Tag: Non-Fiction

The Ranting And Raving Of A Creative Mad Man

The sun goes down, plunging the world into darkness and suddenly a light goes on in my cramped home office. For awhile the glow of the laptop screen is more than enough light to work by, until I hear the voice of my Mother in my head. “Timothy, turn the lights on or you’ll hurt your eyes.” Obeying her mental reminder, I turn on the lights and return to my wooden throne in front of my idea box on my bargain basement desk. My girlfriend stirs in bed, asleep, muttering something about turning the oven off and I disregard it as sleep talking.

Is it that time already?

I feel my most alert in these wee hours of the morning, or late hours of the day depending on your perspective. These are the hours I normally write at my best and are normally my most focused. Why is that? How did I become such a night hawk? I listen as the kookaburras laugh maniacally outside and I think about this very article. What inspires me? What drives me? What binds me so deeply to writing, it is as if I cannot imagine being without it for even a day? As I ponder these silly thoughts I wonder if other creatives consider where their muse is on a regular basis. For me my muse works overtime: evenings, weekends, holidays, and sometimes puts in a solid sixteen or more working hours in a day. It all depends on if I sleep and for how long.

But as my mind keeps coming up with ideas, sometimes it can be hard to write everything down. I bought a voice recorder with voice to text software, but I never used it sadly. But my ideas aren’t just stories and games. Those are just all I love to share with everyone. They are my passions! But creatively, I have done many things. Music, Puzzles, Movies, Building Designs, Company Ideas, Business Plans, and oh so much more. It is like I cannot go one day without thinking up some crazy idea. People probably think I’m nuts as I find myself muttering while I think.

Oh games, you've always been there for me...

I don’t know why I chose games as my first passion for my creativity. I love writing, but perhaps it is the way you can interact with your viewer that I find so fascinating. I especially love when a game breaks through and messes with you as a player. But I’ve spoken about those games many times. Today I want to talk about the process I have for coming up with my ideas. Not because I think it will help those of you out there reading to be more creative, but it will maybe give you a bit of the madness behind my thought processes.

Underdog. No, not the cape wearing dog from the movie nor its cartoon counter part from many years before it. I’m talking about the concept of taking an underdog of an idea and bringing it to light. It was one reason I got hooked on the Blackest Night storyline that Geoff Johns was masterminding. I loved the idea of recreating these extremely boring characters that I never cared about, into these sudden foes of unimaginable strength and effect. I hadn’t realized it until the other day, but that was where I got hooked. The line spoken by an evil undead Aquaman still makes me shiver when I think about the first time I read it. “I am still your king.” He said this as he dismantled the Atlantean Army.

I am still your King
"I am still your king." Bad. Ass.

Also, I like filling voids. As I researched the Australian video games industry I got more and more frustrated. Maybe I should perhaps start up a game publishing company over here and that would save companies a ton of money on shipping and save the consumer lots of money at the store right? Well, if that was the case, why hasn’t anyone done it yet? You see, even with a billion great ideas someone has to give them the green light before they go ahead. My process has two people, and the first is my harshest critic. Me. As I come up with ideas I am frequently playing devil’s advocate with myself to shoot them down. If something can make it past me, then it might just be a good idea. I’m overly critical and have probably already shot down some ideas that were original and distinct.

The spark for my creativity can come from anything: a picture, a song, reading the news, working and anything and everything in between. I remember watching the trailer for Spiderman 2 and completely tuned out as the music played. My mind went to a large battle with magician warlords casting huge spells at the other’s army and then suddenly the trailer was over and I thought to myself, I need to get that song. I also love trying to expand on current endeavours such as video game franchises, or even film franchises. I like seeing these things break their own clichés. For example I heard there is another Bond movie coming out. I would personally like to see someone shoot Bond in the head and out of a moving train. They think he’s dead, but the metal plate in his head saved him, but gave him one hell of a headache. I want the bad guy just to not take the chance. It’s as if all Bond villains know how much of a threat he is, but decide to gloat instead of just shooting the man on a tarp and leaving him in a concrete bunker to die a slow, agonizing death.

