Tag: puppies

An Update From Beyond The Screen

Holy crap, it’s almost halfway through December! Time flies when you suddenly have more hours at work and you have a dynamic duo of puppies who are extremely well behaved (until they decide otherwise). Needless to say I’ve been getting into a routine with the little guys but writing has very obviously taken a backseat for the moment as my routine currently goes: Puppies, Sleep, Eat, Shower. Either way, for those of you who were enjoying the daily posts I will get back into that habit as soon as my puppies stop turning pee pads into confetti… but for now the updates will be sporadic although I am more on top of my emails now as I have been trying (Read: Struggling) to keep up with those!

So, where am I in regards to completing my story?

Absolutely no closer! I have considered bringing my story to work to write on my break but as any retail manager knows, that’s near impossible. I get paged to the counter and around the shop a million and one times a day. Just at work alone I do over the daily goal of ten thousand steps. When I wake up my routine is take the puppies out to pee, breakfast for pups, out for poop (Pups only!), then if I have time breakfast, brush teeth and head to work. All excuses, I know, but until I get this new routine down I will be focussing on getting these pups trained properly. We’re not supposed to have them as our Strata setup didn’t approve them, however we’re going to make sure they’re the best behaved they can be. The final chapters of the story are coming together and I already know the last paragraph and its phrasing. However in a movie (because of the visual effects) it could be much more subtle!

How are the pups?

Puppy Lounge
Thor and Loki, sound sleep together… after a hard day of trying to destroy each other.


Life is hard for Loki the Destroyer.
Thor Lounge
Thor the Conquerer napping after sitting on Loki for awhile.
Guilty as charged!
Thor’s guilty face. Still damn cute.
I'm sorry
Loki’s “I’m sorry I just bit you” face.

Needless to say, I am absolutely taken by these two cute as hell fluffballs, despite their ability to get into trouble and absolutely tear apart their pee pads. It’s hard to stay strong when little Thor whines when we leave him alone. Luckily for us, they’re never truly alone as they do have each other and they do cuddle up (as well as try and murder each other). They’re both cuddly (on their own terms) and Thor likes to ensure Loki stays in line. Frequently if I am correcting Loki’s behaviour he also comes in and nips at his smaller counterpart. This is different to their play time nips… but then again, maybe I’m reading it differently. I’m sure the little sausage dog is laughing and saying “Haha, sucker… you got caught!”

It has definitely been a big adjustment for me not only routine wise but health wise as well. I haven’t had any time to really get bored and snack throughout the day which is great, but on the flip side my allergies are taking their toll on my energy levels throughout the day as their dander fights with my immune system. Do I regret getting them? Hell no. Just look at Loki’s eyes… just little balls of love. They’re actually quite well behaved for only having them for a week! It is rough at times as their little cries just tug on the heart strings unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. These are my first pets ever and I’m so glad I finally got my dachshund. It’s been years in waiting and it’s so worth it!

How is work?

Retail is definitely not the dream, but I love it. Christmas is the one time of year that challenges my passion for helping people as occasionally the customers can ask for more than I can offer. Not only that but with the holiday stress on everyone, customers can get rude (so can staff, don’t get me wrong) and make easy situations harder than they need to be. I’ve also been told that I am most definitely stuck in my current role until at the very least September next year. This is good because I can push to ensure the team is up to scratch for then but also I will be the one in charge of many decisions and planning the opening of the new store next September. It’s going to be another month of working my rump off, but that’s fine. It’ll be a great experience and I still have to learn the program for rosters as well as get deep into our Telco and Finance sections. I’ve got a bit to learn before I get my own shop anyway, I’m just really excited to help build a team and a culture where people want to be at work and love being there! This is how successful stores run! I’ve done it before with EB Games and HMV, so I’m excited to get my own shop again and get that vibe back into my life!

And such is life!

All in all, things are going really well, as soon as I work writing into this new schedule I’ll be on my way to virtually the right life! Lately I’ve been reading mostly Puppy Training books (Cesar The Dog Whisperer actually works!) and the new tunes I’ve been listening to include Jake Bugg’s Shangri La as well as KO and his various songs (Two faves Capable and Moving Mountains). Every once in awhile its good to get into some new tunes! I love that I get free streaming music through work! Although the last album I bought was Bad Religion’s Christmas Album!

