The World Beyond My Mind

Lately my mind has been eagerly planning and imagining a world, creating more depth to the one I’ve already begun writing in. Who are the Wingless? Why has magic subdivided? What happened to the Elves of the North? Why weren’t they around during Jefferson and the Magician’s Curse? Who are the gods? How was the world created? What are the myths? The Legends? The Histories?

I’ve written a few times before of how my inspiration works. Sometimes it will be the flash of a scene. Other times it will be a character. Sometimes it will be a voice. Others it will be a word. Wingless. Auntunir. The hardest part is making (not finding) the time for these things. People are always saying write for you, and let everything else come as it will. But as good as a story is, it simply is nothing if no one reads it.

The same goes for this blog, I write for me on here and I suppose in a way I’ve always hoped that this blog would create a sense of not being alone in my passion for the craft. I’ve always wanted to meet people who were like me. People who loved writing. I once made efforts to go out of my way to join a writing group… what I found was a group of pretentious authors who were happier to hinder rather than help. Since then I’d never really made an effort to meet up with a group or seek out other writers. I do have a few friends who are writers, and to be honest I am not the best at keeping in touch (I swear I’ll call my mother again soon) but I can’t find anyone nearby that shares in my passion. At least, not where I work.

So that brings me to the question for you ladies and gents out there… why do you blog?

In part I’ve always hoped someone would stumble upon my writing and think me clever. Maybe even discover me if you would. Or better, people would share me with their friends or even give constructive feedback on some writing. I’ll also be honest, I’ve no idea about using social media to promote myself or blogging my way into fame. I’ve taken no classes and done no research. But I often wonder… should I?

Aside from those thoughts, I’ve been doing a ton of reading and research into religions and the such which brought me to another character profile or story arc. The premise comes from the idea that God is all knowing, all seeing and all powerful. God can see all of the past and into all of the future… meaning we humans, as his greatest creation, are doomed to either Heaven or Hell and between which, God already knows where we are going. But the idea came from that, what if one person was born into a world of such Gods and they couldn’t see or foretell this person’s future? What would that mean for them? What would they do to preserve the continuity and the future they know as theirs? How could this person change the future by simply existing and what repercussions would that have? When I think these things, I always place them into a fantasy setting.

Anyway, for now, I really must begin to make the time for my writing on a routine. I turn thirty this year and if I want to get published before death comes knocking, I really need to focus. I am going to start with an hour a day.

If this has to cut into sleep, fine. It must be done.

If it cuts into gaming. So be it.

If it must be done from the porcelain throne… umm, I’ll never tell you about it.

If I must wake up early, then I may take up coffee.

If it must be broken up into separate periods, that will be unfortunate, but can be done.

Bottom line. I must write, before the stories within me get to the point where I sell all of my distractions. It is frustrating, constantly not achieving anything at home with regards to my writing. At work? I’m routinely successful and love the feeling I get when the team comes together and all chip in to meet our goals. I just want that same feeling for the things that matter to me. Hopefully, this is the first step towards achieving that.

As it has been awhile, is everyone out there the same? Is it a struggle this time of year? Biding your time until NaNoWriMo? Or what has made you successful in your writing?

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!