A Day's Rest – The Post Win Zero Day

As my last post pointed out, I won NaNoWriMo. It felt fantastic! I rejoiced!

Enter today…

I haven’t looked at my story at all. It is still fresh in my mind but my mind is a combination of exhausted and hungry/angry (or hangry which should be in the dictionary by now). It was also my first day back to work since training three hours away a few days ago. Having three days away from the shop may seem like a blessing, but I am still trying to play catch up. Every ounce of me wants to spend the extra time at work and smash it out, but with two full weeks of me being the only one to feed and play with the pups, that’s not going to happen.

The detox type diet I’m doing to support my girlfriend (as well as it doesn’t make sense having two separate meal plans for the household) is utterly destroying me. People have been asking, “Don’t you feel better?”to which I stare at them like they are a double bacon cheeseburger. I don’t feel better, I feel like walking into McDonald’s and ordering one of everything. I don’t care how terrible it is, I crave salt!

Now that we’ve got that out of the way. I’ve decided to try and make a better sales pitch for my book.

In a world where Death has abandoned the reaping of souls, the Watchers begin to lose the battle against the Demons of Tartarus. Desperate for support, Cerberus, the Watcher of the Black Gates, abandons his post in an attempt to find the former Reaper, Alex, hidden among the Humans. With Demons and Watchers both hunting for Alex, who will find him first? Or will war spill into the realms of men and women alike, distracting from the coming war with the Demons?

Yeah, that sounds okay. I’m not one hundred percent sure, but it fits. I will probably revise it a million more times (Much like the terrible title: Incidental Immortals… bleh) as the story continues, but right now… I am in the middle of so much action that I will be waiting until monday to get back into it. For now I will focus on doing well at my store for the weekend and catching up on some much needed sleep. (As well as catching a few Pokemon!)

I will most likely return to some Movie Themed NaNo Posts for the weekend as I enjoyed doing them and making all those Meme-like images for the posts! Anyway thanks again for stopping by and all your support this month! Good luck in your word counts and here’s to hoping you win!!! (That’s right! YOU!)


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