Killing it this month! Having so much fun! *So tired*
Tag: Writing
Another Day, A NaNoWriMo 2k!
Who has two thumbs and just wrote another two thousand words? THIS GUY!
NaNoWriMo: Working Day Win
Nearing 20k already, feels good to be a few days ahead!
NaNoWriMo Log: Stardate 95454.78
Should probably sleep more, seems after naps I feel better! #HowDoIWriteThen
NaNoWriMo: Days 3-5 (2 Fails and a Win!)
When you're a failure, at least be an honest one!
NaNoWriMo – Day 2: The Doghouse
Nobody's perfect! Sometimes we sleep when we should be writing... sometimes that gets us in trouble...
NaNoWriMo – Day 1 (WIN)
Nothing like starting off with a bang! Just like your story (hopefully)!
The Hallowed Eve of NaNoWriMo
On this most auspicious of occasions I toss up some reasonable suggestions for light reading, listening and writing!
Follow The White Rabbit…
Writing, plotting and a trip down the rabbit hole!
The Double-Edged Sword
To buy used books, or not, that is the question. *Spoiler Alert* I bought some books.