Tag: episode-7

Heroisms: Impervious

(This is Episode Seven, Just joining in? Find Episode One @ Heroisms: Immortality or the Previous Episode @ Heroisms: Destiny)

I have to stop running… my lungs are about to burst. Jason turned back and looked down the alley as if he was expecting someone to be following him. As he stood staring, he waited long enough to catch his breath. Pulling something from his pocket, he glanced down to his hand. The diamond bullet sparkled in the moonlit alley. He grinned to himself. I guess diamond won’t cut it any more, which makes me wonder, what can kill me? As he stood there contemplating his weakness, he felt the urge to move on. After all it wouldn’t be long before the government had completely trawled the river looking for his corpse. As he made his way to a manhole cover, he considered the sewers for cover. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Jason spun and looked around the alley. “Who’s there!? Show yourself!” From the shadows walked a man in a suit. “Jason.” Jason stared at the man, unsure if it was the same man he had met many years before. “Drifter? Is that you?” The man acknowledged the name and smiled. “Consider this your going away present.” He walked up and gave Jason a small pill. “Take that and they’ll lose the trace on you.” As he began to move back to the shadows he turned with one last thing. “Good luck Jason, don’t do anything too stupid.”

Alex sat in the cab between the two girls. All he wanted to do was hold them until he knew everything would be okay. As he thought about watching Jason being shot, he wondered who would be next? Would it be him? One of the girls? Suddenly the radio caught his ear. Crackling and hissing in the moments of silence, it seemed as though the President was making some kind of address. “…latest act against the government will not be tolerated. As we move forward a counter terrorism unit will be put in place in every state. These will be helmed by some of the most specialized and advanced soldiers we have seen to date.” Alex sat back in his seat and considered this. Is that a message for the heroes out there? He turned to Brooke and saw she seemed unconcerned with the broadcast, but when he looked to Alison he knew she was thinking the same thing. As they arrived back at the base, Alex helped the girls out of the car and watched as scores of federal agents were combing the place for clues. An agent ran up to them and shook his head. “I’m sorry, but you guys might be free, but you’re not allowed here. Arrangements have been made for you to stay with Delta squad.” He pointed to a man on a nearby chair, playing on his iPhone. “He’ll take you there.”

Alex and his posse walked up and greeted the slim man, who was engrossed in his game. “Hey so I hear you’re-” The man shushed them from his seat and dragged his finger across the screen and then lifted it. They watched as he turned from hopeful to angry. “God damn boomerang bird… So yeah, I’m Morgan from Delta team, yadda yadda yadda. Let’s blow this joint.” He stood up and put his arms around Alex and grabbed Brooke and Alison on the arm. “It’s a pleasure.” Alex stared at him with confusion, amid much discomfort. “What are you doing exactly?” Morgan just grinned. “Oh, I’m just real friendly. Especially with the ladies.” He turned and shot Alison a wink, and she turned away in disgust. “Well hold on tight. We’re there in three-two-one-” In a flash the group were suddenly in a large stark white room with no windows and only a garage door. “Welcome to Delta Squad!” He let them go and walked a few steps forward before Brooke vomited all over the ground in front of her. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. “Interesting, girl can’t handle it.” He walked away as Alex tended to her.

The alleys were crawling with hobos and disturbing animals of the night. As Jason made his way to the homeless shelter he hoped he still had a friend left. When he walked in, he saw her. She was a breath of fresh air whenever his eyes found her. She wasn’t much taller than five feet, but she carried herself as if she was a pillar of incredible beauty. Jason stopped for a moment to take her all in from her small black shoes so perfectly plain, to her long flowing skirt, up her hips and her torso to her stunningly natural beauty. Her eyes shimmered like two sapphires of hope in the sea of gold that was her hair. He melted as she turned to him and dropped everything to come crashing into his arms. “Jason! It’s so good to see you! It’s been… oh my gosh, three no, four years?” Jason’s grin faded away. “Yeah, I don’t know why I don’t come here more often, if for nothing else the scenery Julia.” She blushed and sat him down with her on a nearby bench. “So to what do I owe the honor?” Jason cringed a bit. “I hate popping back into your life with a huge request, but I need a place to stay.” Julia leaned back with a quizzical look on her face. “Is everything alright?” Jason shook his head. “No, my employers tried to kill me and I intend on repaying them for that.”

