Remember, Remember… It's the 1st of November

Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

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A quote fit for my day one of NaNoWriMo which has descended upon us. My planning has made for an explosive four chapters in (already an execution and a vicious attack by demons, huzzah!) and it is setting the stage quite nicely! I am concerned with shifting viewpoints (between characters for different chapters, especially the first two) but I did it to keep the reader guessing and also share some insight into an antagonist (who right now seems like a nice guy… ish). But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona.

Auspicious night indeed! As you can see above I am well ahead of schedule to 50000 words (Almost 1/10th of the way there, hurray!) and I have tomorrow off as well. I’m not fooling around this year. I am focused, dedicated and prepared. Something that at my last NaNoWriMo, I was anything but. This month… I may lose friends. I will leave work on time. I will report to my computer at all free time periods. Games will come out. I will buy them and pile them high. My beard will itch.

I am ready. So, NaNoWriMo… take me.

Today while I wrote I watched V For Vendetta and Monty Python & The Quest For The Holy Grail. Firstly, no movie has made me appreciate Hugo Weaving more than a movie he is the main character in, but not having him ever seen in the movie. He is an incredible actor and his talents are simply not demonstrated enough. As for Monty Python, I felt like after smashing out my 1666 words today (ironic that the number of the beast is involved in NaNoWriMo) I needed to laugh a little. Most quotable movie ever and the humor still holds to this day. (1… 2… 5! Three sir!) That rabbit scene slays me every time. Oh my! *Wipes away a tear*

Aside from the movies, if I wrote four thousand and four hundred words a day, I would be sitting somewhere around one hundred and thirty two thousand words at November’s end. Not a bad count for a novel and I’ve got plenty to fill it with too! I am going to try and do a post here each day as well to keep in touch with everyone else and celebrate my own wins!

So I suppose I must throw it out there to you, ladies and gents. How did we fare on day one? Are we ahead? Are we behind? Have we dropped out already?! I’m here for you if you need a cheerleader (just don’t make me put on the outfit, my legs are too hairy)! Let me know and if you’re someone who is new to my blog please feel free to get in contact with me either in the comments or my email address! Thanks guys and good luck on day two!


  1. marsreine says:

    You’re doing great! I can’t do NaNoWriMo this year so I’m happy to see someone else I know is. I’m cheering you on! And I’m here to help (in whatever free time I scrape together haha) if you ever need it. Even if it’s just a quick pep talk. Keep it up and good luck!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Not doing NaNo?! Probably for the best, or you could end up looking all “cueballesque” like me. So far so good and I think I am the most prepared I’ve ever been for any sort of writing in my life. The characters are deep and the world is wonderful! Converting all my ideas into the one world has created a firestorm of ideas and possible story arcs to pound out and enjoy! I’ll do my best to win, especially knowing people are out there cheering me on! Thanks and enjoy the show! (AKA All the writers you know, slowly losing their sanity or hair… I’ve only got one left, and guess which one it is… Mwa ha ha!)

  2. Valourbörn says:

    Ooh, well done today! 😀 I’ve got a solid 1752, but it was rather difficult. I put it off till late and then continued to procrastinate while writing. Argh. May have to turn the WiFi off this month 😉 Good luck tomorrow, keep us updated!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      No procrastinating! Only winning! Wifi is your friend, so long as you only google things and look only for the information you seek. My current length of time surfing the web? Less than a minute.

      I’ve either become some sort of Google Master or I’ve managed to get lucky a few dozen or so times! Good luck Alex and I’m cheering you on! Remember! Stay ahead of the curve!

      • Valourbörn says:

        Yeah sadly I get so distracted looking things up that it’s really just dangerous to even start! That’s awesome for you though, teach me your skills O master 😛 Thank you, thank you, we can do this woo!

        • TJ Edwards says:

          I won’t lie. I’ve actually gone crazy and named almost all of my characters after Gods that embody them. So Veles is a magician (or Slavic God of Magic) and I am trying to pick names that aren’t familiar in English writings. That’s about the only thing I have been searching for every day. Also, make sure your phone is nowhere near you… those things are a procrastinator’s dream!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      You are doing good! Never judge your own progress against someone else! Thanks for stopping by too! Every year around this time I reach out to people doing NaNoWriMo and lend my support or simply let people know they’re not the only one out there writing and going mad this month!

  3. I’m nowhere near being on track wordcount-wise, but the story’s brewing, so that’s always good. Just laughed when I saw your reply about not putting your phone anywhere near your work space. Guilty! I need to heed your advice, though, if I’m going to get anywhere.

    Good luck with NaNoWriMo and happy writing!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      You can still catch up, only takes one great session to get you back on track! I’ve been fortunate in getting ahead early!

      As for the phone, it is a small device filled with distractions in productivity’s uniform. Even apps that sound helpful and manage your time can be a time waster. Not only that, but the internet will still be there after you’ve accomplished what you want.

      Good luck and see you at the finish line!

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