Category: Blog Of Writing +1

The Liebster Award – It's A Thing!

First and foremost, I’d like to thank the lovely Becka over at Sweet Stuff By Becka for nominating me for this award! No matter what it may actually be, I appreciate the thought and will give you my quick confession!

So upon being nominated, I quickly read over Becka’s post in which she was nominated! Much to my suspicion, I read over it and said to myself… Oh man! This sounds like one of those chain letters you get through email! My inner skeptic scoffed at the idea of conforming to the internet and its blog version of the chain letter. Then I began to consider the way this particular award works.

A kind soul (AKA Becka, thanks again!)  reads your blog and thinks it is worthy of their own promotion. Thusly, they create a blog post (as this one here) and link to the person who nominated them while also promoting more blogs that they think are awesome. In turn, I am to do the same thing. As much as I hate chain mail in my inbox… I like the actual heart behind this one.

The Liebster Award
The heart behind the award! (Pun intended!)

“The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. So, what is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn’t that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it’s a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs.”

After reading that description, it didn’t matter if it sounded like chain mail or not. What matters is how I perceive it now! The award is all about building a community, which is exactly what I’ve done here through my efforts this month! Also, it is a sweet and honest reward, and therefore I pass it on!

There are indeed rules, which also must be passed on and they are:

  • Link to the person who nominated you (Only a kind courtesy out of thanks!)
  • Answer their questions (Mini interview!)
  • Nominate new blogs for the award (Pay it forward!)
  • Ask them 10 new questions (Your turn!)
  • Let the nominees know they have been nominated (Keep in touch and follow up!)

So, if you’ve read those you know what comes next… Becka! I hope you enjoy!

The Interview! (Dun Dun Dunnnnn!)

1)What was the best thing that happened today?

I got home and found I had been nominated for this award.

That may sound silly, but I got to work early, had training, missed my break, my lunch had for some reason gone bad, left late, got home and my partner wasn’t feeling well, cooked dinner, fell asleep and then found out I’d been nominated. After the day I had, a win is most certainly a win! If it had been yesterday, my short story, Circle of Vengeance hit the Kindle store (.99 cents for now, free as soon as they fix it!)

2)Where do you find your blogging inspiration?

My blogging inspiration comes from my love of writing. I have been writing for what feels like forever now and have loved telling stories as much as I write them. There is something so rewarding about the art of writing that I can only hope to one day be fortunate enough to make money at it. Sad thing is, I love work and will never stop, although I would consider dropping in hours or changing careers!

3)Do you consider yourself a glass half full or half empty kind of person?  Why?

I’ve always hated that analogy! I am the kind of person who doesn’t look at what’s in the glass… I’m the kind of person who looks at the potential within that glass. How much can it hold? What can it hold? The possibilities there are much more interesting… although now I’m thirsty.

4)What’s your favorite childhood memory?

Getting my first game console. It was a sweet Nintendo Entertainment System, and I also was one of the few proud owners of a Power Glove. Motion control nearly two decades before the Wii was a thing. That is why Nintendo gets my money!

5)Where do you want yourself and/or your blog to be a year from now?

I want to still be blogging right here with you guys. As hard as it may be if I achieve all my life goals in the next year, no matter what I always want that connection with people. I love communicating and hearing positive or negative feedback. I am fortunate that the community I’ve built here is entirely constructive and or positive feedback. It means a lot!

As for where I want to be… I have a list of fifty life goals and one of the more important personal ones is for me to be published. In one regard I would absolutely love to make billions of dollars because some of my other goals consist of running a school for the creative arts with many degrees into the gaming industry paired with the industry itself. Also I would love to be able to give scholarships to not those high achievers who never make the most of their awards, but those people who work hard and want to better themselves. I worked two jobs while attending university because I was ineligible for student loans. Now I’m bald. I want to prevent that for other people!

6)What’s your favorite home cooked meal?

Hard question! If it’s my mom’s cooking then it is mashed potatoes, under beef mince cooked in gravy, topped with corn or her seafood chowder! If it’s my partner’s mother’s cooking, her deliciously mouth watering round steak casserole with garlic sourdough bread… *Drool* If it’s my cooking, it is my homemade pizzas and if it’s my partner’s, it is any dessert she makes! They’re deliciously sweet!

7)What is a goal that you have that may be hard to achieve?

Starting the school mentioned above. Where do I even begin? How do I begin? I know nothing about the industry, I am not in the industry and I am not anywhere near wealthy enough to start it. Really I just want to help people on the path to finding their own dreams, and in the creative fields and gaming are where my passions lie.

