Ten Days… But Who's Counting?

I swore, swore to the old gods and the new…

I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

As the month wears on and my store seems to be doing decently in the things we are tracking, my mind ever so lightly flickers between work and play. Ten days, eight business days; Then it will have been four weeks since I submitted my novel. Strangely enough, I haven’t been freaking out as much now as I was, in fact, I’m pretty sure that I won’t get this one and that feels fine.

Do I still check my email all the time? Yes.

Do I get excited when I see any new email? Of course.

The craziest part of it all is that I’m actually here with a completed novel and that I’ve begun plotting the next two for Jefferson. I’m extremely happy with the direction they head in and the overall character development for both Jefferson and his antagonist.

Another fun thing I’m working on is a mature themed novel that takes place in the distant future of my world. This allows for Jefferson and characters from the novel to become legend and for the magic that began in his novel to have evolved into many different types and merge with society.

Well for now, another week down, another one and a bit to go. Here’s to hoping that I hear something this week! Either way, back to work for now!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!