Sharing Is Caring

Well, I’ve got a much more interesting following than I did a mere week ago. Now what to do with you… hmm?

Perhaps I could stalk all of your NaNoWriMo posts and post your word counts… MWA HA HA, no no… too evil!

Or you could volunteer your information, and I could dedicate a post to you fine ladies and gents beyond the typing glass! That’s entirely up to you, let me know if you’d be okay with that and I may have a weekly monday post that tosses out the previous week’s wins! This would also allow you guys to see who else is following along here as well as how they’re doing so you can offer them support just as I have you! That’s my hope, anyone seen that movie called… umm, what was it? Pay It Forward! That’s it! Well if you liked how you felt when some random guy swung by and tossed you a follow, or a like, or even a fabled comment; I ask of you to pay it forward and offer one of the struggling NaNoWriMo Writers your support so they can know, we’ve got their back too! If you guys would like me to post the title of your story or even a link to your NaNoWriMo page, let me know! I’m willing to go all out!

So I will be the first one to share my story with you… I always struggle to tell people what my story is about because it has been inspired by a number of things. Currently I am up to the eighty five thousand mark of the first edit for my novel, Jefferson And The Magician’s Curse. The lovely cover at the top right was made for me by a young lady who was offering free covers last year by the name of Fena Lee. She did a fantastic job and is actually part of the reason I pushed on. You see, she listened and made me the exact image that I had in mind for my cover and in taking that time she inspired me to be sure I finished the story. I told her that I would use her cover and I think even if I am heading out to get published, I may see if I can use that design as it is important to me.

Would you like to hear some details of the story? You would? I was hoping you’d say that! *Wink*Wink*


Magicians and circuses, orphanages and escapes; these are the obsessions of one young boy. As Jefferson the orphan escapes to the circus, he finds his obsession with illusions runs deeper than he ever imagined. Leaving the abusive carers he’d been entrusted to, he embarks on a journey of self discovery and lessons under Gabriel The Great. As they travel, Jefferson learns that most illusionists are part of a secret society of good magicians who protect the world from the forbidden arts.

The forbidden arts are guided carefully in the world by warlocks, evil magicians hell bent on destruction and power. The forbidden arts come with a price. Casting magic normally draws upon the caster’s own energy and spirit, thus limiting the type and strength of the spell cast. Yet the warlocks have the ability to channel the energy of others, through themselves, for greater spell power and destruction. Casting these spells links the caster mentally and spiritually with their victim for eternity, causing most warlocks to hear many voices and leading them into the depths of insanity. Their heart taints black with the Magician’s Curse, the veins blackening outward from over use of the forbidden magic.

Luckily for Jefferson, these magics are nearly forgotten… Unlucky for him, shadows move in the darkness and the forbidden arts begin to rise up, threatening the weakened societies of magicians and the world itself. Will Jefferson fall to the allure of power from the forbidden arts, or will his master’s teachings be enough to guide him through these dark times and into times of peace? As his destiny balances on the edge of a knife, two secret societies and the world await to see who will be victorious… and who will perish.


Okay, hopefully that sounds good. It does to me, but I am virtually sleep deprived and worked through… so it could be the equivalent of the song “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” and I might not even notice. Strangely enough though, I spelled that right on the first try. Good to know where my brain’s priorities are! I should be able to edit the final fifteen thousand words in the next week or so, but I also have to puppy proof my house. We get our pups (A Dachshund and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) around the seventh of December if all goes well, and here’s to hoping it does! But before that I need to completely destroy and rebuild the back garden and go all “Better Homes and Gardens” on its sorry excuse for a planter and install a raised veggie patch complete with a tiny peeing area for new pups. Should be fun! By the way, I’m a nerd and not handy in the slightest… so, does anyone know if IKEA sells raised planters? That’d make life easy!

In closing, if you do want to be mentioned in tomorrow’s post, please let me know! I’m hoping that everyone will be up for participating, I think it’ll make this particular group closer than others and it gives you that sense of, “I have to write so everyone can see my progress!” Remember, try my five tips from the last post if you’re struggling and I guarantee you’ll start to see results! Either way do what is best for you and good luck with your writing ladies and gents! Thanks for stopping by again!


  1. LizzeeBuff says:

    Your story sounds amazing! It is definitely something I would love to read!

    It’s lovely to see someone encouraging people to well encourage others. The cover is brilliant too!

    I’m currently on 51k or so… I have written much lately… the dreading cold struck me… but ‘The Raven’s Cry’ is still all that I think about so I guess that is writing in some form of another lol!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Great! Every time someone asks me what it’s about, I panic and lowball it as some sort of Harry Potter meets Star Wars knock off when really, I’ve put a ton of thought into how the magic works and the ramifications of forbidden magic! It gives me confidence that my blurb makes you want to read it! There may be hope for me yet!

      I guess it was only a few posts ago I was posting to internet tumbleweeds and it wasn’t exciting. If anything, it was heartbreaking. I’ve done a ton of inspired writing for next to no one and because of that, I began to measure the value of this blog. All that has changed now and I suppose since I’ve seen such a turn of the tide, I’d love to share that experience and move it on!

