NaNoWriMo – With A Vengeance

After today… Er… Yesterday’s post about Back to the NaNoWriMo Future, I enjoyed using a movie theme to get the post started so much, that I may annoy you all for the next fifteen days with more Movie Titled NaNoWriMo posts! Huzzah!

Die Hard

And yes, before anyone gets all movie quote crazy on me, I know that the above photo is the first Die Hard, not With a Vengeance. I chose the title and photo from the same series of movies! So sue me!

My novel is coming along swimmingly with the main protagonist now being captured and taken from his party, and the view points will now divide once again. My only concern for this book, is that the events take place in order, but the views from which the story is being told are leaping between characters depending on who is the most important character in a scene. The only saving grace thus far is all of them are unique enough that a reader will be able to distinguish who the speaker is. I’ve contemplated naming certain portions of the book in the form of Matheus I, Matheus II… Matheus V… and so on. I suppose this will be up to an editor, but still, I am writing like a mad man and I’ve never found my writing groove as easy as this.

Screen Shot 2014-11-15 at 11.11.14 pm

What’s strange is seeing that bar at the top getting greener by the day. I am seventy six percent of the way there (Wrote six percent today, say whaaaat?) and just sort of flying by. I was hoping to hit that forty thousand mark today as tomorrow I work, but if not tomorrow then monday night for sure. Monday I am travelling out of town (three hours) to some sales training and have the evening to write like a madman. Not only that, but my partner leaves for overseas next Monday, and then I’ll have plenty of forced writing time. After all, can’t watch our shows without her!

I think my secret to writing this story has been to be as excited to write it as I am to read it. The worst part about it is I don’t actually know what happens next until my characters react to the situations before them. This gives the whole story a fresh sense and allows me to be flexible in my twists. I know where I want the story and the narrative to drive toward, but something as simple as a line or phrase may give me a fantastic idea to take the story still in the same direction, but challenge that character further (as touched upon in my last post).

I’ve decided that my Leaper (a type of teleporter) has a limitation that she talks about with the others. She can teleport infinitely alone, but if she teleports more than herself, it can exhaust her energy, and the risk is exponential. So her alone? Only environmental risks. Her and another? Can teleport multiple times before feeling exhausted. Two? Only a few times. Three?! Possibly only halfway, or once fully. I’m going to push her limit in an upcoming chapter which will save the party from one danger, while thrusting them into an even more imminent danger. She tried, right?

The way the teleporting works is the character and an extension of her (example, another person) are shifted into the demon realm which coexists with the human realm. The passage of time in this realm is much faster than in the human world, so when you shift back to the human realm, it seems as though no time has passed, depending on length of time spent in the demon realm. Obviously there are risks associated with that realm, but that’s for me to write and you to read! But this poor character will leap one way with five characters, and be overwhelmed at the need for that and pass out. Leaving your friends to defend your lifeless body until you recover, not the best choice.

Anyway! I am stoked to share that tiny tidbit with you and now I must bid you Yippee Ki Yay until the next post!


    • TJ Edwards says:

      Fingers no, mind? Oh hell yeah. The thing about pouring the world in your mind onto the page is it’s a very emotional process. It’s rewarding and damning, as this is like the first step in introducing all of my imaginary friends to the world. But I also feel so proud when they are doing things correctly or giving back to me with new ideas! The pic? I used a meme generator, although I’d be surprised if someone didn’t do it already! Thanks for stopping by 😀

        • TJ Edwards says:

          27k is still really good! As I’ve said in a previous post, I’ve failed so far until this year where I am killing it. However if I have many more of these 230 word days, I may be dead in the water :-/ Gotta get back on it tomorrow!

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