8)Who do you look up to?

Tall people?

Seriously I look up to those people who treat others the way they wish to be treated and the leaders who lead by example. My mother taught me all of these values, so in essence… I suppose she is at the top of that pyramid!

9)Why do you keep writing/baking/sewing/(insert hobby here)?

I keep writing because for me not to write would be for me to cease to be!

Writing and I are one and the same, we have an intimate relationship in which no one will ever know nor understand me the way my muse does. Other people may understand that relationship, but I have never felt the need nor urge to travel. My muse has taken me to broken warzones amid arid planets, beautiful vistas that have left me breathless and to places where words have yet to be invented for what I have seen. In these travels I have met some of the most interesting people and beings, and despite the dangers of these areas… I have never feared for my life despite watching beings fade into the next life and beyond.

I write because I can’t help it. I write because I love it. I write because that’s what makes me who I am.

10)What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Impossible Question.

Seriously though, Heavenly Hash… can’t even get that flavour in Australia. Yes, I am heartbroken.


Okay! Now that I’ve subjected you to my info session, here are the blogs I nominate!

ElitistGeek – One of the ones who has emailed me and made a more personal connection. I enjoy her writing and her posts are visually appealing (Something I could probably learn from, hahaha!) Also she is doing NaNoWriMo and killing it! Keep her on track and check her out!

Valourbörn – Another one who has reached out and contacted me directly. Also if I’m not mistaken, I think Alex has been nominated for this award before and it shows why in the quality of the posts!

Nikki and the Novel – Nikki is a frequent commenter and one of the many reasons the frequency of my posts has increased to almost one a day. Her blog is a nice plain and straightforward design and her posts are quite amusing!

When I Become A Superhero – I believe Lizzee has been nominated for this award as well, and with good reason. She is also very active in commenting and is a positive force in the world of blogs!

The Xabeldi Chronicles – If I have one thing to say about Serena, it’s that she has written a heap of stuff. When she shared a few links with me, I became overwhelmed for a moment while I considered my own achievements. She has just released on her blog her epic fantasy entitled, The Last Hero. This story alone clocks in at over three hundred thousand words. Three. Hundred. Thousand. Swing by and give her the respect she has earned!

Honorable Mention: Lorraine Reguly’s Life – After being a skeptic, this kind lady’s post on the above award helped me realise that despite it sounding like a chain letter, what I was passing up was the chance to make others feel good and be a gracious nominee and accept the award! She has beyond the two hundred followers, so I’ve given her this mention as without her I may not have done it! Silly internal critic!

So for those of you who I’ve nominated, firstly I’d like to thank all of you for making contact (with the alien known as TJ Edwards… er, me that is) and for your ongoing support in my blogging efforts. Secondly, fantastic work in each of your own regards, it has been a pleasure to stumble upon your blogs and learn so much in so short a span of time. Not only are you a wonderful part of my community, but now, hopefully the greater one!

Last but not least, here are my ten questions for you… Mwa Ha Ha.

  1. Why did you originally start your blog and is it going to plan?
  2.  Describe your “write space” (AKA Where you write!)
  3. What is your biggest challenge with regards to writing?
  4. What are your top three vices?
  5. What is your biggest goal in life?
  6. What was the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome?
  7. Have you ever submitted a work for publication?
  8. What is the one post or piece of writing you want everyone to read and why?
  9. You rub a magic lamp, a genie pops out and you now have three wishes, what are they?
  10. What is your all time favourite author?

Now that you all have your homework, I look forward to your responses! Although this post has gone past twelve AM I’ll back date it so I maintain my one a day ratio… it will be a week tomorrow since my blog exploded into the active community I have now and I want to thank not only the people above but everyone who reads, skims or even just followed my blog. The frequent views, the comments and the emails all keep me focused on writing and you guys are positive enablers making me want to not only blog more, but just write more in general! Thanks again and tomorrow I will post perhaps a second part to my last post entitled, “The Journey“! Thanks again and now I can hear my bed calling me!

The Journey – Broken Dreams

“Do you remember how you got here?”

The man’s voice echoed in the tiny room as I glanced up from my dazed state. Reality hit me pretty hard as my eyes readjusted to the stark white room with no windows. “No.” I replied quietly. My eyes finally focused back in and I glanced to the man asking the questions. His suit was a charcoal grey and the white shirt beneath it seemed brand new. His tie perfectly matched the colour and fabric of his blazer and he hummed through a three day old growth of a beard that still seemed masterfully groomed. He glanced up from the pad of paper in front of him and tapped his pen as he hummed. With a sigh, he stared into my eyes, long and hard. The icy blue pierced into my very soul, and I felt a quick shiver fall over me. His voice stopped me from staring too long.

