
Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 11.24.37 pm

What’s that? It’s 11:30 pm? Fantastic.

For those of you who have just tuned in, I am in NaNoWriMo mode. I am almost 1/5th of the way there and currently exhausted. I have tomorrow off though, and I am most likely going to nap. This may happen before or after my writing session tomorrow, OR it could happen as it did today after work and while I was writing. Luckily, the quality hasn’t gone down in my writing, so I am very happy with that despite my mind holding my eyelids ransom for caffeine of any kind.

Also for everyone who I just started following and have come by here, thank you so much! Each year I try and reach out and touch a few dozen (or more) NaNoWriMos in the hopes that I will find some people who will keep me motivated as well as people who want me to keep them motivated! I’m always happy to help (or harass, pick your poison) and I’ve met some fantastic people along the way. So if you’re stopping by because I just followed you, thanks again! Your moment of stopping by keeps me not only blogging but writing as well!

As for those of you poor followers who have been there all along, thanks again for the support. You guys are legends and the more excited you get about my word count, the more I want to write! I am enjoying this story and its different perspectives. As of right now there have been a few hints as to who the antagonists and protagonists are, but as I mentioned before, we are all the protagonists of our own stories. This perspective has made everything more interesting as being inside the head of a villain gives you fascinating insight into their psyche and why they are doing what they’re doing.

For those of you out there in the world struggling with the craft of writing, Diana Gabaldon has written a very interesting piece on her Facebook page (Titled “A Coda – In Three-Two Time”) detailing an excerpt from a story and breaking it down into what the author was doing. It is a fascinating read for someone who loves the craft of writing such as myself and also if you’re going to take a break from writing… why not read about it? Also this goes back to my post about “Passing The Torch” and teaching others the craft. She’s done a remarkable job and it’s definitely worth a skim at the very least.

Today at work I was telling a few people about writing my story and how tired I was already. After the few had moved on, one stayed back and asked what I thought was the most ridiculous question ever. She asked, “Why don’t you just write it before hand and then just post updates like you’re some sort of champion?” I was shocked at the bluntness of her question, but she raised some serious concerns I had never even considered before. I mean, this whole thing is on the honor system. Would people really do that, just to win? I would like to think not. I would like to think that all of us poor suckers writing until the sun comes up are in the same caffeine induced zombie state (or sleep deprived one) and that we are all doing it for the challenge not to win over other but to see how far we can push ourselves. I know I am. I know my body hates me, but I am trying to write the biggest novel I possibly can in 30 days. 50000 words is a benchmark, 100000 is closer to my goal!

As for you lovely ladies and gents beyond the LED Screen, are you on track? Are you baggy eyed and bearded like me? I considered taking a picture, but I like it when my visitors come back! If you read that Diana Gabaldon piece, let me know what you think as I found it super interesting! See you tomorrow, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel!


  1. Nikki B. says:

    Good lord, I thought I was doing good at being around 5k on Day 2, but 1/5 of the way there? Yeah, I’d say a nap was in order. I took Day 1 off myself, which I have never done before, at it was wildly freeing. I haven’t found a good way to really crank out the word count yet, but I’m not giving up. I will hit 50K and I will (cross your fingers, toes, eyes, whatever you got) also finish the BOOK. Now THAT would be something!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Oh Nikki! You are doing well, don’t judge yourself against me! I’m not sure what’s happened this year, but the stars have aligned and I am on a mission. The way I’ve been cranking out my word count is I start out with a conflict in mind and then have the character experience it for me! It makes me as excited to read it as it does to write it! Also, I am currently writing four different character viewpoints (in their own respective chapters) and I have found that has kept me fresh as the four stories are happening in tandem with each other and each decision that is made changes the story for the other characters. It’s been a very rewarding write so far!

      Nikki, I have a feeling that this is your month. Join me in running for the finish line! This isn’t a walk, or a sprint… let’s go all out and destroy this! You know you can do it! So make it happen! Friends will still be there at the end of the month. You’ll see your family in December. No worries, right? Hahaha, good luck Nikki!

  2. mjennings says:

    That’s quite extraordinary that you’re that far into it. Like Nikki, I thought I was doing quite well at 6260 by the end of day 2, yesterday. I’m in that sort of profession when there will be days I simply cannot write much due to the paperwork I have to take home (today, in fact, is one of those days). Anyway, I saw your progress on the main site, and that is…that’s mighty impressive, sir.

    • TJ Edwards says:

      I made a decision this month that NaNoWriMo was the most important thing to me. I asked for the support of my family and friends during this month. I have said no to things that aren’t mandatory for work. I am lucky in the fact that work doesn’t follow me home, but I think this month I wouldn’t let it. I am focused and loving the story I am writing, so screw it. Any true supporters will be there at the end of the month to celebrate the effort with me! And Work? I give them enough of my time and effort. It’s about time I divided my blood, sweat and tears with something I love as well.

      Also, thanks for your kind words. This may actually be my first win! I wrote Jefferson & The Magician’s Curse during NaNoWriMo, but never made it to 50k during the event. I did however make it to 98k before the new year though!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!