Shortish Story Attempt: The Hunt

“I can’t believe I’m here.” A muscular young man stands at the base of a very modernly designed building, staring straight up and into the dimly lit sky. With a wave of his gloved hand, he brushed his auburn locks away from his face. “Three years I’ve hunted, can’t believe you were here all along.”

His chestnut brown eyes glanced briefly to the sign on the mirror like side of the building and he whispered to himself as he read it. “Euforia Enterprises.” He swallowed hard. “You took everything from me. Now, I return the favour.”

The door to the office building whispered open as the young man entered, his long suit jacket blowing in the slight air conditioned breeze from between the sliding glass panes. As he walked in a security guard stepped out in front of him.

“Excuse me Sir, I’ll need to see some identification.” The burly man stated, no room for misinterpretation in his voice.

“Oh. Of course.” The young man reached cautiously into his navy blue lined blazer and pulled out a singular card.

The security guard took the card and glanced at it. “Roman Firente.” He paused a moment as the light bulb came on in his memory. Before he could reach his own gun, a bullet had exited through the back of his skull.

As the silencer smouldered, Roman lowered it to his side. Disappointing… he almost didn’t remember me. Stepping over the security guard, he began to head toward the dual elevators when a sudden and all too familiar ‘ding’ sound caught his attention. Roman slinked quickly into the shadows as two men rushed out, guns drawn and ties tucked tight against their chests. Two almost inaudible whispers dropped the pair and Roman lowered the pair of guns in his hands. “Unbelievable.” He said shaking his head.

Roman entered the elevator and admired the mahogany finish and polished wood of the tiny room for transport. As he stared at the numbers his finger settled upon the top floor, floor eighty two. The ride to the top was long and filled with nothing but stereotypical elevator jazz. As the doors slid open at the destination, Roman slid quickly into the hallway,  but only silence filled the room.

“Goddamnit.” Roman said as he shook his head, “No one’s here.”

Suddenly his attention turned to a small door at the top of a short set of stairs as it clicked shut.

“Bingo.” Roman smiled. As he made his way up the rickety stairwell, he reloaded both guns. “Well, here we go.”

The door at the top of the stairs pushed open and landed with a large clang against the brick wall supporting it. In that moment of confusion, Roman fired two shots, both hitting the leader of the group and sending him to his back.

“Kill him…” The man whispered as he drew his final breath.

“Master!” As the other thirty people standing on the roof quickly turned, Roman walked calmly up the middle aisle to where the man was speaking.

“Well, that ends that.” Roman spat at his victim. He turned to the enraged masses around him. “Now folks, I have saved you from a demon… a demon who has possessed all of you. He’s turned you into slaves.”

As he spoke, the people around him began to move closer.

Backing away, Roman continued. “You are all free. He turned me into his puppet, just like he has with you.”

Suddenly a man lunged forth and Roman narrowly dodged his flailing.

“Can you not hear-” Roman stopped as he turned and realised he was at the very edge of the building. “Listen, I-”

Five of the mindless ones leapt out toward him and together they all tumbled over the edge. As Roman watched, their skin melted away and their faces turned demonic.

“Hmm, so not like me at all… Okay then.” Roman pulled the trigger on one of his guns and watched as the demon in front of him went limp and drifted away from the group. As his attention turned from the lifeless husk drifting away, he watched as the remaining people from the roof cascaded like a waterfall down toward him.

“Son of a b-” A punch cut Roman’s speech short and he returned to the other four demons clawing away and biting at him. “Fine. Have it-” Roman narrowly dodged a punch as he thrust the gun in his right hand into a demon’s belly. “-your way!” The bullet pierced two demons and with a quick elbow, demons were floating away from Roman at an acceptable rate. Suddenly more were upon him. “Damn it to hell!”

“That’s where we’re taking you… Back to Hell!” One demon hissed.

Roman paused for a moment and shook his head. “Not a damn chance.” With a few more trigger pulls, demons were limply floating into other demons. Roman pulled the trigger on another demon’s arm then turned in free fall to finish it off with a few more bullets. As new demons collided into him, Roman’s frustration grew. “Death to you all!”

Channelling his rage, Roman pushed off one demon to clear away from the pack and fired a hail of bullets into the mass of entangled demons. Then the realisation hit him. “I’m heading toward the ground at an alarming rate.” With a deep sigh, Roman closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. “I hate this part.”

