Tag: competitions

Initiatives and Undertakings

I know what you’re thinking- Didn’t you just post the other day? The answer, may surprise you!

Actually it won’t.

I did.

Now that we’re past that, this post is to set my own goals for the blog for the remainder of 2018! They say once it’s in writing, you have to do it right? (I will get an agent this year, I will get published this year, I will become a millionaire this year…) Aside from wishing on a star, I’ve decided on the following cycle for this here ole blog!

From here on out, there will be two posts a week MINIMUM. They will cycle between the following in no particular order:

  • Writing Prompts (for when you’re stuck, I’ll generate some ideas, taking requests)
  • Book Reviews (when I finish a book… The Gunslinger, then a writing book)
  • Recently Discovered Blogs (the Liebster award inspired me to do this regularly)
  • My Writing Life (my progress, process, wins and fails)
  • Interesting Things (found during research or slacking off)
  • Competitions and Course Deals (that you may be my competition for)

Also, don’t be surprised if Canva.com art features heavily for the next while. I am HORRIBLY addicted. No, seriously… is there a C.CAA (Canva.Com Addicts Anonymous)? My Instagram is going to be a billboard for that website soon enough as between those and my pups, I’m realising not much else is on there aside from travel photos!

For today, I’ll give you a tidbit of each one:

Writing Prompt (Non-Canva.com Version, AKA Beta Version) – A man accidentally hits a pedestrian with his car and upon getting out to investigate, finds he’s killed himself.

Book Review – (Trade Comic) Thor: Goddess of Thunder: The tease of a Goddess of Thunder piqued my interest very early on and as much flack as the story received, I didn’t find it was all that bad. Is it ground breaking? No, in fact it has many jokes that feel out of place for the character who has recently discovered they are worthy of the power of Thor. That said though, the artists need commending as they held their own in the epic story that is a tale of Thor. Sadly, it ends before it divulges who Lady Thor really is, but in the interview in the back spoil it for the next trade! All in all 7/10 as the art carries the story, but I get the feeling its not the last we will see of a character wielding Mjolnir.

I’ll skip the newly discovered bloggers this time around as my previous post, The Liebster Award, is still fresh and making the rounds.

Competitions I’ve discovered: HOOBOY! There are tons of decent ones coming to an end very soon, (I’ll name only one for now though) which means that deadline monster that helps us all get things done can help you out! Not only that but practice and prize money? Win-win!

Interesting Things: The Honjo Masamune samurai sword was a masterfully crafted blade that was passed down from shogun to shogun during the Edo Period of Japan’s history. The blade survived through a number of battles with tales of its quality being told throughout and it was in circulation until sometime around World War II when it was confiscated and vanished. Even today, no one knows where the sword may exist or if it still exists, despite it being declared a National Treasure in 1939. (See Wikipedia)

My Writing Life: Currently I am juggling more than I should be! I’ve registered for 3 Australian Writer’s Centre courses, I am editing my first draft of Jefferson and the Magician’s Curse, I am reading The Gunslinger by Stephen King and a book on Self-Editing in an attempt to jump start my editing chops and all the while subbing in for my boss who’s wife is going to have their baby soon while the store prepares for stocktake. *GASP* I am on module 4 for my first course (building your author platform), I’m two chapters into Self-Editing for Fiction Writers (highly recommended thus far) and I’m 1/10 complete of my edit. Also, because I’m insane, I’m considering the #WriteABookWithAl starting in February. Book two, Jefferson and the Eternal Mana, won’t write itself and I just figured out the final scene while I showered tonight.


So this post will probably be the last live one I post (as it is currently 1:35 am) but my plan is to post these twice a week, probably Tuesday and Friday, in the hopes that I can get ahead enough to not have to worry about blog posts as much! Anyway, I’d love to hear how your current work in progress is going and let me know if you’re stuck, maybe I can help and I won’t ask for anything in return!

Good luck out there folks beyond the screen, and keep on writing!