Under the Cover of Darkness

Photoshop is the devil.

Yes, I said it. It’s been so long since I used it, they’re now into some crazed editions that I can’t keep up with. Have I ever mentioned how I hate subscriptions?! GAH! Anyway, I tried my best at making a cover for my novel, Jefferson & The Magician’s Curse.

I… somewhat made one. It’s horrible. I’m awful. Bah.

Between Photoshop not doing what I wanted, me being uber rusty at using the damn thing and the best cover already being made by someone else (see the sidebar), I landed somewhere amid the lot. It’s amazing what a texture can do! Anyway, as I was only using the free trial of Photoshop, I packed it in and will stick to what I do best(ish), which is write!

That being said I’ve emailed off to the lovely lass who created me the first one and I hope she gets it! If not, maybe she’ll swing by here and learn more about why I emailed her!

As a writer, it is hard to find the motivation to actually write. Sometimes you just do! You sit, you write and all is well with the world. Other days, everything is more important because you’re too distracted, your mind is too clouded and social media is loaded with cute dog videos and hilarious fail clips. *Insert checking facebook, laughing for twenty minutes and then returning here*

*Insert checking facebook, laughing for twenty minutes and then returning here*

Ahem, where was I? Ah yes… the cover! So back in 2012 when I won NaNoWriMo for the first time, I realised I was at 50k words, but I was only halfway through my story! A few thingsĀ got me to that point; the support of my partner, the story itself demanding it be told and this little competition I won where that cover was made for me! There is something so powerful about a complete stranger investing time into the work that we as writers are so passionate about. So my novel sat for a while, just past the 50k mark and I left that cover on my desktop. It was my phone background. It was (still is) on my blog. So no matter where I tried to go, what I tried to do… there was my novel, beckoning me back to bring the story home.

And I did just that.

The story itself is getting great feedback from the people I’ve let read it, it’s my writing itself that needs help on the editing side of things. But all isn’t lost. After bringing that novel to a conclusion, I was super excited!

I finished writing a novel! First draft! WHOO HOO!

Then, after my first read-through of the novel, I saw an opportunity. The protagonist could make a simple choice, which would be an absolute mistake, but this set up another book! Because of that book’s plot, there was a cycle that I noticed! Suddenly, I had a trilogy!


But wait! There’s more!

My antagonist had enough backstory that even HE could get a novel!

Then I thought to myself if the trilogy and prequel I just made were my versions of the Hobbit and Silmarillion in building my world… then, what about my Lord of the Rings?


I’d begun a short story forever ago about a war on three fronts: A war between a king and a few rebelling kingdoms, a war between humans and demons and lastly the war between heaven and earth. Sounds too big for a short story, right?


BAM. Book 1 – As the first war turns on its head, the second war unleashes upon the world itself. BAM. Book 2 – First war ends in an attempt to save the realm against the demons, thus unleashing… the third war! BAM! Book 3 – Heaven rains fiery death upon the world, all brought together by one awakened protagonist!

Back to that one cover, perhaps none of this would have happened. Perhaps that story would still be half done. Perhaps I wouldn’t be closer to my goal of getting published (not that it feels any closer). Perhaps it’s all because I entered to get a free cover and was selected! To be honest, I’ve thought about the lovely lady who made my cover often and I swore that when the time came, she would design at least my prequel and trilogy covers for publication (if possible and I can have any say creatively… of course I will ask, but also do as I’m told). It would mean a great deal to me to gaze upon it, in my hands (which is why I’m going to try and self-publish a single hardcover copy to cuddle at night).

Anyway… Sorry for being so vague with the stories! I once had an article I’d blogged, thought it was great and decided to try and submit it for some $$$ (and a publishing credit). Well, it turned out they really liked it and would have published it and paid for it, however, because I’d posted it on my blog… it was considered already published. *Shrug* So I missed out!

Anyway, I’ve got stuff to do in the morning so I’ll leave you with that.

Although one final note.

It feels good to write these posts from my writing room!


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