Suddenly his skin embered away and when his eyes opened they were as black as night, but the iris in both eyes had turned to an array of fiery colors. As he pushed downward through the demons he flipped and braced for impact. As the sidewalk cracked beneath his landing, he took a second to recover.

“Ow… That could definitely have gone better.” Roman shook off the pain and cracked his neck. As he began to walk forward a demon landed on the ground before him. “What the-” He looked quickly up and then hopped out of the way as another body landed just to the left of the previous body.

“Shit!” Roman ran and leapt over fallen demons, and dodged and weaved around the falling ones. “Damn, damn… double damn!” He yelled as he shot upward knocking some demons off trajectory. As the last demon landed in a heap of bodies behind him, Roman checked his gun for ammo. “Not bad, still got a couple bullets left for later.”

Walking away from the heap of disaster Roman had left before the business building, Roman felt a wild sense of accomplishment. “I’m finally a free soul.” He thought aloud as he inhaled the first breath of a new day. “I can’t believe that I have escaped that fate.”

“You haven’t escaped yet.”

Roman froze as he turned to see an extremely androgynous person standing against a nearby lamp post , picking at their nails. “Who are you?!”

“Me? That doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you’re alive.” The angel smirked and brushed the hair from its face. “I don’t think you understood the ramifications of your actions or what happens next.”

“Huh?” Roman shook his head. “No no, it was purely a quest for revenge.”

With a slight chuckle, the angel smiled at Roman’s ignorance. “That man you killed was Damian, the son of Lucifer and I don’t think that’s going to go over very well with dear old Dad.”

A New Challenger Approaches!

So because being an assistant manager in retail at Christmas isn’t stressful, or busy enough (endSarcasm); I’ve decided to take on a few projects in the coming weeks. Some of these are small like posting to this blog in one form or another. Some are huge, like edit my novel. Some will be trying, two puppies? Whaat?! And some will be downright impossible (Make sales at work while in a mall renovation? I’ll do my damned best!)

It all comes down to one thing. Routine. Obviously Christmas isn’t the best of times to start this but ah what the hell? Why not? Gotta start some time, right? Of course!

So the list of things I want to accomplish in the next two months are as follows:

Complete Edit of my Novel: Jefferson and the Magician’s Curse
Write in my blog once a day (30 minute limit)
Write 1000 words every second day, passing a story back and forth with a friend.
Beat my pile of unplayed PS3 games and Pokemon. I can do it.
Get not one, but two puppies.
Weed Back garden before dogs get here and convert to raised veggie patch.
ePublish my Circle of Vengeance story.
Insulate my attic.
Read Art of War, The Prince, The Hagakure, The Prophet and Tao-Te-Ching. Possibly the Book of Five Rings too.
Work on my portable body heat powered battery.

I’m sure there’s more but at the moment that may very well be more than enough. Anyway, 30 minutes is up (Not my best words/minute record) and I will see you tomorrow, or you’ll see my words. Or something. Ish.


Hello, Is it me you're looking for?

Wow, time flies when you’re having fun. It is October, my book has stalemated at over 80000 words and I stare into the dimly lit corners of my room searching for answers. Have I failed? Not by any means, 80000 is huge. Have I let myself down? Absolutely. Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades, so as far as I’m concerned, I’m not even close.

The issue isn’t time. The issue isn’t work. The issue isn’t even that I’ve lost interest.

The issue is… I’m terrified to fail.

I’ve definitely failed before. This wouldn’t be a first, nor a second. This wouldn’t even be a tenth (University was hard while working two jobs… Alright?). This is a different kind of failure. One that someone at work nailed right on the head.

Writing isn’t just what I’m passionate about. I’m passionate about video games. I’m passionate about work. But I have a level with writing I am terrified to share. It’s more intimate than what’s beneath the clothes, it’s more intimate than what makes me cry. It’s at it’s very essence my dreams, beliefs; My imaginary moments where I am fighting the hordes of hell alone; My heroisms and my faults. It is the Hyde to my Jeckyl, the Good to my Evil, The sociopath to my extrovert. It is everything I can be, everything I want to be and everything I am all in one.

It terrifies me.

Deep stuff, right? Not really. I have a hundred ideas a day. Some of them are stories, some of them are gadgets and inventions, some of them are songs. My mind wanders nameless and faceless through the wasteland of creativity and steps over the Ideas, forgotten and discarded.