      Writing has a tendency to consume a writer’s thoughts! So you’ve passed target, how many words until your story reaches a conclusion? Don’t worry, I won’t hold you to it if you guess! Good title though, dark and foreboding… I’ll bet its great!

      • LizzeeBuff says:

        Lol well for those who are unaware of such literary works… mentioning Harry Potter and Star Wars are going to make some people’s ears itching for more! At least you have an answer to that question. When someone asks me… I have to think because I don’t want to spoil the twist in it… so firstly I go “it’s complicated” followed by “have you ever seen Fight Club?” lol. So, you can see why my book will most likely be around the 100k mark lol!

        I personally think it’s amazing… but then again, I guess I will lol!

        • TJ Edwards says:

          I suppose it is good to have a sort of mish mash of two popular series… who knows? Maybe it’ll be the perfect hybrid. Right now I’m only concerned with how my partner is going to enjoy it… and then, editors!

          Also, Fight Club is awesome… and now I’m curious… in fact, without spoiling my story, there is an essence of fight club in there as well. I won’t ruin it, but it has been interesting rereading it and thinking, wow, my subconscious was either planning that or it’s really damned convenient!

          • TJ Edwards says:

            Don’t they wash themselves in Britain? Haha, sorry couldn’t help myself with a lame joke but come to think of it… I don’t think my characters bathed once… probably could have used it too. Oh the things we forget to mention (or purposely omit) I wonder if anyone has considered writing super realistic like that.

            “And before the battle, the men lined up at the water closet for the ritual draining of their own dragons… before attempting to slay the man eating one.”

            Edward Norton has the most annoying voice, but Fight Club is definitely a favourite! I have been obsessed with all forms of media (Music, Movies, Games, Writing) since I was young… I’ve seen too many movies, and can quote far too many of them too well… Maybe it’ll come in handy someday πŸ˜›

          • LizzeeBuff says:

            Lol that did make me chuckle so wasn’t that lame! But I do find the strangest o. Things funny lol. I was writing quite realistically BUT my character hasn’t even changed his clothes! Or washed! I’ve mentioned splashing his face but that is all! :o! Sometimes there is important in the minor details!

            You have one wonderful memory then! Maybe if there were a realitypically tv show where you have to guess where quotes cone from to win money? Lol πŸ™‚

          • TJ Edwards says:

            Ironically, I have a terrible memory for the important things (work rosters, things to do, etc) thank the gods for an iPhone. But when it comes to random movie quotes, or in the case of Monty Python the entire movie, I can recite lines with breathtaking accuracy.

            I suppose there probably is a show somewhere… just a matter of finding it and hoping I speak the language!

  2. -s- says:

    I definitely down to be mentioned. I need to be held accountable for my writing… or lack there of. I’ve hit a little bit of a snag and need to refocus.

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Okay! You’re into my next post… OF DOOM! So I’ve scanned your latest NaNoWriMo post and noticed it was from the 14th and at 7200 words! I’ll hope for an update before the next post! Good luck πŸ˜€ Also, I’ve linked to your blog for other writers to support you!

  3. M.L. Swift says:

    Hey TJ,

    Loved the synopsis. I’m a big Harry P. fan and like pretty much anything with magic in it, as long as it’s believable. And yours seems believable! Great synopsis and wonderful cover. Simple and elegant.

    I’m participating in NaNoβ€”well, when I can fit it in. Not worried about word count, just getting the story down with other writers as my support. At the rate I’m going, I’ll be done in January, but am hoping for a few days that I can steal away and do some power writing.

    I’ve seen your avatar at my blog…I think you’ve liked a post or something, I actually followed you here through Jason Vowles’ blog, though. I like your concept and style. Keep it up!

    I posted an excerpt Saturday from my NaNo novel if you want to take a peek. Thanks!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Glad you enjoyed and welcome to the blog! This has been so much fun that I have to ensure I don’t forget about my own editing and writing while all of this is going on! The cover was designed by someone I didn’t know until I did NaNoWriMo, but apparently she knew exactly what was in my mind.

      Well, I will try to help you get some support and post you on my next post! And yeah, at this point I’m guessing my avatar is around (Blue and Red for a reason, eye catchy!) but interesting that you came here through someone else’s blog! In fact, it seems he could use some support too! Maybe I’ll add him to my post to get him some cheerleaders!

      Also I’ve read your excerpt and it is well written! I would like to see where it goes for sure, although I have an idea considering I read the summary on the side bar! Keep going and get to your 50k, hopefully you’ll gain some support!

      • M.L. Swift says:

        Thanks for coming over and reading. Actually, I’m not sure where I saw your icon, but I followed Jason over to his blog because he left a comment and saw your conversation.

        It seems as though you post a lot. I’m usually once/week…busy with too many other things right now.

        Thanks for coming by.

        • TJ Edwards says:

          Between being the assistant manager at a retail chain, writing and editing my own stuff, and now tossing this into the mix, I am quite the busy guy! I am posting a lot because I now have the feedback and the community I’ve been hoping for all along. Also, I just wanted to reach out and touch on other writers to let them know, they’re not alone!

