TJ, Ninteen Twenties Reporter for Hire!

The Five Essential Passions of the TJ

Passion (noun)
A strong and barely controllable emotion.
Today I decided to give you a window into the things that make me tick. Not only that but my day was apparently not as productive as I would have liked. I planned on getting so much done both on the home front and story wise, but only got a little bit of the house cleaned and didn’t even look at my story today. But that might be a good thing for me and for you lovely folks who read my blog. After all, who wants to hear about my struggle with editing over creation day in and day out?

There is a second reason for this blog post, and that is probably because I spent most of the afternoon on the couch with my dogs. I had some time to think about my life today and reflect as I searched for things to watch on Netflix. I thought about how different my life would be without dogs and many other things. In fact, I feel rather lucky in my current situation for the most part! Not much else I’d really change. But there are somethings… they just get me going crazy!

Nothing in this world quite understands me like food does. I am a human garbage disposal and will eat almost anything. Personal preferences? Well, I love Italian; Herbs, spices, cheese, garlic… what’s not to love? Although my favorite dish at the moment is from a somewhat local Mexican restaurant. On the menu they are simply called flautas, but these… oh man… these are seriously the greatest thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.
Beautiful flour tortillas, hand rolled around slow braised shredded beef and fried until golden and crisp, then topped with a mole rojo which is an incredible chocolate chili sauce that is not sweet nor too spicy, but the perfect blend to activate your tastebuds and keep you wanting more.
*Drool* I feel like a reservation should be in order soon…

I never had a pet growing up but I did quite enjoy catching frogs, bugs and lizards… although I was terrible at keeping them alive. I blame homework! Nowadays I have two absolutely lovely dogs, a Miniature Dachshund named Thor and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Loki. There is no better feeling than looking down at your feet and having your dog just wag his tail because you’re there. They never ask for anything and never judge you. Today I finished my lunch and laid on the couch for a minute only to have Loki (who rarely cuddles me) jump up and snuggle on top of my side. Thor meanwhile was already passed out along my stomach and I just didn’t have the heart to move. They are (of course in my eyes) the cutest pair of dogs ever.
Cuddle time with Loki and Thor!
Cuddle time with Loki and Thor!

Games are important to me for an impossible number of reasons. You see growing up I got into trouble, fights, and worse… but it was never because of the games. No. It was because I was growing up, and decided to be a jerk about it. But games gave me an out. It was something I was good at. Something that gave me a sense of power and a sense of accomplishment. My parents were very responsible raising me around games and always taught me right from wrong (even though sometimes I ignored them, as we all do). But games have forged many a friendship for me and I still think to this day, working at EB Games was my favourite job. The company was actually a bit ridiculous, but the store was easy to run.
A blurry photo of the ole stomping grounds!
A blurry photo of the ole stomping grounds!

For me though it was always about the clientele. People were coming in and you knew immediately you had one thing in common- Games. I loved talking games all day, every day and I loved talking to everyone about them. I found new games (I bought anything that hit ten dollars) and forged new friendships. Gaming is such a huge part of who I am that if games ceased to exist tomorrow, I’d bury myself in writing or simply lose myself. Games were there when I was down, upset, angry or just looking for a good story. Even today, I still love games and that will go on until the day I die. In fact I hope that in a few decades I’ll be trading Pokemon with my grandkids (probably be holographic by then) and playing coop Diablo 4 with them (Because let’s face it, it’ll take Blizzard that long to release another one).

I don’t think I have to tell you how much I love writing. It’s something that has also always been there for me through thick and thin. I remember convincing my parents to buy me a typewriter so I could write faster. Have you ever written on a typewriter? I should have stuck to handwriting. Once computers picked up and became cheap enough for my family to buy, then it was on. I tried my hand at owning a writing website for other authors (still in high school mind you), joined a website and circulated my poetry and song lyrics (I was a teen, don’t judge) until eventually starting up a blog and writing more professionally over time. I will get published, it’s just a matter of when.
Oh Sean Bean, you'll die in my story too... don't worry!
Ooo, Netflix!

Sleep is the double edged sword of pastimes. You see, I love getting lots of sleep and especially unexpected naps. The worst part about sleep though? It’s greedy and cuts into all of my other pastimes and passions. Want more sleep? Less writing gets done. Slept in a bit later than expected? Dogs have made a mess of the laundry room. Playing games late trying to beat that level? It’d be a shame if you dozed off. Do I wake up early and eat? Or sleep in and miss out on food? See what I mean?!
Even life needs some Intermission time!

All in all, I am very passionate about all of the above things… but as you can see just from sleep alone there is a lot of conflict while trying to schedule them. Ah well, if these are the worst of my problems I’d say I have it pretty good. As for now I’m going to head off and sleep so I can dream about writing! Do you ladies and gents out there have some overlap with any of my essentials? Obviously writing, but what else would you add? Let me know in the comments below!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!