I stare at my story once a day. It is the home screen on Chrome across all my devices. Everyday I stare blankly into the words of my story as it beckons for an end. It could be a quick end, painless… Happily ever after. At this point it beckons to me, simply to finish it… Even if it takes another month.

Perhaps I will give in. Perhaps I will finish it and attempt to get it published. For now, baby steps. This is the first step.

This is a return to discipline, a return to writing.

My favorite quote as of late gives me chills every time I hear it and it is fittingly for the PS4.

“Who are you to deny greatness? If you deny it to yourself, you deny it to the entire world… And we won’t be denied.”

Rantings and Ravings of a Sleep Deprived Retail Worker

The time? Eleven PM. The grumbling? I am still awake.

So this is my sporadic update, to which I will rant and rave like a man wearing a billboard that reads, “THA END IS NAER!”

I have been writing pretty consistently since my last post and am now sitting at the forty percent mark of my lofty one hundred thousand word goal. My writing has improved significantly and I am actually also working on putting together a few short stories to slap together and put out there for free in eBook form. It’s been awhile in the making, but I had set a target of twenty reviews on my Circle of Vengeance short story before I bothered to even look into it. Well, as fate would have it… whoever has been assigned my final review may have passed on, or has abandoned the website altogether.

That doesn’t bother me, I’ll just do more reviews and force some other poor S.O.B. to read my twenty five full page story. Life is great when you don’t have to care who you inconvenience on the internet!

With stocktake on the horizon for my kingdom of employment, that can only mean one thing… interruptions. I will do my best to maintain my current rate of writing, my minimum to hit my August target is six hundred and fifteen words a day. That is easy for the most part, with the occasional day where I force four hundred words, only to completely rewrite them the next day with my goal and a few hundred extra.

Getting up at five in the morning was the best decision I ever made for my productivity. It is a nice quiet time, uninterruptible by most anything.

I will be editing my short stories over my two days off this week in final preparations for eBook publishing with a teaser for Jefferson and the Magician’s Curse. Hopefully all goes well, ideally I’ll get filthy rich off this and then I can drop down to part time at work and focus solely on my writing. Oh the wonderful, wonderful dreams one may have. Anyway, if you are looking for something to do in the meantime, feel free to read my stories at the side titled: The Runner and Circle of Vengeance. Those two stories will be the ones I attempt to publish and I would love to hear any feedback! Anyway for now, it is off to bed as I have to get my taxes done tomorrow before I do anything else!

Keep your fingers crossed for me, and I’ll finish the book for you!

El Sporadic Update – The 20% Mark

So I am now officially 1/5th of the way to my target of 100,000 words. For only writing one hour a day, I am making fantastic progress! This waking up early thing has been the most rewarding and probably challenging thing I have ever done. I mean yesterday was my day off and I did four loads of laundry, three loads of dishes, cleaned the house, BBQ’d some lunch, still got in some writing and critiquing and then still cooked dinner as well! Perhaps there is some truth to all those crazy people who say wake up with a purpose and you will achieve higher levels of productivity and success! I still hate mornings (I don’t drink coffee or tea… so mornings are hard…)

That being said, I haven’t broken my story into chapters or gone back over any of my writing thus far. I am doing what some may call SOMP Writing (Seat-Of-My-Pants) with little or no planning at all. I have found this style of writing extremely rewarding. I know the direction I want to go in, so I am now ensuring that people feel the way I want them to while dropping subtle hints about who the antagonist is. For the moment, it seems magic is the evident antagonist as young Jefferson is trying to figure out how far he can push himself and good magic has its limits.

The world I have built is roughly based around travelling circuses and a time where Magicians stole the show with their tricks. However, these magicians are part of an order which secretly protects the rest of the world from the dark magics. The way magic works in my world is good magic only can draw upon the life force of the user exhausting their energy levels or depending on the power of the spell, causing harm to the user. This restricts the use of overly powerful spells, as they come at great risk. However the forbidden arts or dark magic are based off of using the life force of others and those around you. As this does not fatigue the user or harm them, extremely powerful spells can be used with little regard for the lives around them. Because of the power at no risk and the harm to others, use of magic in that way is forbidden.

This has made some battles interesting and good characters will fall victim to the evils of the world. More so than the bad guys. In this sense I am writing a story in which of course the good guys win, but at what cost? I have been enjoying the characters I have brought into the story thus far and I feel it is moving along at a decent pace. Will this turn into a trilogy? No. I sincerely doubt it. The plot kind of goes as such: Jefferson gets recruited. Jefferson becomes integral to recruiting new members. Antagonist appears. Jefferson builds order to fight Antagonist. Good triumphs, but who survives?