Also, like everyone else I think, I daydream. You’re at work, and you are busy but not busy enough to occupy your mind. As you sit at your desk, you watch as an earthquake begins. Your coffee vibrates off your desk and crashes to the floor, the wall of your building crumbles and fades away in a cloud of dust as the lights flicker above you. Suddenly you realize this is no earthquake, but Godzilla  is roaming the streets and he is terrorizing people in your city! He finally got sick of destroying Japan! It was only a matter of time! So you grab your conveniently placed Godzilla-Slaying sword and run to the edge of the floor where the wall collapsed away. You’ll be the hero, this time you will stop Godzilla once and for all. You will triumph where Japan could not. You are- Back at your desk. Filing paperwork. Sad but true.

I think up these kinds of things all the time. People would think I was actually insane if they stepped into my head for even an hour. My mind jumps around inspired by what I’ve seen and what I want to see. I have seen Star Wars, what I want to see is a Blind Jedi Master using the force to wield four lightsabers at once against two different enemies; Two hover with the force, and two in his hands… in Case you were wondering. I’ve read comics, but I want to see more of how these people would react under real circumstances as in Batman is faced with the foreclosure of Wayne Enterprises. What would a poor Batman do? I have played games fighting demons, but how would the world deal with an actual end of days scenario as demons spilled forth from cracks in the earth? What if everything I thought was actually my own view into an alternate universe? I feel like sometimes I might be crazy and other times, I feel like I’m not crazy enough. I guess at the end of the day, we’re all crazy in our own way.

Into The Looking Glass… (Part 7)

The final piece of Into The Looking Glass… (Click here for Part One), Brings us finally to the moments that I live in now and where I live in New South Wales, Australia. I hope you’ve enjoyed a look into my past as much as I have enjoyed reflecting upon it and I hope that you have more understanding of who I am as a writer and where I come from.

So after making the jump to Australia, we settled into New South Wales where my girlfriend’s parents live and where she grew up. She is now a teacher and I’m an aspiring writer, hoping to find my wings while I work at K-Mart. Retail is easy and fun, so it will keep my mind on the writing tasks at hand. However, despite engulfing myself in words and work, I am still a visitor to this country. So needless to say I’ve begun looking around the nearby areas and doing all those things that tourists do. Although I am still learning the language (need to go to Canberra? It’s actually called Can-bra. Melbourne? Mel-bin.) it’s still an awesome time. From the first day I arrived I began to see the sights, and I must say Australia is more beautiful than I could have imagined.

First off, I saw the Harbour Bridge and Opera House, they are as magnificent as they appear in the movies and I would definitely suggest heading across the harbour to Taronga Zoo. Not only is the zoo amazing, but the pictures you can get from the water of the bridge and Opera House together make for some fantastic shots. Although be careful, on our way up to the zoo, I saw a spider that was probably three inches in length with a huge web on a lamppost. Absolutely terrifying, if you bring children, keep them close!

The zoo was a lot of fun, but it was actually Symbio Wildlife Park where my mind was blown. Not only did I get to see kangaroos, koalas, echidnas, and a plethora of other crazy animals, but I got to feed kangaroos and pet a koala! Although the kangaroo I was feeding had a joey and if there is anything cuter than a kangaroo, it’s a joey. As I made my tour of all the kangaroos some held onto my hand while feeding them making it a definite memorable experience. Also, on the topic of wildlife, I have seen a platypus as well. Normally I wouldn’t expect them to be so well suited for the water, but those little guys just look so happy and playful that you can’t help but smile. That and it just looks plain weird, but in a cute way.

My spider count here is climbing as I have finally seen a Redback, one of the most poisonous spiders in Australia. Knowing that something that tiny can make you really ill or even potentially kill you is terrifying to the point that you will do whatever it takes to end that tiny beast. I’ve killed two now, they call me TJ “Spider’s Bane” Edwards now in my small town. Yeah, soon it’ll be known everywhere! Also white tails are in abundance around our neighbourhood, but they are actually a hunting spider. They don’t have a web, they simply prowl your house looking for bugs, which is really handy and I wouldn’t care except their bites can cause long-term skin and muscle damage.

Aside from that I’ve been laughed at, told I have a great accent (which is weird when everyone around me has an accent) and told to speak english so all in all, I think I’m fitting in just fine. Some of the place names though are hilarious. There is a place called Blackbutt, a street nearby called Wooleybutt and Kanahooka. Kanahooka? Yes they can! If you don’t get the joke, say it aloud and then if you still don’t get it… well sadly you won’t fit in.