So, lastly I want to wish you all happy holidays, no matter what you celebrate, no matter where you are, I want you guys to just enjoy the time with family and friends. This is one of the first years where I’m content. People asked me what I wanted and the only thing that jumped to mind was more time to write and still get everything else in. Despite not owning a next generation console, I’m not even interested in them at the moment. There’s simply nothing out until next year and by then they should be available in shops. Either way, how are things going with you ladies and gents? Where’s your writing at? Anything new in your life? Did you finish your NaNo project yet? So many questions! Take care and until next time!


NaNoWriMo Filler: Don't Be Wordy!

So today I had a nice post planned; it was going to be creative, it was going to be fun.

After reading a few hundred odd NaNoWriMo Day Nineteen posts, I snapped. I lost it. Why you ask? Because people are using words as filler.

Now, I know what you’re thinking… a book is filled with words, what’s the big deal? The big deal is I was always taught conciseness. People are going out of their way to avoid using contractions and being super descriptive… and for what?! To reach some silly goal?

First thing I’ll say from my milk crate with my megaphone is if you’re doing that, for the love of the writing gods and your muse, please stop. You’re not doing yourself any favours, and you’re not winning. I can write fifty thousand words of rubbish too, anyone can. I understand it is a goal to work towards, but the person who “fails” NaNoWriMo at forty thousand words with a finely written story has in my mind achieved more than writing an additional ten thousand words of rubbish.


Sorry for the rant, but my brain imploded and my inner writer exploded like Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk. It was uncontrollable, and I apologise.

So I’ve ranted and raved and yelled from my milk crate… but what can we do to add to a story and not have it be meaningless? Okay, let’s talk about productive filler, shall we?

The first thing I love to do is add in a character. More characters add depth to the story if done correctly and also add emotional fodder. I mean this wholeheartedly. In a story where you may have finished with thirteen thousand words from the target fifty thousand, adding in a character earlier (around ten thousand words in) can offer you a chance at some side stories as well as protagonist interaction. This can drive depth of your protagonist as well as help the story progress. Also this offers a fun opportunity later if you decide you want to challenge your protagonist. Death is virtually mainstream now in movies and literature (Thanks George R. R. Martin for killing off every character I’ve loved) but the things that make those stories successful is that it progresses past that point. A character dies, how does your protagonist react? Were they responsible? Will there be underlying guilt? Adding in a character puts the muse hard at work at weaving them into the story and makes it much more rewarding than lengthening every don’t and it’s to do not and it is.

Another fun thing to do is play with foreshadowing… this is another of the tools in my belt and I love it because it makes a story feel real. Also it is fun as hell that the hobo in scene two is secretly a man who is a fantastic swordsman who the characters have to return to later, and when they were already so close to him. Having things like these happen gives your readers those “Oh wow!” moments that keep them not only turning pages forward, but backward as well! I love trying to surprise the reader with things that make sense, but also it keeps the story interesting as it’s not just the main conflict that is driving the story. Sometimes it’s the tiny moments that push the characters that are most rewarding! If that isn’t clear enough email me or comment and I’ll try to explain it better with some examples!

So I suppose in short, please find more creative ways to fill those fifty thousand words. I beg of you not only as a fellow writer, but as a reader. NaNoWriMo is a writing challenge, but I think instead of just writing fifty thousand words they should celebrate quality over quantity as we are enforcing terrible habits into potentially good writers. I think if you complete a story arc, and it is over twenty five thousand words, that is something to be extremely proud of. Forcing some arbitrary number upon you and making you feel as though you’ve failed isn’t the writing celebration I’d be hoping for. But hell, I’m just glad they’re celebrating writing at all so I’ll take it!

Okay, so now that all of that is out of the way… here is an update from me (embarrassingly). All excuses aside, I have not moved from my eighty five thousand word mark in the editing of my novel. I have written a ton more in short stories and ideas behind the scenes, because when I have a good idea I experience the creative dam shattering and flooding a poor empty screen with words. I have thirteen one line story ideas on post it notes on my Mac Desktop… and I revisit them everyday. But all of that aside… damn you editing… damn you.

