Just Keep Writing, Writing, Writing.

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Today’s quote is brought to you by Dory from Finding Nemo. When I worked at the movie theatre, Finding Nemo was an instant classic. Parents and children loved it. Theatre management loved it. I got free movies and saw it on a biweekly basis. But when she says “Just keep swimming, swimming swimming” I only hear keep writing!

So I’m not going to complain about my word count today as I have friends who have struggled to string together a coherent sentence. I am disappointed with myself though. Today was the hardest writing day for me as I had a full day to write and was hoping to get further ahead than I am. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful that my muse is cheering me on from the driver’s seat and that the words are flooding out of me and onto the page. Today however was different. I let myself get distracted. I did a lot of editing (which in Scrivener can lose you words). I didn’t push forward like I had planned.

That being said, I doubled the word target. If my calculations are correct, I only have to write one thousand, four hundred and twenty words each day for the next twenty six days to hit the sweet fifty thousand. It feels good and I celebrate the wins with myself on here and with you lovely folk! I don’t need to tell you how fantastic it feels to have you guys commenting and cheering me on! The people I surround myself with in real life don’t understand why I write. They don’t feel the passion that I do when a story is coming together and going as smoothly as this one is. That is why, even though you guys may not realise it, you are a huge part of my support base!

Today’s story had more back story and lore added in through encounters and discussions with the supporting cast. Everything has been coming together nicely and I’ve begun demonstrating some of the various magical powers of my world. The Leapers and their ability to transverse the demon realm. The Watchers who are immune to the Magican’s Curse. The druids who become consumed by the magical element they cast, thus turning them into elementals. So much is going on, and it gives this feeling of an actual world. Things don’t go to plan. People die. Realms overlap.

So I’m a bit excited, can you tell?

The title of my book is still bugging me. Incidental Immortals is what the story is sort of about, but it doesn’t grab me. It’s almost too generic for my story. The reason I’d chosen it is because Humans have been granted Immortality through the absence of the Reaper of Souls. It just doesn’t… do anything for me. When people ask me what it’s called, I tell them I haven’t come up with a name, that one is just the one I chose for the NaNoWriMo website.

Aside from that, I’m going to be trying to reach out to you lovely folks out there beyond the screen as you do for me so often! I want to know how you guys are going and what your story is about, so hopefully your posts are already up! If I included these posts in my word count, I’d be sitting closer to sixteen thousand words so far this month! This is probably the most I have written in this short a span of time. I wrote ten thousand words in a day once, but then napped for the next few. The muse can only take so much of a beating!

Good luck ladies and gents! I’ll get back to your comments ASAP! I want us all to win, then we will call ourselves Team Awesome! (Unless you’re not into that name… in which case we can put it to a vote…) Talk to you soon!


  1. Valourbörn says:

    Dude, your word count is amazing, keep it up! 😀 It’s great to see you have so much passion for your story, too. Well, besides the title 😛 Oh well, there’s time for that later.

    I’m behind. Pffft. I had a stupid bio research paper to write (that’s due today, fun fun), and we ended up going out to dinner on Sunday. So there went my writing time. Oh well. I’m dying to write so hopefully when I do have time, I can bust out a couple thousand words and try to catch up. Your word count is inspiring me to just keep writing!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Titles can be changed but I love the characters, the concepts and the world in which it is all set. I’m stoked to see this through to the end!

      I’m glad I can inspire! I know you’ll get there, I’m cheering you on, and it doesn’t matter if you’re behind… keep in mind the most important thing: It’s not November 30th yet!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Thanks a ton! Try and avoid editing as it can cause unwanted delays. Remember the goal is to get to that 50k mark and then get to “The End”

      As for doing great, word count wise I agree. Mentality and sleep depravation wise… not so much 😛

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