Hooked worse than Peter Pan

It’s been feeling invigorating to get back into writing! Just to give everyone a little idea of how much writing I’ve been doing per day, it’s easily been over two thousand words! Now this week is my first full week of writing like a madman so thanks to everyone who sticks with me (Including my lovely girlfriend, thanks for your support and patience)! I feel like the words just pour out of me while I’m writing lately, which has lead me to get organized and start a little bit of planning. This week I have a few personal goals, and I have to remain constant! I won’t sleep until I accomplish my daily goals! Stay tuned to this blog for the following wild features:

1) A daily basic blog post on this website following my writing exploits: both trials and tribulations.
2) A game themed post over on the IGN website. I’ve been alternating between one serious and one fluff post per day.
3) I’ve decided to go hard or go home, back onto the creative scene with an attempt at one short story per week. I’m going to try hard to do a minimum of one page per day, not published online until Saturday.

If I write two thousand words per day, every single day of the week… In about five and a half weeks I’ll have written as many words as J.K. Rowling wrote about a certain boy wizard’s first year at Hogwart’s. I wish I had some advice from her on how to write a full novel, I’ve got the drive and the passion, but I’m as disorganised as… well, nothing is more disorganized as me! I free write entire short stories with no plot, no structure, sadly it’s fun for me and probably not the best read. I’ve read a few books on the subject, but sometimes you just need an exercise on the topic. Strange that I went to university for Computer Programming, followed by 3D Animation because I wanted a job where I could make money while trying to break into writing in my free time. Sad that I would probably be making more money if I’d have gone through university for writing. If anyone knows of any decent guides or a direction I could be put in to help myself get structure, feel free to let me know.

End game, I would love to write either creatively for myself or a game company, or failing that I definitely wouldn’t mind reviewing virtually any media (film, music, apps, games, etc…) The dream job I used to want was designing for games, I love math, puzzles, writing and interactive media. I also really love the way games can make you feel emotions much like films but it hits you harder knowing that in some cases you affected the outcome. Sadly for now, I have to try and make some money for bills so here’s to hoping I can start earning money in Australia! Thanks for tuning into “ye ole writing blog” once more, hope to catch you tomorrow!

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