NaNoWriMo Day 6 – The Catch Up

First thing’s first- the totals!

Today – 2371, Total 13618!

Very happy with the resulting word count for sure! My target for today was to make up the 670 words I was too tired to write yesterday. Honestly, I should have started earlier today and I would have absolutely blown away the word count but I’m actually walking away from the keyboard wanting more. That’s right, I could keep writing!

That’s right, I could keep writing and I’m walking away!

You probably all think I’m crazy. But there are a few reasons!

Number one: Actual paycheck work, I need to be coherent for that at 7AM, which means feeding the dogs at 6AM so I can make it work on time.

Number two: I don’t want to be as tired as I was yesterday. After rereading my last four sentences, I probably should have stopped six sentences before that. Lesson learned.

Number three: I’m at a pivotal scene where the protagonist is trying to overcome his past to control magic, which is his future. I want to write it with as much punch as I can, and right now he’s struggling. I’m loving it!

Bonus Reason: I didn’t post on the blog yesterday, and I wanted to since I had a serious increase in traffic yesterday! (Thanks for swinging by!) Hopefully you folks are coming by to share your wins and celebrate mine!

Anyway, that’s it for now, I need to sleep but I have another day off coming up shortly and I’m pretty excited to write tomorrow! Hopefully, this momentum carries on for the rest of this week!

I decided my target date for 50k is November 18th. Not because Pokemon comes out or anything… but because… you know… goals.

See you on the flip side and good luck in the word trenches!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!