So at the moment I have just begun my second plot point where for the next 20000 words will be recruiting and adding a few more members to the order, while staging the appearance of the antagonist. I already know that those 20000 words will be roughly the hardest points for our protagonist which strengthen his resolve to build the order stronger in the next 20000. The final 20000 will start off with the end, and then the aftermath. Maybe if I still love writing about this world, I can toss in the possibility for a second story.

In the meantime, as a sidebar to this story I have been involved in critiquing the works of others on a website called Review Fuse. In order to get three reviews, I must give three reviews. This type of reading and editing all for my own benefit has been both fun and challenging. Sometimes people will have fantastic writing skills, but have written the most boring story ever. Character developments fall flat, moments which could be epic run dry and I actually read a story that had none of the following: A plot, Characters, A setting, Dialog. It was eight paragraphs of this writer telling me things, about names with no people attached and I don’t think I could have cared less. He introduced drugs, killed one of them off and apparently no one in his story noticed or cared that the guy had died. I guess I felt as empathetic as they did. Not at all.

Still, everything counted, I am writing at least 2000 words a day between my story, my blog and my reviews. It has felt great to get back into it and with the resolve to finish this story. The earlier I finish, the more time I have to edit. Also I have another million ideas to write about after this, so I guess I will continue to get up at five in the morning to write until I am a millionaire telling stories to the world. If I can get paid to write, there is no greater honor and that is the dream!

For everyone out there, I’d like to thank you for supporting me. Whether you are family, friend or total stranger. If you’re a writer yourself or know one, pass this blog along as I would love feedback on the existing stories I have out there and the past work I have done. I’m hoping to get my final three reviews on Circle of Vengeance so I can slap it up on the iBooks store (it’ll be free!) and perhaps even the kindle store! That’s the near future, hopefully if everything goes well and smoothly it will be up by the end of the month. Maybe it’ll be up in time for my birthday! That would definitely be the best birthday present ever! Until the next sporadic update, adios amigos!

Week 1: Progress, Meet Challenge

At five in the morning for the past week, my alarm has sounded and I have grumbled my way from my bed. The beginning of this week was the biggest challenge, changing from waking up at six-thirty to five. You may ask why, but then again you may not care. Either way the reason is I havent been able to actually get to sleep before eleven. Even if I went to bed at ten, I’d be wide awake until then. However I’d be lying if I said the labours weren’t worth the rewards!

Jefferson & The Magician's Curse
Cover by Fena over at

The total word count for my story is roughly fourteen thousand words which is fourteen percent of my goal. The thing that keeps driving me now is the wonderful cover above, I was able to get when I took part in NaNoWriMo last year. I accomplished a fifth of my target because my routine got shot about halfway through. The only way to survive that is to set aside an uninterruptible time where you can focus solely on your writing.

Snowflake Method, Where?
Which one is the Snowflake Method?!

Although I keep hearing about some wondrous snowflake method that helps with planning out novels, it doesn’t seem there are any extensive articles on its use in practice. If anyone can find one, I’d love to see it. The best thing I’ve seen is Scrivener for organisation, but it almost has too many bells and whistles which distracts from the actual act of writing. Lately I’ve just been using and abusing Google Docs and when I create a new area or character or touch on history, I simply make a new document in a themed folder and place as much information in there as I can. I suppose in retrospect I’ve written considerably more this week then I can recall, especially across blog posts, tweets, emails and planning.

Also I think this week I will get my final three reviews on Circle of Vengeance and if they go well I will publish it as an eBook. What is the worst that happens? It fails and no one notices it? Fair enough. Such is life! I will post when that becomes available on the various eBook stores. I will make it free to get myself out there!

Anyway as for the end of my blog post today, I must get back to it!

It Begins Anew AKA I Hate Mornings.

After my last post, which one of my wonderful friends dubbed my semi annual soul searching, I began to revisit why I continually disappoint myself when it comes to my writing. Thankfully, this friend also gave me some fantastic outside input with regards to my habits and lifestyle and how that could have a definite effect on my writing. In retrospect I should have seen this a lot sooner, but better late than never I suppose!