Also for anyone living in Canada, remember the robins and blue jays we used to see and those were really exciting come spring? Well you know those cockatoos at the pet shop for a pretty penny? They fly free here in flocks of twenty to a hundred or more! There are also beautiful birds called Rainbow Lorikeets that are literally a rainbow of colours. There are just so many gorgeous birds here that I could spend all day just naming off amazing birds. Although pelicans are much stranger to look at in person than on cartoons and television shows. I saw one using it’s neck to scratch it’s chin, it did this by leaning it’s head back and pushing its neck up into its floppy neck. Such a weird sight to see!

However I am still trying to get my bearings while driving, I have only driven on the wrong side of the road once and I am terrified of roundabouts. These circular free-for-alls are pretty much the most terrifying thing in Australia, seeing as how people blow through them at eighty km/hr. Getting to and from work would make me bald, if I wasn’t already! But for now that brings you up to speed on this canuck’s adventures amuck. Feel free to leave your comments below or email me! Thanks for reading and thuc concludes Into the Looking Glass!

Into The Looking Glass… (Part 6)

Part Six of Into The Looking Glass… (Click here for Part One), which is a look back at where I’ve come from as both a person and a writer. I’ve been through many trials in my days, however I will leave full disclosure for perhaps a professional autobiography if I manage to make it as a writer and worm my way into media somehow. For now, enjoy my path, picking up as I make the decision to leave my homeland behind and undertake my longest journey yet, to the land down under!

After leaving my friends behind at the HMV in West Edmonton Mall for my shot at management with my own HMV, I found myself enjoying the challenge of business again. As I arrived I found a decent staff awaiting me, just lacking focus, motivation and passion. It wasn’t their fault as they didn’t really get along with the previous manager. Lucky for me, we may not have seen eye to eye on a lot of things, but we all got along well enough to get the store trending upwards and actually watching what we spend our money on. Even now I miss some of the hilarious times we had and the great challenges we managed to overcome as a team. I also miss my boss, who was very respectful, knowledgeable and an all around great guy. If things may have happened differently, I might still be there… enter… the love interest!

As time passed one of my friends from working at the old store grew closer. We began to spend more time together and really found ourselves enjoying each other’s company. As I watched her head off on a trip across Canada, I began to wonder if I should pursue her. Her being Australian would put a damper on the career path I had begun building in Edmonton, but since when does anything go as planned as I learned from my previous relationship. I was heading home that summer anyway so we discussed it and I figured I would meet her in Nova Scotia and show her around my home town. After all, I would get to play tourist all over again and see all those sights I hadn’t seen in years!

The time flew by, as I travelled around with her in Halifax for a few days I decided that I did want to pursue this. She was great and I didn’t want to be that guy who lets the girl get away and spends the rest of his life wondering, “Oh… what if?” I asked her out and she agreed, but it would mean she’d need to stay in Canada for an extra six months on her visa. I told her if she made that commitment for me, I would come to Australia so long as she still wanted me to after her visa was up. She agreed and we both decided to fly back to Edmonton. Lucky for me my Dad was able to sell her van with no back seats, and my parents got to meet her at the same time.

Only a few short months after that, my Dad tragically passed away. The iron man was no more, and I was especially glad that he had the chance to meet my girlfriend. I decided I had to go home, but it was going to cost me quite a bit. Lucky for me my girlfriend and her parents helped pay for my trip back and I will always be grateful for that. At times like those, it’s so hard to focus when something has happened so close to you. As the trip back was planned, my boss at HMV told me to go home from work, although I couldn’t leave my store knowing that no one would be covering. I worked the next two days and then had a day to pack. As we travelled back to Halifax, it was an awkward moment for everyone as it would be her first time meeting my entire family.

This is where I found out my family mostly has facebook and stalk me regularly. Everyone mentioned to my girlfriend they recognized her from facebook. Social Networking 1, Funeral Service 0. However it was a wonderful service and I will definitely miss my Dad. But my family is always super awkward at these kind of events. We are a group of people who love to laugh and we do our best to make jokes, no matter how much worse it makes things. For example, when my Mom told me we were having my Dad cremated, I had no idea what to say to make things better, so I naturally asked “Should I bring the marshmallows?” These jokes cropped up all week long as we struggled to maintain some semblance of sanity in the chaos things had been thrown into. In a moment of my uncle and I forcing my Dad’s ashes into a much smaller box then the bag of ashes we looked at each other and laughed. I couldn’t help myself, “Difficult in life and in death, at least he was consistent.”

