Dear Diary… Captain's Log… Screw It.

Post twenty two… of twenty two… I’m starting to feel like I should be writing a journal instead.

Dear Future Me,

Today I made a funny.


Past Me.

Or maybe it should be something like…

Captain’s Log: Stardate 93076.75

The Earthlings believe I am one of their own. I may rest easy as I am a fully functioning member of their society.

Captain Edwards

Today was a very trying day from work, but no matter how the day may actually be going, I can see that writing light at the end of the tunnel. I often find myself wondering, what would Gandalf do in my situation then I laugh and I carry on as if nothing really matters.

The one thing that truly matters is how much of my novel is still left to edit. All I can say is too much. I feel the need for some time away from work and then I can focus on destroying it. One thing I’m having trouble with in my story is what I like to call the Superman complex. This is where a character uses the same amount of energy no matter the actual event.

Catching a car? Worth a grunt and flexed muscles.

Stopping a meteor? Flexed muscles and… a grunt.

Pushing a planet into the sun? Grunt. Muscles.

So I curse myself for what I am playing with is magic and to write magic as realistic as possible with very dire consequences has been incredibly rewarding and challenging. On the other side though is how it affects a character when they draw on their own energy. It causes them to be exhausted, as if you’d run a marathon or worked out for a few hours. The problem comes from at the beginning of the story even the antagonist feels this with a simple spell. Maybe he’s just out of practice in my head, but only the muse knows. Later on there is a full blown battle and he goes toe to toe with someone using forbidden magic and is about the same as early in the story. This means I’m going to have to create different levels of energy usage and write out some proper notes on my world’s magic. Could be useful.

These type of notes will come in handy when in my future story, it’s much more common place and slightly altered due to the evolution and acceptance of magic throughout the years. The consequences are very similar although insanity can be defined in so many different ways in that novel. In fact I keep staring at the sixty thousand words in that novel and think to myself maybe I should finish that one first, but it makes more sense to get Jefferson out first. My idea has always been to lead with a Young Adult trilogy into a High Fantasy trilogy.

Anyway enough about my writing, how are you going out there beyond the blog? Hopefully it’s going well! Apparently Camp NaNoWriMo starts next month, so good luck to those partaking in the incredible battle of the wills and the words.

The Wall, AKA How I sometimes feel looking out from my blog.
The Wall, AKA How I sometimes feel looking out from my blog.

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!