Tag: ideathon

The Ideathon: My Imaginary Adventures

This has been a busy week and I have neglected many things. My lawn for one will require a machete to cut soon, as well as a whip and brown fedora. Hopefully there are no Nazi’s in there too! As I neglect my lawn, and occasionally my dishes (I still rinse!) I find myself sleeping, writing, eating or working. Yes, I do have a girlfriend, but I try and give her all of the time we have together. That choices leaves me with plenty of writing time still, but I just feel guilty about not writing, you know what I mean?

This past week saw me come up with another story idea which is fresh off another story idea I am already working on. As I beat out solely the plot points, I find myself with easily 40 points to focus on and loads of conspiracies to have fun with. The story in one sentence is: A man grows from nobody to martyr to unify the world against an alien threat. (Next up, on FOX.) Wow, that one line had actually no spoilers and sums it up quite nicely. Not bad, not bad at all. The idea may sound a bit dull, but with the 40 plot points I’ve jotted down just this morning, the conspiracies and twists run deep. Still, it’s not my main idea so off to the back burner it goes.

That being said, one of my friends really enjoyed the story of the Mediocre Assassin. They suggested I run with that, and even after rereading what I wrote, I can’t tell you why. Do I think that it was fantastic? I did! Now do I? I really feel as though my writing has improved significantly since I wrote that story, and that was not that long ago. I think I should do old Sherman a favour and revisit his story, give it more tact, more sarcasm, more… awesome. Even as the ideas jump around in my head, I already feel guilty enough not focusing on my main idea which for now is named “Fabled”.

“Fabled” is currently my baby, and it has not been given the attention it deserves. As I hash out the details, I find myself immersing in lore and even figuring out religion in my world and how it works. Magic? Rare. Relics of the Gods? Few and far between. Secret orders? Many, and varied. Even as I type this I consider myself to be leaving the story to fend for itself. In part, I almost believe I have so many ideas because I am terrified to finish one. What if it’s not good enough? What if that other idea is better? Why write story when I can blog about writing?

The Ideathon will be happening this week. What is the Ideathon you ask?! Well, this week I will not write a single word in any story. I am going to attempt to drain my imagination of all of its ideas. Yes, this laptop is about to become extremely overwhelmed with text and excel documents. I am doing this so that I will not be tempted to follow any single line of thought. I frequently get ideas and inspired by other things I read, write and experience. This will be an attempt to see if I actually can just get the creativity out so I can focus on the story at hand. My muse has “inceptioned” their muse and I find myself always imagining things, running away with ideas and never able to focus. If gluttony is one of the cardinal sins, then I have sinned in the gluttony of ideas… I just can never get enough. My punishment is never being able to complete the task.

I will post some of the crazy one sentence story ideas here in the following week, so if you need some inspiration, feel free to hit me up for a few ideas! For now I am off to sleep, I have many social commitments this weekend and the routine begins on monday! Until then!