After that passed, Christmas was a blur and suddenly I found myself selling all my worldly possessions and moving to the great land down under, Australia. Despite not drinking tea or alcohol, having an overwhelming fear of spiders and not understanding the national language of Australia (English, Well… Kind of); I feel like I’m beginning to fit in. But I’ll definitely tell you all about Australia in my next and most likely final piece of Into The Looking Glass. If you have any questions or comments leave them below and hope you enjoyed the stay!

Into The Looking Glass… (Part 5)

Part Five of Into The Looking Glass… (Click here for Part One), which is a look back at where I’ve come from as both a person and a writer. I’ve been through many trials in my days, however I will leave full disclosure for perhaps a professional autobiography if I manage to make it as a writer and worm my way into media somehow. For now, enjoy my path, picking up as I make the move across Canada from Nova Scotia to Alberta.

After we decided to move to Alberta, I found myself going up a month ahead of time to get things prepared for when my girlfriend got there. As I made the move to a place I had never been before, I met up with my best friend and it was like no time had passed. We got along perfectly right off the bat and I began venturing out into the city looking for jobs and just scouting the territory. Edmonton is a huge city and I managed to get lost downtown fairly quickly. However as the month went on I felt extremely energetic and cheerful. I had never felt so alive! Perhaps it was because I had moved to a new city, perhaps it was because I was reunited with my best friend. I brushed it all off and continued about my business.

I then decided to catch a bus and head to the self proclaimed “Greatest Indoor Show On Earth”. As I arrived at the West Edmonton Mall, I found myself in awe of it’s sheer size. As I headed off the bus I simply followed the crowd into the closest entryway. I was immediately shocked as I saw what seemed to be a llama just standing all on its own in the middle of this huge mall. As I got closer, I did see a short person holding onto it’s collar but it still unnerved me. Why was a llama here? As I marched around the mall, I found out why. It had a petting zoo, and that wasn’t even the best attraction. The mall had a plethora of sights and even an indoor amusement park! I had to work in here, and I applied at HMV.

Now when I first applied, the guy hiring me took a look at my resume and asked me if I wanted to do the interview now. I needed a job so I agreed, and shortly thereafter had a shift scheduled for the next week. Edmonton was definitely looking up. I wouldn’t be doing anything too special, just working in the receiving area. I thanked him for the opportunity and continued on my way around the mall where I met two mall staff walking a penguin, the llama again and hung out around the wave pool and the skating rink for a bit. I didn’t even mention the pirate ship, but who needs to, right?

As I started at HMV I found myself complaining a lot, I was just getting to know these people and they were taking notice of how unhappy I must have been back in Nova Scotia. It wasn’t until my girlfriend arrived in Edmonton that I began to believe them. Even my best friend said he watched my batteries drain after she arrived. I stuck up for my relationship and continued on in complete denial of what was all too true. I was depressed when I was home, however when I was at work I was pretty much whistling while I worked. HMV liked the work I was doing and I was offered a promotion shortly into my career there. I was taken aback, but after my previous experience in management with EB Games, I was very cautious. Not every company will treat their managers well.

As the days wore on, so did my patience and eventually the household I was living in had to move. We almost lost someone during the winter as we found the house had no heating in the basement, so that meant we had to leave before we signed another lease. We up and moved the ship that was our little group to another part of the city. During this time I took on a supervisory role at HMV and I was really enjoying it. The people I worked with were great fun, and I loved the challenges the job presented me. As I flourished at work, I would do anything not to go home. I worked extra hours, hung around the mall and generally just seemed to be avoiding my girlfriend. My best friend told me that it was over between my girlfriend and I, but I still wanted to try and work things out.

Suddenly Christmases passed and it was over a year later. I found myself looking around and hanging out with anyone who wasn’t my girlfriend. Eventually, I had to give in. I had been sleeping on the couch as her and I couldn’t talk about our day because it was becoming a heated argument. After much discussion, I decided I had tried hard enough and it seemed she wouldn’t try more. It was always “this time I will” and I couldn’t hear it any more. I decided we should end it, and try and be friends. Being friends with your ex is near impossible, so don’t bother. I helped her find a place, helped her move out, helped her buy two kittens and drove her to get them checked up at the vets. But eventually, I began to feel that she was still using me and decided to sever all ties. It’s hard when a person has been in your life for several years, you still care about them, but the feeling has completely changed.

