Articles, Scripts and Stories, Oh My!

I dream of a world where I can be paid to create for some creative works company. Whether it be games, movies, television, books, at this point anything would be incredible. As it stands I am practising for bigger and better things. I’ve been looking online and have been wondering if there is script adaptation help somewhere. Thus far I feel like my articles are getting better, but I need to start practising for creative writing. This saturday I will be posting a short story which I started just on sunday. Thus far I’ve been writing a page and a half per day (8.5×11 @ 10pt) and it’s feeling good. I enjoy the main character and the world and I hope you guys will too. Also feel free to leave comments on the saturday blog post here if you catch any errors or want me to contact you about the story. I can use all the constructive criticism I can get!

After this story I might as a side project try to convert the mediocre assassin story into a tv show script. I’ve been watching How I Met Your Mother and just recently read the script for the pilot episode. It doesn’t seem too hard, or complicated, but I will need to find a script for something more action oriented to compare to if I want it to hold up. Also, does anyone out there have any great ideas for novel writing? I figure if I can manage to write two thousand words a day, an eventual reality might be to write a novel. Also has anyone been published who’s reading this? How did you manage and also, should I consider publishing myself?

As for articles I think I’m holding up pretty good, although I suppose I cannot combat the content of the IGN articles. I found myself openly laughing at the Star Wars versus Marvel article, but I do commend the artist. Also please check out my latest IGN post about 3D, I think you’ll find some interesting ideas in there and I’d love to hear about your thoughts on the topic too!

For now I continue checking the freelance work for anything remotely close to what I would like, but I did consider writing an article for a girly magazine entitled “Top five ways to make your bath time more romantic.” However, I haven’t sold out (yet) but it was paying forty dollars an article. If only people would stop trying to get into the game industry it would give me a chance! But for now I must be off to work for a few hours and then back to write more on my short story.

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!