New Writing Exercise – Not The Fat Burning Kind

As it currently stands I am writing 2 things per day and editing one monster. Editing is the most horrific thing ever. You go from a mode of complete and utter free creation. The only limit? Your imagination. Now head back into your beloved world, and hack at it like a machete while trying to sculpt a masterpiece. Also, good luck.

My newest exercise is co-writing a story with a friend. We have both been lacking in our commitment to writing and I suppose having a focus and a writing partner to assure you that you will write is a definite productivity booster. The plan is simple: I started the story. Set the stage, 1000 words and introduced the protagonist, a potential antagonist (or three) and a few issues. After my thousand words I left it for my partner in crime to continue the story, and he returned it thusly. We’re not very far in but it works on many levels.

  • It helps get the creative juices flowing.
  • Ensures we both write at least once every two days. 1000 words. If this keeps up for awhile, the word count will add up quickly.
  • It also challenges us both to think outside the box to throw the other guy, but at the same time keep the story moving.
  • Also it’s like a choose your own adventure novel where you write the page and that is your choice in the story. Finding it fun!

Also I just acquired my book collection for reading in the next few months. It seems a co-worker and I have the same taste in book aesthetics as well as content. I am even more interested in reading Machiavelli’s The Prince after discussing it with someone else. I think if I got my book published myself… I would want an edition that was silk covered and pressed. I love the look and feel of the books and it’s an odd feeling how these simple books appealed to me in this way. I’ve never wanted to own a book more. Strange.

Perhaps I should buy a silk bound writing book, perhaps it would make me want to write more as well. Or a day planner, so it’s something I have to use everyday!

My other writing task is this blog… I guess I will put the question out there, do you want more stories? Or more personal posts? I find it so much easier to conjure up a story about anything than to fill it with just simple words. Sometimes this becomes more of a journal than a portfolio.

Either way, I must head off as I am getting tired and I need my sleep for some decent creativity tomorrow along with the fact I work tomorrow night. Good news is Friday is Batman/Clean House/Garden/Read Art of War Day. If I can, I’ll try and push through some of my editing as well. I’ll be back soon enough!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!