Dazed And Confused

I haven’t been productive in my writing once again. I know. I’m shaking my head at myself as we speak. I am trying to figure out a way to tie my writing directly into my life somehow and if being a published and successful author isn’t enough I need a new and diabolical way to motivate myself. I’m ashamed because now that my girlfriend has read my story, I’ve been making all the excuses not to run through and edit without her. Really, I can (and probably should) do that. But also I could be creatively writing on the side, lord knows I have enough damned stories building up en masse in the back of my mind.

So I’ve decided that one way or another, I will be paid to write.

This may fail. This may work miracles. I may suffer unlike I have ever before. I am working on a rate to which to pay myself (Per word? Per hundred or five hundred words? Per page? Per hour?) I have also been trying to curb my spending, so this can also help there as well. I won’t think of it as money so much as words written. I shudder to even consider that. Especially if I average roughly only twelve hundred words an hour. If I pay myself a single dollar per five hundred words that works out to two dollars twenty per hour.

Not too bad, am I write?

See what I did there? Oh man, this has been a long day. Also I just figured out I will be paying myself exactly one fifth of a cent for every word. Not a bad rate if I do say so myself! I’ve also decided I can earn a bonus per hour if I’m editing (Two dollars sound like too much?) That way if I’m editing and add words, I can make more money! Hurray! I wonder if I can claim my own business working for myself, and employing myself? I’m sure there’s some sort of tax write off there somewhere!

On the spending money side of things my obsession with things runs deep as I have snagged a few final books from Barnes & Noble for the ever growing collection of judgement. I bought a few books for my partner as well as Crime and Punishment, The Holy Bible (I’m not religious, but it has been awhile since I read it) and lastly Don Quixote. In an attempt to be a better writer and understand the craft, I have been looking around to see what supposedly the best books are. Crime and Punishment made many a list while Don Quixote topped many a list as the best fiction novel of all time. This has made me incredibly curious about the stories within as well as the characters that many of the judges have spoken about. Crime and Punishment is supposed to be a fantastic read, although I am concerned when some say that it can be boring at times. Makes me wonder about the lesser known books in the top ten!

Oh the wondrous things us procrastinators get up to hey? Perhaps that’s why you’re here reading and I’m here writing. Either way, time to get back to work!

(This post earned me, $1.10, This is going to suck.)


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