  1. It’s all about the loopholes, my friend. Only one thing on an island? Ask for a sailing boat, complete with months of supplies and a stalwart crew. Or, heck, a teleportation machine.

    My own NaNo attempts are going swimmingly. Like you, I’m suffering from an extreme case of “I’m too tired to write”, but I find that once I light my candle and get a nice steaming mug of tea, I’m at least in the right frame of mind to tap out another scene. The quality of said scene is sketchy at best, but you know the saying — you can’t edit a blank page!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Maybe I don’t want to go back, perhaps I am content on the island! If I was to ask for anything ridiculous… it would be a time machine so I could go back and teach high school me a few lessons.

      Glad to hear you’re doing well with NaNoWriDoom, er.. Mo, NaNoWriMo. That whole too tired to write thing is such a pain because you want to be comfortable while you write, but then your brain just goes, “Oooh, this is nice.” I don’t drink Tea or Coffee and I’m trying to cut back on Coke… so my caffeine intake is somewhere near zero. I think NaNoWriMo is the only time where it’s NEVER quality over quantity. Because as you said, there’s no editing a blank page 😛 You can’t publish that either!

  2. Zoe Ambler says:

    1. Sleep is over-rated.
    3. 30?! Talk to me when you’re closing in on 45. 😛
    4. Beards are gross. 😛 Well, not really, but being a lady, I dont think I can pull it off. >_>
    5. Finding inspiration is a toughy, even on the best of days sometimes. We are blessed when the muse is stabbing us repeatedly.
    6. Abandon work, family, friends, etc.
    7. CATS. Always have CATS!

    Good luck on NaNo…I’m plugging away on two separate projects for it myself. Yes, over-achiever.

    • TJ Edwards says:

      lol, My body seems to think sleep is important. Not sure why. 45 is just more experienced! Don’t think of it as ageing so much as levelling up. As for the muse, she doesn’t get stab happy… no, she’s the kind who would use batteries in a sock or bar of soap in a pillow case. Leaves less marks and she gets to enjoy it for longer periods of time!

      And you’re doing two projects? Me too. Surviving and Writing… is that what you mean?

  3. naketh says:

    Maybe you want to achieve too many things at once? Dieting needs discipline and writing as well. Maybe the diet has to wait until december (not the cookie month!)? But some fresh air is always good and will hopefully not kill you. So go out on a walk to wake yourself up!
    Actually I thought the older you get the less sleep you need? I can badly arrange with less than 7 hours sleep and on the weekend I normally sleep 10 hours to catch up again and I already past my 30th.
    But Fitbit is a nice toy, have one myself!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      It definitely wasn’t planned this way! I knew NaNoWriMo was coming and that was my focus this month. However when you stand on a scale and look down to see you’re gaining more weight, it’s not something you can simply ignore. If I want to start losing weight, I have to change today. So I did! December would be a terrible month to start in, at least now when I’m hungry I can just go and write to distract myself. It feeds my mind… so hopefully my stomach can ignore the urges!
      I’m no sleepologist (I’m sure there’s an actual term for that) so I have no idea. As I get older I start to respect a good cushion or a nice breeze across the couch. I’d like to think I’m getting younger, but something tells me that isn’t happening (damn metabolism). See, I don’t have 10 hour sleep days, although that sounds wonderful! I generally sleep between 5-7 hours a night. Fitbit is that nagging reminder that you’re not being active enough or not eating healthy enough. It’s exactly what I need right now!

      Thanks for stopping by and good luck with the writing!

  4. Valourbörn says:

    Sounds like you’ve got a lot on the go right now, my goodness. Hopefully you’ll manage to work out a balance and not be so tired! Also, it was neat to take that stroll through your mind and see your creative process, thanks for sharing 😀

    Oh, and grats on reaching halfway AND 250 followers!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      A lot on the go? PSHHH Wait until next week when I’ve got training three hours away. It’s a damn good thing this MacBook Air is portable 😛 I think I’m tired because of my new diet… and by diet I mean counting calories. Apparently you can fill your calorie count by eating cookies, but it won’t get you through the day! Should have read the fine print.

      As for a stroll through my mind… I took you through the mild part, I think it would involve some therapists if I took everyone through the thick of it. My muse is essentially Liberty leading the people if that war is my creative consciousness. (See here:

      Thanks for the support and hope it’s all going well for you!

      • Valourbörn says:

        Ahaha that sounds like it’s gonna be fun times 😛 It’s unfortunate, that cookies can’t serve as nutritional meals :/ They promise so much and yet deliver so little. Best of luck with the diet and getting all adjusted to that 🙂

        I could only imagine what sort of damage might be caused by marching a horde of curious people through the deepest parts of our minds. Perhaps best to only give us a mild experience 😛 But what a brave and triumphant Muse you have! Onwards we march, ever to that fabled day of victory!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!