You see, I find I work better at night. My creativity is flowing freely and the days events have culminated into a relaxing evening ripe for writing. This is somewhat of an issue though, as both my lovely girlfriend and I work days. This means my social life exists pretty much after dinner, which also means any time I try and allocate for writing will eventually be interrupted. Every time I have failed before, the routine breaks. Work gets in the way. Social events take precedence. I go to bed early. I have needed a consistant block of writing time for a long time.

The worst part of everything is, I’ve ignored this advice because I hate mornings. Hate, HATE mornings. I love to sleep in, the thought of getting up early simply nauseated me, especially coming off night shift less than six months ago. But every writer out there has said: Set aside some proper writing time, an hour a day, uninterrupted, early in the morning is best.

What do they know right?

Here I am now, after revisiting my grand total words for this blog last year. I have written over one hundred and six thousand words. That is thirty thousand more words than the first Harry Potter! That is almost three times The Chronicles of Narnia’s The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe! What do I have to show for it? Not a lot, many short stories I suppose. But to consider I only did that over less than 100 posts? Madness!

Effectively, I have made the decision to take a single story and try to bring it to completion. Considering I already have a sweet cover for Jefferson and the Magician’s Curse, I’m going with that one. Also, I have begun waking before the sun, at five in the morning. I have set aside this hour each day to write, plan and research for my story. This first week will be the hardest. I can jump straight up out of bed, I can get to my desk, but I’ll be damned if I say I am awake yet. The only good news about this time of day is no other rational person will interrupt my writing!

So, for my 100th post! For the future of my writing! And finally to prove I can finish a novel! I hereby promise to myself and to any out there who read this, I will complete this story. I will type at least a thousand words a day until it is complete!

I may also take up drinking coffee!

I may also develop narcolepsy!

I will give myself until August 21st to complete this story! One hundred and forty mornings, One thousand words a day, One hundred thousand word target, with forty days for revision. Wish me luck!

Fear of Failing: It's a Thing

So, for anyone who used to read this blog and for anyone who stumbles upon it, this blog was meant for writing and gathering feedback. Roughly four months ago I began November with a chip on my shoulder and the intent to write a novel in a month. Needless to say, I have failed.

I tried everything I could to get myself there. Oh, except make time. Everything and its dog was more important.

Now I have returned to stare down the cold hard blank screen of truth as I have so many times before and ask myself, why do I keep choosing to fail?

I currently work in retail and I am successful beyond the average. I have worked at eight different companies and aside from the first two, I have been promoted at every one. The only reason I left any was for a move or no room for advancement. I blame my best friend, who actually started me on the path. He and I push and compliment each other like brothers who grew up in different worlds. He is the book smart, down to the letter, engineer kind of guy with the enthusiasm for creativity but not always the common sense for certain things or situations. As for me, I suppose I am a self described street smart guy with a yearning for knowledge and adventure who if he had applied himself at school would have done considerably better. As a high achiever, my friend became a bar for which I began to judge my own success. If he managed to ace a test and I was close to him without studying, I was content. If he got promoted, I saw that as something I could do. Even our time at the gym was a bit rough on each other, whether we played badminton or worked out.

However this didn’t carry over into other things as we had parted ways for university. I do suspect things might be drastically different if he and I attended school together. Sadly this was not the case. You see I did Computer Science and followed that up with a 3D Animation Diploma, while he went Computer Engineering and into Law. That aside, I realised something while we were apart.

I am terrified to fail.

I saw him get promoted at the movie theatre and decided that he and I were of comparable skill and capabilities. I simply told myself, I can do that. Then I did it. Seeing him go through Engineering and Law, I believe I too could do both of those things. I don’t have an interest in Law but Computer Engineering could be extremely useful in the future with the rise of computing. It wouldn’t be easy, but I could do it.

Writing however differs from this. I have seen him try and write, create worlds and hand me stories to read. All in all, he is not considered a successful writer. This is where I believe my own mental block stems from, but not so much him. I have seen people have success in their writing, I have seen people get published and become best sellers with terrible grammar, horrible plots and empty characters. When I ask myself why can’t I get there, the answer is simple. I have not tried, because like all arts, it is up to interpretation. I am terrified that my dream of creating worlds and stories will come to a crashing end with a publisher simply stating that I am terrible. It is a hard truth, although I have been told this many times in my career in retail.