Lucky for me, my friends were right by my side and even though I had asked for it, it was still very hard. HMV however had a new plan for me. Within a very short time frame after that I had a whole other world of concerns to deal with as I transferred to another store where I was to be the Manager. I loved the store, the dynamic, the staff and the fact that it was mine! It felt good to be in control again and I did very well as a store manager. Also, thanks to HMV I met my current lady friend, and many great friends I still keep in touch with to this day.

I’ll leave you with that for now, and soon you’ll find out where I am now and why I’m there! I’m also going to talk about the dramatic change in cultures and things I’ve found crazy or odd coming from another country! Thanks for reading and if you have any comments feel free to email me or leave them below!

Into The Looking Glass… (Part 4)

Part Four of Into The Looking Glass… (Click here for Part One), which is a look back at where I’ve come from as both a person and a writer. I’ve been through many trials in my days, however I will leave full disclosure for perhaps a professional autobiography if I manage to make it as a writer and worm my way into media somehow. For now, enjoy my path, picking up where I left off amid the turmoil of working two jobs and attending university as well as throwing a lady into the mix.

If you’d allow, I’ll back track a little bit. As I graduated high school I was still working at the theatre and a friend of mine was setting up a huge movie night with a bunch of our co-workers. I had been actively chasing after this one young lady, who did enjoy my company and the fact I always paid for snacks. But as I began to realize things weren’t going to actually turn into a relationship, I got frustrated and just abandoned that ship before it began to sink. My lovely friend swung by and saw me all dishevelled and I told him what had happened. He looked around and guaranteed me he’d find me a date for the movie. Impressive, I thought to myself, I can’t even get myself a date but he’s confident he can find me one. I believe he may have had some insider information, because that night I had a date.

Now we can zip back to where I left off last time during university and working two jobs. It was a struggle juggling all of that and a relationship but somehow we managed to make things work. Well, by work I mean we just managed. Not everything went smoothly as both of us were working hard to achieve something. I was dead set on being the first in my immediate family to graduate university. She was heading into working with special needs children. But as my girlfriend got more stressed, she starting getting sick. Eventually she caved and told me she had an auto immune disorder and it flared up once in awhile. After seeing many trends of her getting stressed and then sick, I had to break my own routine and tell her what I was observing. She knew it was happening but she couldn’t stop it, so I had to step in. Many a night did I clean the house, make supper and put her to bed against her will before she got sick. Eventually she hadn’t been sick in a very long time which was a win for the both of us.

However working with special needs kids can be both rewarding and exhaustingly stressful. I watched her mother do it day in and day out and with her illness, she would spend a month working and then a month not. As we discussed her future, mine came up as well. At this point I was beginning to get sick as well, mostly from pushing myself to do school and work until I could literally do neither. She suggested I take some time off and I suggested she change career paths. So we both took some time to relax and think about where we were both headed. I decided that one more day in front of a computer screen alone in a cubicle would break me as a person and decided to take a more creative route despite enjoying the problem solving of programming. My girlfriend on the other hand began short courses in art and design, and found she was really finding a passion for interior design. As I saw her designs unfold, I pushed for her to pursue it professionally as she had a knack for it and she was a people person.

That fall I switched from Computer Science at a reputable university, to 3D animation through distance education. I loved the program and I loved creating things from scratch, and turning simple objects like cylinders into sports cars or even people! Sadly for me, as the program neared a close the recession began in Canada so getting a job with my portfolio was near impossible. Especially after I saw some people from Pixar had moved back to Nova Scotia and had been hired over me. I understood, he made a little animation of Nemo which blew me away. All I had was a funky animation mimicking a rube goldberg machine (No idea what it is? Click Here) of what happens when you turned on a Nintendo Entertainment System (Watch the video here!). So sadly I focused on my career in retail. Lucky for me an Assistant Manager position opened up at the EB Games I was working at so I cut the theatre and got the job there.

My EB Games years would prove incredible. My passion and knowledge for the product made me a shoe-in for the sales position and my attention to detail and hard working nature made me fantastic for management. As the two sides blended into one, I eventually claimed ownership over that store. I grew the business from less than half a million dollars the year before I took over to over a million and beyond before I left. I turned a small store that was only considered an overflow store into a competitor in the neighbourhood. I had a charming staff and I picked a bunch of gamers and taught them business and professionalism. Through this my store was the most knowledgeable and arguably the smoothest running with little to no turnover of staff. The clientèle I gained were some of my favourite customers, some would come work for me, and others would remain as friends even to this very day. But as all good things must come to an end, my girlfriend found a school for interior design out near my best friend and we began planning the move.

