Tag: Working 25 hour days

Me Fail NaNoWriMo? That's Unpossible!

Oh Ralph Wiggum of Simpsons fame, you slay me!

So as NaNoWriMo comes to a close, the number of sad posts about failure, quitting, excuses, blame and procrastination are admittedly on the rise. I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again, just because NaNoWriMo designates who wins by word target, I believe any writing would be worth celebrating in this day and age of distractions. But there are indeed some failures.

I’m talking about those people who wrote utter crap for fifty thousand words. I’m not talking subject matter either. But basic punctuation, ignoring conciseness for word count and inattention to detail… these stories won’t make it to an editor’s desk at all, because frankly if the postman can’t read where it’s going, then it goes nowhere! Simple things like the uses of there, their and they’re and its and it’s just to name a couple! I would say read more while writing, maybe even do 30 mins of reading, and then of writing. The reason? Autocorrect is terrible at grammar (it can barely spell sometimes).

In any story where you write a huge space, your writing changes, ever so subtly. The people who don’t learn anything from page one to page three hundred aren’t cut out for writing. Let alone winners of some challenge.

Some of my loyal followers here are struggling, but they’ll get there. I have faith in them!

Well, the main purpose of this post is to let you guys know that I’ll be away for the weekend and hopefully my part two of The Journey will pop up as it is scheduled to do tomorrow! I’m quite exhausted as retail had a busy week for me and loads of training. I’ve had a nap every night this week, except tonight… which explains the heavy eyelids!

Although someone asked me about some writing ideas and how I feel about sharing them. Here’s your answer!

  1. Upon drilling into the center of the Earth, scientists find the first man, still alive.
  2. Hell is the final defence for the world against demonkind and is run by a former archangel.
  3. A man attempts to commit suicide, only to find out he is invincible and turns his life around.
  4. A man is released from prison, only to end up on a bank heist with a psychopath. Trying to do the right thing, he tricks the psycho into focusing on him and tries to end the battle quickly.

There’s four ideas I have on the backburner at the moment. If you’re inspired by them or want to use one feel free to just link back to here! Anyway new post should go up tomorrow, and my head is going to hit the pillow like a sack of pennies.

Thanks for putting up with today’s post, hopefully I will make up for it in the next post! Also if you’re doing NaNoWriMo and are close… Monday is coming… and you know what that means! The celebration of the wins and the stugglers on their road to 50k. Ciao and good luck! I leave you with my two images to keep me going and they are widgets on my Dashboard screen along with my post it notes filled with ideas!

You Should Be Writing
The Avengers Assemble, to make sure you’re hitting the target you set for yourself!
Oh Sean Bean, you'll die in my story too... don't worry!
Oh Sean Bean, you’ll die in my story too… don’t worry!