The issue is, this is intimate. Reading my story is meeting my imaginary friends, exploring my imaginary lands and eavesdropping on my daydreams. When someone walks in on you singing to yourself or dancing like no one is watching, you feel embarrassed. Imagine spending weeks, months or years even, only to have someone tell you that this dream of yours is absolute rubbish. I can fix anything I do at work, there is always a clear cut answer and most of the time my gut is right anyway. But for writing, something vague yet structured where creativity and order amid chaos somehow mingle together to achieve a solid state, I cannot find it in myself to fail. To fail this is to accept reality. I know that failing is merely another chance to revisit what you have done and fix it, but this is the one area I am beyond fragile in. This is my Achilles heel and I am just not sure as to how to overcome it.

Failing NaNoWriMo was devastating for me. I almost always achieve my goals, but life managed to over rule my every move on writing. I have been reading articles on overcoming failure and man are they spot on.

Signs of Fear of Failure
You might experience some of these symptoms if you have a fear of failure:

  • A reluctance to try new things or get involved in challenging projects.
  • Self-sabotage – for example, procrastination, excessive anxiety, or a failure to follow through with goals.
  • Low self-esteem or self-confidence – Commonly using negative statements such as “I’ll never be good enough to get that promotion,” or “I’m not smart enough to get on that team.”
  • Perfectionism – A willingness to try only those things that you know you’ll finish perfectly and successfully.

I’ll be damned. I feel that I definitely Self-Sabotage and I am a notorious Perfectionist. I suppose in regards to writing I lack the confidence, but I always try and challenge myself.

The only thing I apparently can do to help myself is think positively and plot out goals for my writing. Personally I would love to pick a successful writer’s brain on how to actually plan or how they came to some sort of organisation on planning characters and their interactions. For now, this has been a grand first step and hopefully I can continue this soon! I would love any feedback and if you can do me a huge favour, if you read this article, please share it. I would love any and all feedback in overcoming the fear of failure as well as any writing organisation and planning tips!


Alright, out of the gates I am up to date. Tomorrow however I am busy from sun up until sun down and I have work the next day. The biggest challenge for me is going to be to find time to write, not so much the actual writing itself. I have a great concept, thus far the pacing is feeling right and I’ve decided to hell with the plan (I ran out of time for that) I’m just going to cram out as many words a day as I can until my little fingers make it.

Although I just updated my word count and it says we are on day three. Damn. I also start moving house next week. Plus stocktake at work. Plus social commitments.

It’s a damn good thing I am already bald!

Keep watching here for exciting updates as I struggle to not only maintain sanity but also write a book, move my house, help run a stocktake, travel and keep people up to date on how my writing is going.


Why the hell didn’t I just grow a moustache this year for november? is my progress! Wish me luck! (Or send me chocolate covered espresso beans or crates of red bull)

Suggestions For Writing Fiction

I have spent many days reading and writing to arrive at this point in my life. Sadly, this point is that grey area where I am simply a writing enthusiast. By a profession standpoint I am not a professional writer, nor do I make myself out to be. I’m neither published or widely popular. But I have done lots of research into the craft of writing and how to be a better one in all aspects from the writing itself to the mentality itself. Since so many people really love top ten lists, I figured, why not give it a shot? But this list is a summary of all of the many tips and hints I have seen along with what has helped inspire me. Some published authors say if you believe your work is fantastic, then it most assuredly is not. I disagree to an extent. Confidence is key in any job, and if you want writing to be your profession, then it is indeed a job. In no particular order, here is my top ten list.

1) Read often, write more.
This should be your main practice. Do I necessarily mean read fiction? No. Expand past what you want to write. Read reviews, poems, essays and even newspaper articles for not only ideas but flow and rhythm. I have found that reading from authors who have as much passion as I do for writing has helped. Ray Bradbury has done wonders for me and I cannot stress reading his Zen in the Art of Writing enough.

2) Be confident and humble.
Be proud of the work you do, it is the love child of your labours and your creativity and you have every right to be. Now that you’ve inflated your ego, take criticisms well. It will sting at first but if you consider every criticism even with a grain of salt then you may find a new spark of creativity for your story. After all, while we write our sub conscious fills in gaps for us. We secretly know the information sometimes even before we know that we do. These assumptions are not evident to the reader and despite your implying of events, they may miss critical information that throws the story for them.

3) Write, Hack, Slash, Re-Write.
You’ve just written a twenty page short story? That’s fantastic. Now go through and cut any word that does not need to be there. You may think we want high word counts to create big books, but if two thousand words in a ten thousand word story were unnecessary, it would fall flat. Cut scenes that don’t move the story, change descriptions to actions or experiences and move words around to create smaller concise sentences.

