Back To The NaNoWriMo Future!


So this is a post that I’ll be making use of my blogging DeLorean and Flux Capacitor to write. At 88 wpm, I’m hoping to make it back into yesterday’s posting time frame!

So yesterday didn’t go as well as planned:

  • Slept in and accomplished no writing before work.
  • Guy quit at work, he wasn’t feeling it so hopefully things go well for him.
  • Didn’t get as much done at work or at home.
  • Had a sudden change of plans.
  • Got home late.
  • Wrote four hundred words.
  • Fell asleep.
  • Showered.
  • Missed blog post.

You know it’s bad when your daily target is below a thousand and you can’t hit it. Lucky for me I’ve got roughly a week’s worth of words in the bank, I know others who aren’t as lucky.

My muse however has taken the day off to rest, but my novel characters have taken up the mantle. I love when a character says something about their limitations and you think to yourself… you know what? I’m going to force them into that situation! Be careful what you say, just in case the author of your life is listening in. Especially if he’s a jerk like me! (Weak point is Kryptonite huh? You get kryptonite, you get kryptonite, EVERYONE GETS SOME KRYPTONITE!!! I miss Oprah…)

On the flip side, I haven’t run out of things to write about yet. In fact as I seemingly tie up one end, two more begin. This is the hydra of stories!

Although I must say story and writing aside, there is nothing worse than a neighbour yelling at their kids while you’re trying to write. Nothing breaks you out of a harsh scene where a character is being kidnapped like your neighbour yelling “GET THAT HOSE OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! NO! STOP IT!” (Seriously though, when I’m rich and famous, you and your family can enjoy a free box of tambourines, maracas and assorted percussion instruments. Please, don’t thank me… it’s the least I can do.)

You can look forward to another post today about how I actually went writing. I am seventy percent of the way to target and happy to report that I still have half a month left! I am also wondering from all you lovely folks out there, has anyone found a word tracker (official or non) that updates from the NaNoWriMo website. I looked at the code and it seems like when it loads the page, my information is already there so there’s no way to link to it in widget form. Either way back to the realms of magical war where nothing is seemingly… as it seems… Yes.

Until later WriMos… Good luck and may many words find your page!


    • TJ Edwards says:

      Gotta hit it to win it! Although in the run of things, writing simply more than any other month is a serious win. Every minute and every word matters! Don’t get discouraged!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!