How The Time Doth Fly

Wow… I planned on giving an update into my writings roughly uhh… nine days ago.

Well this is awkward.

Either way, my life has been starting to look up as me and the girlfriend began looking at display homes in the hunt for, “The One”. (See relevant blog post here) At work they hired a third key holder (possibly no more open to closes, that is until my boss is forced to take more holidays) so my holidays are coming up… oh man… In two weeks!

As not excited as my girlfriend is for my so called, Staycation, I am beyond pumped! I want to clean! I want to cook! I want to sleep! I want to game! I want to write! It will be good as an introvert to actually just stay home where all of the stuff I love is and recharge the old batteries. Life can be exhausting. Especially since my last staycation was when I moved to Australia four years ago, and that wasn’t relaxing… that was freaking out about being unemployed for three months when really I should have written a damn novel and taken advantage of the situation… Damn you past TJ! Damn you!

As for gaming, I played an hour of the new Batman game and realised one thing. If I were Batman, they would strip me of my license to drive and take away the Batmobile. That thing handles like a sleigh pulled by one legged emus. I have grown to loathe the bloody thing and they force me to use it. I’m Batman for crying out loud, let me find another way… I’m sure there has to be one! Although the new suit and subsequent takedowns are fantastic! All that being said though, now that Fallout 4 has been announced, everything else is simply filler until then.

Oh yeah, what was this post about again? Writhing? No… Whiting? No. Ah yes, writing. To be honest I haven’t done a lick of writing in the past few weeks.

However… I have managed some editing.

I think if I have my way, Jefferson and The Magician’s Curse along with the two novels to come would suit the big screen really well! Also these novels lay the groundwork and lore for the other trilogy where work has begun. Thus far, that novel has a lot more viewpoints and protagonists while also being larger in scope and would suit a TV show really well. Partly, I think this will affect some of my decisions for both series of novels, but first thing is first.

I have to finish editing Jefferson before all these dreams come close to reality!

I had planned on submitting a short story for a contest towards the end of last month, and between my partner’s birthday weekend and working I managed to get out a sub par story that didn’t even seem like it was written by me. I suppose you have to be in it to win it, but I didn’t feel as though I was putting my best foot forward. I’m still pretty bummed that I didn’t get something submitted, but I think I’ve learned I really need to work on my editing skills. Editing Jefferson has been one of the hardest challenges I’ve had to face and a lot of that has to do with being brutally honest with myself and cutting things if they don’t feel right. Sometimes that scene you love just isn’t going to work out. Sad days.

Best part about the editing though is it seems as though most of my writing made sense (except where you could tell I was mid-stride and falling asleep) and some of it is actually really good. It is building my confidence in a good way, almost to the point where I’m ready to pass it on! Sooooooon!

Lastly, I have been meaning to go to this writing group and check it out nearby. Sadly every time I think about what day it is, I always seem to be the day after the meeting! There’s another one next month, but I will most likely be working that day! I mean honestly, who has these events at 10:30 am?!

Anyway off to sleep and back to editing tomorrow! 50% mark cometh!