Unbiased Law: Episode 7

Today is Episode Seven of Unbiased Law, a robot drama set in 2111.  As humans are phased out of the system of law, robots replace them becoming purely black and white in their dealings with the public. Crime is down, and almost eliminated completely due to the accuracy rate of the droids. However, after one man in prison is found innocent, the law system is thrown into question. If one robot can make these errors, how do they know more won’t… or already have?

If you’re just tuning in, Episode One is here feel free to catch up and then return to this Episode! Enjoy!


With no police commissioner, the police force would report to another robot who didn’t like humans very much. This particular robot had been recommended for the same award I was but even the commissioner believed that he couldn’t leave the force. He was too much of a danger to humans as it was, but at least on the force there were guidelines and accountability. I know I would have to find Ms. Del Mar and fast. I decided the fastest way would be to talk to the man behind bars to see if he was linked in anyway shape or form, and tonight I would camp outside the discard graveyard to see if I could tail her. I just hoped it wouldn’t be dangerous for me in my current state.

As I made my way to the man at the core of this whole issue, I realized I didn’t even know his name. After explaining myself at the prison, the guard made me sign a whole tree worth of forms, and then let me in to see him. As I looked at the man at the center of it all, I didn’t feel sorry for him. No. I realized that this man was behind the whole thing. As I looked down at the sheet with his name on it, I tried to think about what to ask first. “So, Mister Radlem. It seems you’ve been wrongfully accused however you’re still in prison. Why do you think that is?” The blond haired man beyond the bullet proof glass scoffed. “It’s because no one can trust robots. Every day a robot is burrowing its way into your life. Taking jobs, lives, and running our society. It is high time we take back what is rightfully ours, before they just say that they’re in charge now and we can’t do anything about it.” I looked around cautiously and leaned in. “I know what you mean, there are probably robots in this very room. In fact how do I know you’re not a robot?” Mister Radlem looked confused but proud of my response. “You’re probably right, there could be robots here.” He motioned for me to come closer and he began whispering to me. “But what no one knows, is I still have family on the outside. They’re helping to get me free.”

They’re helping to get me free. The last words Mister Radlem was allowed to speak to me. Apparently we got too close, so his time was cut short for the day. As I thought about it more, I contemplated my decision to wait at the discard graveyard tonight. I needed to investigate this guy’s situation first. Who was his daughter. Where was she now? I decided to do a little old school investigating. To Radlem’s house under the cloak of darkness, that is how I’d get my information.

After some quick searches I found his house no problem. It was a dark and dingy hut of a house. But it’s not the building, but what’s inside of it that makes it a home. As I snuck around the back, I found a window partially open and decided to let myself in. No broken windows? This night was looking up. I hopped on through and into the home, seeing many photos of Radlem and what looked to be Ms. Del Mar. Hmm, Del Mar… Radlem… If I was human, maybe I would have seen that earlier. As I looked around I found so much evidence that Del Mar was actually Radlem’s daughter it wasn’t funny. Case closed. As I left, I shut the window behind me and continued on my way. That seemed easy, too easy.

As I waited in the bushes for what felt like forever, I could only be too grateful that I was a robot now and didn’t have to worry about bathroom breaks. Finally a car rolled up, looking extremely familiar. As I reached for my gun, I realized something. I was such a worthless robot, who has ever heard of a robot with no memory? I forgot my gun in my office. Of all the stupid… oh, she’s really close. As I focused on her face, I realized it was her. The media proclaimed “Serial Number Killer”. How stupid. Just because she is killing robots doesn’t mean they had to say serial number. The media gets less and less creative every year. As I watched her enter the house, I knew I would have to wait. No gun, and she had already killed me once. I wasn’t about to let that happen again.

Today was going a bit too smoothly, so I would have to have something throw a wrench into the works. No gun means no glory for me, but I could still report her. As I called it into the station they gave me some trouble. “What do you mean Radlem’s daughter is the Serial Number Killer?” I knew I would shock them with that news. “I have video evidence of her murdering a robot and leaving another one at the discard graveyard.” The voice on the other end of the line sounded even more shocked. “That’s impossible sir. We filed her death certificate over a week ago. The woman you are accusing has been dead for over a week.” Now it was my turn to be shocked. As I hung up with the police, I thought about who could be in the house and who had been visiting her father in prison?


That’s it for today’s episode, I hope everyone enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoy writing it! Also, I was wondering what everyone has been thinking of the episodic content and if they think I should continue on with more stories perhaps once either of my two features here end! let me know in the comments or email me! Thanks!