Inspiration Strikes

As I stare out into the rumbling darkness of the storm beyond my own reflection, light flickers off to the right, followed by a slight roar. The evening has been humid, but finally the rain brings some relief.

Much like the lightning outside, inspiration strikes hot every once in a while.

For me? Inspiration struck like the bursting of a dam tonight, and I found me having a conversation with myself and I. It’s an odd thing being a writer. One minute you’re lathering up your nether regions, the next, you’re talking about the failures of your protagonist’s mentor and how they are one and the same as his.

I had plotted out book three for Jefferson, but I hadn’t actually given it much thought. As book two has begun, my mind is fluttering this way and that with characters. Some things that have come to light are characters from the first novel will be heavily influential in the third novel. Book two will be more of a struggle for Jefferson VS himself and his ineptitude with magic. Book three has largely remained a few simple plot points, or rather signposts in the distance. That is, until tonight.

I worry the story I’m telling in book two isn’t strong enough and that the plot is almost too simple. In saying that, the consequences of his actions in book one reverberate through 95% of book two, and then his consequences in book two nearly destroy him for book three. As odd as it is to say, book three is quickly rising to become a surprise, even for me. That must sound odd to people who only read non-fiction or aren’t creative.

What I mean to say is that despite having a plot, the characters themselves guide the story. This allows them to act and react as they should and conversations can have huge implications. Even in book one I have hints about Gabriel’s own back story that don’t stand out at first but make more sense on a second read and some of these points are even more important later on in book three. But the discussion in my head tonight was alive with snippets I can use! Conversations between characters! Consequences from magic use! How to introduce the antagonist!

As I stare at my dimly lit reflection in the window and into the storm beyond, I only hope that this is the year. I want to write so badly for a living, not to be rich, not even for notoriety. I want to get paid doing what I love. I want to be able to pour all of my time into this world I am slowly moving into.

I want to be an author.

And this is the year, I do what it takes.

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