I’ve announced as well that I’ve got a pair of puppies coming soon to a few people and I may have even mentioned in the blog at some point. For those of you who like dogs or cute things, I’ve got a picture you may enjoy and I’ll post it below. My puppy is a miniature dachshund and he will be my first pet ever! This is exciting for me because I’ve always wanted a dog and well… when I was looking at the pups this one snuggled right in and made himself at home. Yes, my face melted. I am considering the name Thor and it hurts me that everyone I tell assumes I’m basing the name off the movies. Norse Mythology… it’s a thing. Look it up. That being said… I did like the new movie.

My puppy, possibly named Thor!
My puppy, possibly named Thor!

Also WordPress has deleted my entire final paragraph upon posting. No idea what’s happened there but let’s try it again! So for those of you falling behind in your NaNoWriMo efforts, would you like me to post your progress so it holds you accountable? Or is there anything I can help with? Also thanks to everyone who has emailed me or commented on the blog! Sorry if I don’t get back to you straight away as my inbox went from two emails a day to forty and I am working on getting back to any and all. The more the merrier I say! Also, if anyone takes the time to write to me, I will reply in one way or another! Anyway good luck and hope to hear from you (yes you!) soon!

Distractions Abound

As a man who when he puts his mind to anything, can most accomplish that said thing, I have the amazing ability to become absorbed into the many distractions that life has. In fact when it came time to figure out what to do today I simply sat down, laptop and book in hand, and loaded up facebook and email straight out of habit. That being said today has been a busy day with a Christening and Reception, and finally seeing the litter of puppies I’ve chosen my new pup out of. My god, it is hard to choose when all of them are half a foot of adorable.

Also, puppies are now on the list of distractions. As of December 7th, I will be the proud new owner of a miniature dachshund and he is a sleepy little pup. In fact all I can think about is how awesome it will be to have him come to my house, cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war (pun intended). Although I know he will take away from the millions of other things I would love to achieve, at the same time, he is my first pet ever so it will be an interesting experience overall!

Batman has taken a back burner, as well as Pokemon… and I judge myself for not devoting more time to these games I love. Especially when I know the PS4 is coming out soon as well as the new Zelda 3DS I’ve already slapped a deposit down on. At the moment, not having kids means getting virtually everything I want, so there is no rush on that! Probably should put more focus into editing my story, but going over it with a fine tooth comb has been rough. Editing is always the hardest part and ensuring that you haven’t let anything out. I think my goal is instead of NaNoWriMo, I’ll give myself until the end of November to complete the edit and pass it off to the first person to read it: My Lovely GIrlfriend. She has been patiently awaiting the moment she is allowed to read my story, so before any editors or anything… she’s first (And she can catch the mistakes I didn’t and ask the questions I knew the answers to).

Waiting for my iBook short story to be published has been a harrowing experience as I check for myself every single day to see if my story is up. There are a few people wanting to reread it and the presentation is crisp and clear with the iBook Author program. The price is free so everyone may enjoy the story but I am hoping that because it is free that I will get much more feedback and thus make myself a better writer! (I hope it’s not soul crushing…)

Lastly my obsession with the silk bound book has reached new heights as I attempt to hunt down the final three in the “Art of” series by Watkins Publishing. I am currently hunting “The Art of Strategy, The Art of Love and The Art of the Samurai.” I am torn on the Art of the Kamasutra as it doesn’t fit in with the others in my opinion. But also, it would complete the set… so… I blame Pokemon for needing to catch em all!

Lastly I need some new music… I need to renew my free JB HI FI NOW subscription as the last one ran out, but I used that thing all the time and now I don’t know what I did without it! My latest obsession is Nero’s Doomsday from the end of The World’s End trailer (which I still have to see!) but for some strange reason I feel compelled to… exercise… damn you dubstep, damn you.

On a final note, I dreamt the other night that my free iBook took off and got a huge cult following, people loved it and eventually I was involved in making a movie out of it. In my dream I was giving an interview about why I chose to give it away for free when I said the most pompous and arrogant thing I’ve ever said, dream or otherwise: Stories should be told, not sold. Sadly, the people loved it, and then it became my thing that all my stories were free and everyone and their friends downloaded them, but I made all my money from merchandise and movie rights. Not a bad business plan, maybe I’ll stick with the concept… but drop the higher than other author attitude. No one would like that guy! Anyway feel free to check out the last few posts for a retrospective and a poll!

Creative work… coming soon…