As we moved across the country, I got excited to see my best friend again and for a fresh start. I wouldn’t be staying with EB Games, however a new chapter was about to begin. Sadly what I couldn’t see was another chapter closing right before my eyes. But I’ll save that for my next entry. For now, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy both the video and the post today! Remember comments below or email me!

Into The Looking Glass… (Part 3)

Before I get too into today’s piece I would love for someone or anyone to read My Father’s Scrapbooks and let me know what they think via email or comments below! Now for today’s article, Part Three of Into The Looking Glass… (Click here for Part One), which is a look back at where I’ve come from as both a person and a writer. I’ve been through many trials in my day, however I will leave full disclosure for perhaps a professional autobiography if I manage to make it as a writer and worm my way into media somehow. For now, enjoy my path, picking up where I left off after Junior High.

As Junior High came to a close I found myself among a very tightly knit group of friends. We all got along and there was next to no conflict. I helped one of them bury a goldfish, helped another weed his mom’s garden and had my best friend wake up to me eating breakfast at his computer because I rushed to school way too early. Sometimes a six looks like an eight, especially when you’re extremely tired. But as times went on one friend moved away and we all began thinking about high school. What classes would we take, what would we end up in together, etc…  We eventually coordinated and kept on with french immersion. It kept the majority of the morons in our school away from our classes and allowed us to learn unhindered.

However grade ten was relatively easy, I found myself struggling with math. Suddenly it was a challenge? I thought back to all my learning from elementary school and realized, I coasted through until grade nine, grade ten was new. Math beat me down and despite my passion for it I barely made a mark of seventy percent. As I looked ahead to grade eleven I realized french immersion was no longer an option. It had none of the classes I was interested in taking so I decided that despite coming this far I would drop it. I didn’t want to ruin my chances for university just because I needed to take Astronomie. I also decided since I wouldn’t be taking classes in french, I could focus on my math and asked to enter the Advanced Math classes. My teacher from grade ten fought valiantly to get me banned from the class, but the teacher for my next class let me in. She warned me though, if I wasn’t trying my best she would not allow me into the next class. That seemed rather fair.

The year went on and my friends began getting jobs. I searched and applied everywhere but to no avail… eventually taking up a job as the Easter Bunny. Free chocolate and ten dollars an hour for a sixteen year old was the greatest job ever. Sadly, it was only for a few days. As that job ended I got a call back from Burger King and took the job for a lack of options. Lucky for me, my trainer was the High School President for the graduating year. Him being an awesome guy, he taught me quickly and we had some hilarious times. No one else really took a shine to me but he really made it bearable. As summer came, he informed me that he would be heading off to volunteer at a youth camp for the summer, but he’d be back. Needless to say, I didn’t last the summer as I found the rest of that group hated me because he liked me immediately. Jealousy in the workplace was extremely annoying, and eventually they forced me out.

Finally my best friend had managed to secure himself a promotion at the theatre he was working at and asked me to come work with him. Of course free movies and working with my best friend sounded awesome, so I applied and got the job easily. On my name tag, they wrote my name as TIM E but the space was almost non existent. Logically, the first customer I had on my first shift had to ask: “Is your name Time?” I didn’t want the lady to feel embarrassed for asking the question, so I rolled with it. I told her my parents had their hippy phase a bit late, and had named me Time. Of course my trainer was already in the back room spreading laughter about that whole situation and the nickname stuck. Even the owner of the theatre only knew me as Time, so when I was eventually promoted to Supervisor he received a new name tag for me to which he asked, “Who’s Tim Edwards?” Before I got promoted however, I was working quite a lot and I had worked really late one night and got to work for about six in the morning the next day. I got to work, groggily made my way upstairs to the change rooms and got changed. I felt really cold, but who doesn’t when they wake up in the morning. As I made my way downstairs into the lobby I made eye contact with the supervisor and cash office manager across the lobby. As we met eyes, I watched as both of them burst into a ridiculous fit of laughter. I stopped a moment and looked down. Sure enough, I was pants-less, however my socks were hiked up to my knees and I still managed to put my belt on and tuck my shirt into it. My Darth Vader boxers made quite the impression, I simply looked back up at the two laughing hysterically and nodded as I turned to go and retrieve my pants. That might be a sign you work too much.