“Do you know, or understand where you are?”

As he asked the question, I considered my answer. In reality, no. I had no idea. He leaned in with an examining gaze and wrote tiny words onto his notepad.

“When can I leave?” I asked impatiently.

“You’ve been in an accident. I’m the doctor examining you psychologically. My name is Doctor Harris.”

With his words my mind flashed back to what felt like mere moments before I ended up in this room.


“Tamara, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” My father said gruffly. “It was just a nightmare, nothing more.”

My father had always been a stubborn man, his unmarked trucker’s cap barely hiding the salt and pepper mane beneath. He spoke of a dream, a dream I had that felt so vivid I was sure I’d lived it. “Dad, I’m telling you. We were on this very road, it began to rain, something hit us and you didn’t make it.” I could feel the tears welling up inside again as it brought me back to that moment.

My father shifted uncomfortably in his seat and tugged at his seatbelt. I could tell he felt uneasy, but he wanted to be strong for my sake. “I won’t have this discussion again. You’ve said this every time we take this road. We haven’t died yet, have we?”

I crossed my arms in a huff. Of course he was right, or we wouldn’t be having the conversation. “But tonight is different.” I protested.

“You said that the other night.” My father grumbled as he fixed his hat. “Still alive though, right?”

“Yes, but tonight we were forced to take this road! It was a tad convenient that the other road is flooded out!” I could feel my pulse racing. I glanced out the window and looked for the rain.

“It’s just some dam overflowing, it happens Tamara.” He said, his patience growing thin. “Turn on the radio, I’d rather not talk about dying while I’m trying to drive. Don’t need a self fulfilling prophesy.”

I reached for the radio dial and a small tinny thud echoed from the roof of the van. I paused a moment to look at my father and then the heavens began to pour. My heart was trying desperately to escape my chest, beating against my breast bone like a hammer.

My father swallowed hard as he squinted through the rain. “Coincidence.” He muttered while flicking the wipers on. As they whirred back and forth, clearing litres of water away from the windshield, I watched my father turn on his high beams. I’d never seen him use them;  his night vision was impeccable. “It’s just a precaution, Tamara.” He said softly.

We drove another ten minutes before we came to an intersection. The four way stop seemed useless as there were no cars in any direction for miles. We sat a moment until my father turned to me. “Do you want to go back? I don’t want you to feel ill like last time.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Yes, dear god, yes.” My eyes darted from windshield to side window and back to my father. “This feels too familiar. In fact, it feels nearly the same.”

“What’s different?” My father asked finally, his curiosity had been piqued.

“Not sure, but I-” My breath abandoned me while I watched the car crumple like paper around the man who had raised me. I tried to scream, but the words came out in a ringing sound much to my dismay. Slowly, the car lifted from the road and began to separate nearly perfectly in two. My father’s side of the car lifted up and out of reach, his hand extending to me for aid. Strangely everything moved in slow motion, my hands couldn’t leave my body and I watched as the other half of the car, and my father, disappeared into the rainy night sky. My half of the car hadn’t completed its journey as the forces of gravity and momentum tugged at me from every which angle. My blond hair whipped me in the face, as fragments of glass showered me like the rain. The world spun a few more times, until finally coming to a rest with the open side of the car facing the sky.

I stared straight into the rain, unblinking as the water washed away the shock amid the tears. It was just as I’d dreamed it. Every detail.

My head pounded, I tried to move and found that I was most likely bleeding internally. Breathing became a labour and staying awake suddenly became a chore. With the click of the seatbelt, my weakened body collapsed to the door frame atop many small square shards of glass. Safety glass my ass, corners are still sharp when you’re lying on hundreds of them. It took the entirety of my strength to pull myself to my feet, and after a moment, I pushed myself over the jagged shards of metal jutting out from the car’s torn midsection. A few cuts, nothing really to worry about.

“Da-ad…” My lungs gasped for air halfway through a one syllable word, probably not the best of things. A deep inhale did nothing to quell the fire in my chest as I coughed into the night. “Dad!” I screamed between coughs, I knew in my heart I didn’t want to see him. But I also knew I had to. “Dad!”

My eyes settled on a hunk of metal wrapped neatly around the trunk of a tree. I’d never made it to this part in my nightmares. With no concept of what to expect or what to do, I tried to rush to the wreck. Despite the entirety of my focus being on the mass of metal, my peripherals weren’t seeing any other vehicles. “What the heck hit us…” I whispered to myself as I wandered up and onto the road. Down the lane I watched as car lights flickered in and out of the fog.

