Week One, Done & Dusted!

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Wow, just got in under the wire there! Today unfortunately was a bit busier than I would have liked, but these things happen. I said I wanted to hit that twenty thousand mark tonight and I did. It felt good, but also a bit taxing. The writing is still going strong, but by the time I got home from work, went for groceries, ate dinner and fed the dogs; it was half past nine. I wrote from then until ten to twelve and saved. Using Scrivener, my word count resets at midnight, so I won’t risk missing out on my progress screenshot!

NaNoWriMo’s site says I write just shy of three thousand words a day (today being a particularly low day). Although speaking of the insanity that us writers are experiencing at the moment, I found something almost soul crushing today. Just when you think you’re doing fantastic and everything is going well, someone else writes a blog post about hitting their fifty thousand words.


Fifty thousand words. Seven days.

Write 50k


Firstly, I recommend to everyone not to judge your own work versus the progress of others. We don’t know their habits. We don’t know their work situation. We don’t know their life situation. What I do know is when you do this, you think to yourself… am I doing good enough and you question all the fantastic work you have put in.

Needless to say, my mind was blown, I’m just glad I was sitting down to read that. Aside from that, I’m happy with the progress my story has made. The characters are forming up quite nicely and the risks of any and all actions at this point have had consequences and characters have been introduced setting up future rivalries and antagonists. It’s like watching some master tetris player piecing your story together for that high score. Oh yeah, and it feels damn good.

Are you writing still? Has someone’s success story crushed your will to write? Don’t let it! Don’t let my story get you down! Don’t let others get in the way! This month is wonderful in the fact that there are so many writers around the world writing, right now, at this particular moment!

Tomorrow may suck for writing as I have a family event on, but as I am getting up early to feed the dogs, I should be able to at least hit my word count before we have to leave for the drive. I should also have tomorrow night too, but I won’t count on it. That being said, I think it’s high time I headed off to bed after another crazy day of working as a retail manager by day and crazed writer by night. Until tomorrow, here’s a wonderful photo I have on my Dashboard for whenever I check the time.

should be writingShouldn’t we all be though? Good luck ladies and gents!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!