The theatre years would prove some of the most hilarious times of my many jobs as I shared many moments in a team atmosphere. From Coke Bag-In-Box Boxing to getting stuck up to the waist in popcorn, laughs were easily daily and the job was super easy. As I graduated high school I made the tough choice not to follow my best friend to University in Alberta. Instead, I chose to stay back in Nova Scotia and take advantage of my Dad’s half off at Dalhousie University because he worked there.

Even still, half off for university was still expensive as I didn’t really plan for university. I had a pay-as-I-go method that would cause me to apply at EB Games and hope for the best. I managed to graduate high school with not as good a mark as I had hoped, (Switching from french science to english science was not easy in the slightest) however that mark was the one that kept me from making honours. Despite that I got into Dalhousie and applied for student loans. I was shocked to learn that I was ineligible for government loans. After they denied me, I looked to my bank for anything and they granted me a line of credit. To anyone reading this, just don’t. I worked two jobs and tried to start university.

As a young guy I really came into who I wanted to be in high school. I learned where I needed to go and stopped worrying about getting a girlfriend. I figured it would just happen when it happened. So I managed to get a keyholder position at EB Games, held down my Supervisor position at the Theatre and started school. It was going to be hard, but I was determined to be the first in my immediate family who would graduate from university. However… fate as it seems had other plans for me. But I’ll get to that in Part Four. For now, thanks for reading!

Into The Looking Glass… (Part 2)

Hello again everyone, thank you for swinging by my blog. Last night I celebrated a moment of personal victory as my blog passed two hundred views. Thanks to everyone who has supported me thus far, I really appreciate it. It definitely motivates a person to keep going knowing that someone out there may actually be reading!

Today’s article is Part Two of Into The Looking Glass… (Click here for Part One), which is a look back at where I’ve come from as both a person and a writer. I’ve been through many trials in my day, however I will leave full disclosure for perhaps a professional autobiography if I manage to make it as a writer and worm my way into media somehow. For now, enjoy my path, picking up where I left off after elementary school.

So at the end of grade six, I had managed to get myself into quite a lot of trouble and made more enemies than friends. Even my parents wanted to trust me, but I had broken that trust. Luckily for me, my french teacher commended me on my passion for learning and excelling in her class. She asked me if I would join french immersion. She explained to me that I was fit for the task and being bilingual would get me jobs easier than someone who wasn’t. I saw it as an opportunity to get away from the majority of my old friends, and I would continue on with the few good friends I did have. I remember asking my mother if I could go into french immersion, she was shocked, but said it wasn’t up to her it was up to me. I said I wanted to, I just needed her signature. The next day I handed in my note and anxiously awaited Junior High.

However, before the end of that year one of the relatives I was closest to passed away. My grandfather on my mother’s side, sadly passing away on Christmas Day. It was a tragic moment for me, as I told him lots of stories and problems I had at school that I hadn’t spoken to my parents about. I knew things were changing that year, but I hadn’t anticipated losing my support. As we stood there, I could barely understand what was going on, but my young sister was crying because everyone else was. It wasn’t the best of my many Christmases, but it is by far the most memorable. The year got much longer as I found myself with fewer people to talk to about my problems. Everyone says you can talk to them, but you know how much of it is already a burden on you. You almost feel compelled to keep it in so as not to bother anyone else. However Junior high would be a fresh start, it would be better. I just knew it.

So as junior high began I had cut myself off from my friends who didn’t go into french immersion, not on purpose, but there were many new faces among the crowd. As we all began new cliques and I was seated at a table completely separate from my friends from elementary, I was forced into making new ones. Lucky for me, I can get along with just about anyone. As I met a guy who would easily become my best friend and two of his friends, our friends all managed to get along and soon the group had formed and solidified. These would be the friends I would carry straight up through and into high school. Definitely the best group of friends I had ever had, especially up to this point. One of the problems I was having though was I had no real values, no idea how to be a good friend and I was still being bullied around school. The bullying didn’t bother me, but it did toughen me up. Eventually, it grew from two on one bullying to more and eventually it would take four guys to successfully bully me around. I always thought to myself, these guys are so lame, and I pitied the fact that they felt they needed to do that. Whatever made them feel better about themselves, I guess they needed it more than me.

