Runaway Characters! Anarchy! Winning!

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*Drool* *Snort* *Heavy Breathing*

That about sums up what my brain is doing right now. I’ve been pushing myself to write more and more. Today I had some serious trouble, until one character blew open the plot and I reorganised some chapters to get the proper effect! Then things took off until my brain started chewing on itself and chasing its own tail. Now I come here to celebrate and relax a bit just before I rush off to bed.

So today’s writing had me exploring some insanity and some near possession. There may have been a classy sex scene (no, don’t worry, it’s PG at best) but that ends well (for my story and character development). The trouble I was having was there was a lot building up to these great scenes I had, but nothing particularly great in them. Then one character asked the perfect question!

What happens if he loses control of his army?

My heart skipped a beat. I laughed to myself. My girlfriend grew concerned I’d snapped. I laughed some more. It was a good time. But as simple as a question as that is, it changed things and put an antagonist in this realm of possible antagonist or protagonist. I have to say, I am really enjoying these vague characters. He also commits a bit of an atrocity but for a good cause, but at the same time it will definitely impact his future.

On a side note, not that I’ve been lazy but I have been using god and mythos names throughout my story. Every single one has been chosen for a particular character trait. It has made for some clever characters and also set up some characters who were minor until I named them. When someone is named after Odin’s Nephew, there is a chance there may be more to them than meets the eye. (No, they are not a Transformer.)

I enjoy the way that I write for the simple reason that the plot points are there to direct the story, but it’s the characters who are actually taking us on the journey. I guess in real life terms, the plot is a GPS for my characters to drive their story car to their destination. Some detours need to be made. Either way, I’m impressed I haven’t collapsed like a house of cards. Although because I am destroying these word counts, I am way happier in life. I feel more focused than I have in a long time. As strange as it sounds, I think that is reflecting in how well my day job is going. My store is smashing most targets at this point and we still have three days to go. Bringing it home.

As for you new folks who have swung by, there is a simple reason I have visited you. You posted about NaNoWriMo! I love the community and I love the people I’ve met through this wondrous (soul crushing) event. Even if we don’t chat all the time, it is simply good to surround myself with people who are like minded or have a similar hobby. It’s certainly not an easy one, that we all know. But I’ve heard some wins out there, so keep plugging along! My goal is by tomorrow night to be past twenty thousand words! I never ever thought I’d be aiming that high, but here we are and I’m less than two thousand words away from that goal.

I’m also about five seconds from sleeping on this keyboard, so I must bid you adieu!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!