NaNoWriMo Day 4 – So Tired Already

Ha ha! I somehow did it, but I made a mad dash as best I could for that 10k mark and I did!

10065 is my current count, with 2300 words written today! I won’t lie though, I’m not sure how the rest of this month will go unless I take up some sort of caffeinated beverage. Hopefully Coke would like to sponsor me for the rest of the month? Red Bull? Anyone?!

20% of the novel down for this month, but I think I need to pick up the pace of the story a bit. This first 20% has set the scene and nailed the protagonist down, but as of right now he’s alone and experimenting with magic which doesn’t feel as though in another 30k words I’ll be hitting the climax. I’ll keep thinking about it, maybe the next 30k will be exceptionally hectic as his powers get out of control! Who knows? Not me, not yet.

Anyway, thanks for swinging by and feel free to share your wins or challenges in the comments below. For now? I’m going to bed!


  1. Congrats on the 10,000. I did the same thing – dashed out those first words and am now thinking, hmmm, what are they going to do for the rest?? Hopefully it will all fall into place. Best of luck!

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