4) Find a writing group.
This is important. I have only placed one short story up for critique on a web based writing group and while much of the feedback has been positive and cheerful, the ones that have been overly critical have actually stuck out in my mind. Just as my first ten out of ten rating made my heart skip a beat, the first three out of ten made my blood boil. I went straight in and changed many of the things they disagreed with and some of them I passed over as they were meaningless. The whole experience however has been extremely positive, getting feedback on what people not only dislike but enjoy about your writing is unparalleled. Also, make sure you have no friends there. The reason I say that is because as much as we believe our friends aren’t biased, they are. They see our passion for our story and they want to let us down easy. These people critiquing your story should have no ties to you so you can be assured of their honesty.

5) Write everyday.
Pick a number. Ten? Two Hundred and five? One thousand? Pick a goal and stick to it. It must be attainable and you must do it every single day. Don’t have much time? Pick a small number and ensure you make time (You can type two hundred words with one hand on your cell phone over the course of your meals and washroom breaks for the day), write anywhere and everywhere that you can. When you can’t write, think about it. Think about what you are going to write as soon as you get home or near something to write on. Also, if your muse is working overtime, let them. You may have to give them time off in lieu but if you go from writing a hundred words to two thousand for one day, just go for it.

6) Reread your writing aloud.
This can be both fun and annoying. Pick a method for how you will read certain punctuation and stick with it. I prefer to give finality to my voice as I approach a period. Pause at every comma. With an exclamation mark, consider yelling it with excitement. This will help keep your characters from sounding excited all the time, even if they are reminiscing about an awesome summer they had. This also helps with tone, flow and can also spark your creativity amid conversations between characters.

7) Do not do research unless the story is hinging on it.
Research is a fantastic tool. It can provide depth to stories and allow your world to fit into ours. Think of how the Matrix changed the way we considered the world? That being said, Wikipedia is the devil. It is a tool designed as a map leading you away from productivity and into knowledge. Every article has dozens of links which contain more information and better sources. Click on these at your own risk. Every time you research you begin distracting yourself from the main idea of your story and you run the risk of coming up with a newer shinier idea which will leave the other to collect dust. Unless it is absolutely necessary perhaps leave the research for the first edit. This way you may focus on the creative portion of your writing and at least make it through the first leg of the race.

8) Write down


When I say every, I mean every. What was that? A piece of music just inspired you to see a beautiful garden? Write that down and the song it came in on. In all honesty, keep what is called a creativity or inspiration journal. My method is between a four by three inch notepad and post it notes. I convert them to digital notes on my desktop and then I can see them all the time. Having so many ideas around is also fantastic for your own creativity because perhaps the story you are writing gets caught up and you cannot get past that point for the life of you. Jump into another story idea and perhaps there you will find the solution for your issue.

9) Never limit yourself to one piece of writing at a time.
I cannot stress this enough. It feels great to finish one story, but to make progress on many is rewarding both creatively and mentally. Sometimes we writers are hit with a block that completely destroys our ability to continue. This can most times be avoided by a shift into a different gear or world. If you are constantly working a novel, then by all means set your word goal accordingly. But never forget about the other ideas in your head or other writing that you may feel compelled to write.

10) Follow your heart.
Many of the now considered greatest writers were at one point shunned by publishers and critics alike. If you enjoy a certain simile or metaphor, keep it. This is your writing. Every time we write something whether it be a short story, poem or essay; we pour our blood, sweat and tears into it. Our goosebumps are in these stories. That tingling sensation when something goes according to plan, we put that in there too. Your writing is your writing. As long as you follow the rules of language, then anything is possible.

That about rounds up my own personal top ten list for writing’s helpful hints. As I said in the beginning I have yet to be published aside from a poem, but this is a single stepping stone in my path to becoming a professional writer. I leave you with my poem that was published, its single inspiration was a small photo handed to me in year twelve english with the challenge to write exactly what I felt. I loved the challenge and wrote this in less than a minute to full marks. Sometimes I miss how easy high school was.

    Not Quite Nostalgic

A sea of hope, a beach of sand.
Some have never seen nor heard,
The whispering winds across the land.

Though I have seen many a time,
The lapping waves, in rhythmic beauty,
Rising and falling, almost in rhyme.

The tide across the sandy beach,
No worries or cares, just silent sounds.
No lesson to learn, nor to teach,
Not quite nostalgic, yet my heart still pounds.