As junior high continued I loved french immersion, and decided I would continue it into high school as well. Despite being bullied, I had some incredible times and made some of the best friends I may ever have. I mean, those people you meet throughout life you may have a lasting affect on forever. A girl I liked, ended up dating one of my friends instead and through the connections she made there, is with another of my friends. Who would he be with now if I had never met her? Who knows? But at the end of the day things worked out. No matter what though, I learned how to be a friend, and forged my own values and personality from those around me. Every one of those people made an impression on me that makes me thankful I ever met them, even if we didn’t always get along.

That’s it for today’s entry, tomorrow will be Episode Two of Unbiased Law and this article will continue on every second day. Please feel free to leave your comments below or email me from the top right! Thanks for reading!

Into The Looking Glass… (Part 1)

This article is going to serve as an introduction to me. My name is Timothy John Edwards (in case you didn’t notice the web address for this blog). In the past few years I have undergone some extensive changes to my life such as relocating to Australia and even before that moving across Canada from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Edmonton, Alberta. Let’s start with some back history shall we?

When I was younger I was fascinated with math and the problems it presented. I also was a very imaginative little boy, always on an adventure in my head, fighting dragons, riding dinosaurs and exploring the woods. This fuelled my love for video games at a very young age thanks to my parents who already owned a Colecovision, an Atari and a Commodore 64 before I came along. But after awhile it was getting harder to find new games for those and I became obsessed with the Nintendo Entertainment System. Watching the commercial where they are shooting the ducks in Duck Hunt blew my young mind! Eventually my parents caved and I got one and yes, it was the greatest thing I had ever experienced! This easily helped fuel the fires of desire for more gaming. Even though Sonic looked really cool on the Sega, I had already seen Super Mario Bros 3 in a commercial or TV program so I didn’t bother asking for a Sega.

Elementary school was awesome for me, I excelled quite easily and I loved learning! I was an extremely short sponge of a kid, but in grade four we began learning french. That same teacher actually took an interest in those of us who excelled in math and formed a small advanced math group. We in the group bonded over that and began pushing ourselves and each other. That year we learned enough math to get us into year nine or so in studies. Five grades ahead wasn’t a bad start! However the next year our teacher was very clearly just cashing her teaching check and none of the advanced group pursued advanced math any further. Our last teacher pointed us in the right direction, and this teacher barely taught us anything. This is when I strongly began my delinquency phase, the one pretty much every child has.

My best friend in grade three had been the most popular kid in school, but when he moved away I was left pushed to the outskirts of the popular crowd. I didn’t really care too much, but I still had many people I was used to hanging out with. Eventually they peer pressured me into stealing for them. I essentially had to pay my dues for being popular. This sucked for a few years as they pushed for bigger and better items. Candy bars turned into small jewelery, small toys got bigger. I managed to get in trouble with my parents often as I stole money from them as well. Eventually I began to realize these people weren’t really my friends at all. It was shortly after I stopped stealing for them that many people dropped me as a friend.

Then enter grade six, the year before most Canadian children move on to Junior High. I had given up stealing and began gaining many new friends who were instrumental in my development. After awhile though I found myself running in with the wrong crowd again. One day they eventually peer pressured me into fighting another kid at the school over nothing, and I agreed to it. Over the course of the day I thought about it and all these jerks who kept pushing me to do things I had no interest in doing. That day I went to the fight and stood there with everyone watching me. I had been pressured long enough, and without a word I turned my back on the other kid. Now I don’t know what possessed him to do it, but he tackled me over and pinned me to the ground. That was when I realized all those people who I thought were my friends were nothing of the sort, as they were cheering him on.

I don’t look at that moment as a moment of weakness in my eyes, I look at it as the turning point of my own development. I grew that day into the start of a person I wanted to become, not who others wanted me to be. That point has stuck with me even through to today. I don’t mention names because this is my story, some people will know who they are and where they fit into the story. For the readers who don’t know any of these people, you’re not losing out on any details.

Tomorrow’s article will actually be my first attempt at writing episodic fiction and I will stagger it with these kind of autobiographical pieces. For now thanks for reading and take care!

PS- I’ve decided to add a link to the next part of this article if you wish to skip the fiction! Ahead to Part Two->