Another Day, Another Few Thousand Words!


So, through planning I have effectively set the train tracks for which I am going to destroy this month’s challenge. It would seem even if I only wrote on my days off, I’d probably get to my target this month! That being said, I’m not going to start counting those words before I’ve written a novel! You simply never know what sort of curveball life can throw at you.

I feel very good after today’s writing session and I must say, to anyone not using Scrivener… you simply don’t know what you’re missing. Whatever works for you is a great thing, but that screenshot above is a small window I have open while I write. It also gives me notifications when I reach my target and keeps me watching that top bar to see how far I’ve come along. Also purchasing this Macbook Air has FINALLY paid off. I’ve never been more productive and that three finger swipe on the magic trackpad is key.

I swipe from Scrivener to my world map (which is left) and I can swipe from my story to my browser where I find inspiration for names and characters. This simple ability keeps me active and watching where I spend my of my time. So far, so good. Another decent day of writing and I could be three days in and one fifth of the way there. Never thought that’d happen!

I hope you lovely ladies and gents out there are doing as well, if not better than me, if not just remember that we just started! There’s still time and hope! I think I will do what I did last NaNoWriMo and reach out to many of you other writers tagging your posts about your novels and progress! Last year I made some incredible contacts and friends through the joint pains of smashing out a novel in a month! I’d love to find more!

Also for anyone wanting to check up on my progress, I’m not sure if this link will work for you (But here it is anyway) and please feel free to add me as a writing buddy (Because I haven’t figured out how to add people… yet!)

As for my story, I’ve broken it into three separate stories all intertwining in the same world. There are four protagonist/antagonists thus far and I will never divulge which is which! One of my favorite quotes by any author, or at least so the internet says it is, is from George R. R. Martin.

Nobody is a villain in their own story. We’re all the heroes of our own stories.

This is true. We all do what is in our best interests and try and do the right thing, but what is the right thing? Is it what is best for everyone? No one thing can cover everyone’s needs, wants and desires. It is simply impossible. So someone may be kind and acting for the good of the many, but their actions may not actually benefit even the few. Exciting times!

More writing ahead but tomorrow will be the challenge! I work during the day so hopefully my reduced word count per day will be easily achievable, if not… I do believe I’ve got Tuesday off!


  1. terzahcain says:

    Hmm. Your word count intimidates me, but I’ll take you up on your offer to buddy up. I figure, if I fail for this my third attempt, by George, I’m going to fail magnificently! Mine is a quest story too. I wrote a paltry 1300 words yesterday and spent the rest of the entire day (10 hours at least) outlining it into 60 different Trigger, Complication, Conflict, Resolution blocks. I’ve never tried that before, and frankly it bothers me. But I needed to be able to jump around on the timeline of the story each day depending on my mood and energy. Best of wishes on your efforts! Off to my Nano-bubble.

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Don’t be intimidated, it’s not a competition! Sure some will “win” while others will “lose” but if you look at my page for NaNoWriMo… I’m one of those so called losers. Every loss made me learn something. My first story didn’t have enough going on to hit 50k. But it is a 25 full page story. My second story didnt hit 50k that month, but I made it to 98k before the end of that year. In my opinion, writing is victory. The thing that helped me, was keeping it loose so they characters carried the story between the five plot points I had. Although, that way doesn’t work for everyone! Good luck and keep in touch!

  2. Valourbörn says:

    Woo, you’re on fire! Hopefully you find the time to write tomorrow 🙂 I still have to go do my writing for the day but I’ve got today’s work planned out so things should go smoothly. Oh, and I added you! I’m Firefingers 😀

    • TJ Edwards says:

      I can’t hope to have the time, I have to chisel it out of my life! Sleep, gaming and social interactions have been cut to a minimum (Sleep may require an increase).

      Also you added me! That’s awesome! My friends list was a veritable ghost town, complete with tumbleweed and crickets. Now it at least looks like I have friends! Thanks Alex, you’re a legend! Good luck!

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