          Writing in any form is my passion, and helping others is too… so this whole blog thing is working out swell! Also, thanks for having me by! Always a pleasure reading someone else’s work!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Edits will definitely be easier than puppy proofing! Lucky for me, we’re getting two small breeds so as long as everything knee height is boarded off, I’m good to go! Also thanks for the kind words based off the summary! I hope it turns out alright!

      • njwriter says:

        My uncle used to breed Pekingese and so that was the type of dogs we’ve had. My Papa didn’t really proof anything though. I suppose he was okay with whatever the dogs did to the flowers, but my grandma would’ve been upset.

        You’re welcome! As for writing the book you probably don’t have much to worry about. I believe that as long as the story is well written and well edited it will find an audience πŸ™‚ Interacting with other writers, book bloggers and readers will help, too. Just be genuine in everything you do.

        • TJ Edwards says:

          I have been genuine in everything I do since… well, year seven! I have my reasons, but it made me much more humble! I am hoping that these other writers enjoy this as much as I do! I haven’t talked to this many people about writing… well… ever!

          I’ve thought about not puppy proofing… but I currently have a low bookshelf with figures on it… small, delicious looking figures. Also, I own a lot of nice electronics and I don’t want my dog to chew through a cable and me lose both dog and TV… that would be a rough day!

  4. njwriter says:

    It’s such an important thing and I think people forget that sometimes. Talking to other writers is always rewarding. I’ve found that the self-publishing community is very supportive and friendly. I see why you would need to puppy proof. We had all our electronics on entertainment centers and everything was kept out of reach. Then again, my grandparents had a few dogs by the time I’d gotten mine so they had experience πŸ™‚

    • TJ Edwards says:

      It is so important, I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people say- “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” It helped me get a job over here and helped me do some game testing at Bioware back in Canada! Those connections could be key!

      So far all the blogger’s I’ve met seem to be the social kind of writer that love to chat and share ideas, techniques and stories. I suppose that is why I put so much time into getting back to anyone who will take the time to write me!

      This is my first pet, so I want to do things right! (Definitely don’t want to learn from losing one! Especially at $1600 a pup!)

  5. njwriter says:

    Exactly! And wow, that’s a lot! Getting your first pet is so exciting though πŸ™‚ It’ll be worth it and whatever headaches they might cause. I miss having a pet around.

    • TJ Edwards says:

      I know, I have a picture… maybe I’ll upload it tomorrow :S I just love the little guy so much and I don’t get him until Dec 7th! I’ve ALWAYS wanted a weiner dog!

  6. njwriter says:

    You should! I’ve been sharing pictures of random Pekingese on Twitter out of nostalgia. They’re adorable. Your puppy will be a great Christmas present then πŸ™‚

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Yeah, although I hate thinking of him like that (despite that being exactly what he is!) He’s going to be my new best friend! πŸ˜€ Loyal, shorter than me, never judging, always loving, never complaining and just all around awesomeness!

      I’ll post a picture on tomorrow’s (well, now today’s) post! Staaaaaaaay tuned!

  7. Good Lord! You certainly got some engagement, didn’t you?

    I presume you found me via the post I wrote about having not started my NaNo project yet. (You’ve got enough going on here that I should try to spark your memory by mentioning I’m the one who is trying to turn the death of my father into a fictional work … in theory.) Sadly, I can’t say that I’ve actually done any work on it since that post, so I can’t take advantage of your willingness to track my progress.

    HOWEVER, inspired by you, I have returned to regular blogging, and that’s a step.

    Your story premise sounds good. It reminds me a little of The Night Circus, which I just finished reading. If you aren’t aware of it, read about it here:

    I don’t think the two stories are too close, but it might be a useful title for you when you have to have comparables for your query / pitch letter.

    I’m excited for you about the puppies πŸ™‚

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Engagement is definitely what I was aiming for… but I wasn’t aiming this high! I’ve been up writing up a storm, replying and blogging that I’ve been getting less sleep… damn work getting in the way! Even today after dinner, I had a nap… which is becoming more frequent thanks to increased trade in retail and less sleep as a writer.

      I did indeed find you through your post about your Father through the NaNoWriMo tag. A few years ago I lost my father to a heart attack, he was only forty eight and it came unexpectedly as he was quite fit. However I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have some memorable moments through both his life and his death.

      I suppose what I’m trying to say is in sharing that, in one form or another, I believe the guilt will ease. I’m no psychiatrist, nor do I pretend to be one, but I think talking about him gives him new life through your words. As writers we constantly write pieces of ourselves into our writing whether it is fiction or not and we should never try not to. The more I talk about my own experiences with death and the ill experiences of life, the easier I find it to cope. I haven’t had a “cushy” life but life is what you make it!

      Also had a quick skim of The Night Circus and it looks decent, but not quite as my story also slightly involves magical science fiction as well… but I don’t want to spoil anything! I’m proud of the plot twists I have managed to get in there and how things turned out at the end so I’m confident that my story is different to that one… interesting looking read nevertheless!

      Also, you’ve no idea how excited I am for puppies!

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