“Hey…” I called as I began waving my arms. “Hey! Help!” My lungs hated that sentence as I coughed up some blood. Definitely not good. As the car approached, I noticed it was a classic car. Not modern in the slightest, but decades older. I stood directly in front of it as I waved my right arm wildly, my left arm felt a bit numb, but I only needed one to attract attention.

The car careened past me and vanished quickly into the fog across the road. More lights suddenly caught my attention and I tried desperately to fall out of the way. As I landed, my body lay in the cold snow, much to my shock.

With an ear shattering crash, the next vintage car crashed into the thick field of trees off the side of the road. My eyes stared at it, as both passengers lay dead in the snow beyond the tree. My mind grew fuzzy and I turned back to where my father’s wreck was. “Dad?” I called out, but to nothing. Unblinking, I stared at the four way intersection or where it used to be. A single straight road travelled for miles in either direction. Panic set in, my heart raced, my lungs heaved for air. “Dad…” The words whispered out and were lost in the breeze.


“Miss, are you listening to what I’m asking?”

I glanced back to my interrogator from my memories and clenched my jaw. “Not really.”

“Maybe you just need some rest.” His voice was firm and in an instant two men wheeled in a cot and set it up in the corner of the room.

“Maybe.” I said. “Am I in some kind of trouble?”

The man stared long and hard at me for a moment. “No, not yet.” He cleared his throat and collected up his notepad and pen. “But that will depend on your cooperation.”

As the trio of men left me alone, I could feel exhaustion hitting me like a boxer punching a speed bag. Cot, table, floor; wouldn’t matter, sleep would be incredible.


“Do you think she knows?” A voice whispered from the darkness.

Doctor Harris entered the dark room with a clear wall looking in on his patient. He shook his head in response. “No, I don’t believe she does.”

“What if she finds out?” The voice asked urgently.

With a shrug, Doctor Harris turned to the man asking the questions. “She cannot control it, nor can she leave that room.” He stated. “It’s travel proof and we have nothing to worry about Sir.”

The short bald man beside him leaned forward into the dim lighting from Tamara’s room, his dull complexion even duller in the unflattering light. “We may have to extinguish her.”

Doctor Harris gasped. “Wait Val, no! We need to understand how she can do this with just her mind!”

“It’s too dangerous.” Val’s resolve was final. “In the blink of an eye she travelled back seven decades and killed a blood line by getting in the way of a family car. The President for twenty ten? No longer exists.”


To Be Continued – Possibly… Thanks for swinging by, this is a growing concept and this is sort of how I imagine the start of that story. The whole concept would be that Tamara could go back in time and try and save her father but in the process destroy her existing self all the while trying to stay one step ahead of the Tempus, a secret order bound to control time travel and police the preservation of the existing time line.

Anyway! This has been an enjoyably creative evening and I look forward to posting again tomorrow. I’d love to know what you think of this piece of writing (Unedited, so I apologise for any mistakes I may not have picked up) and the over all style. Things I personally don’t think I did well? Capture her emotion at all, I tried to go with dazed and confused but it almost sounds to me cold and not that emotional at all. Let me know if you agree!

A few quick call outs as some people thanked me for naming them as they got a few follows and likes. The support is helping, so please reach out and touch another writer so they can feel the same way you felt getting a new like or follow! It may be that one thing that makes them post more to their blog or get back on the ole’ NaNoWriMo horse… Every little bit counts!

NaNoWriMo Filler: Don't Be Wordy!

So today I had a nice post planned; it was going to be creative, it was going to be fun.

After reading a few hundred odd NaNoWriMo Day Nineteen posts, I snapped. I lost it. Why you ask? Because people are using words as filler.

Now, I know what you’re thinking… a book is filled with words, what’s the big deal? The big deal is I was always taught conciseness. People are going out of their way to avoid using contractions and being super descriptive… and for what?! To reach some silly goal?

First thing I’ll say from my milk crate with my megaphone is if you’re doing that, for the love of the writing gods and your muse, please stop. You’re not doing yourself any favours, and you’re not winning. I can write fifty thousand words of rubbish too, anyone can. I understand it is a goal to work towards, but the person who “fails” NaNoWriMo at forty thousand words with a finely written story has in my mind achieved more than writing an additional ten thousand words of rubbish.


Sorry for the rant, but my brain imploded and my inner writer exploded like Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk. It was uncontrollable, and I apologise.

So I’ve ranted and raved and yelled from my milk crate… but what can we do to add to a story and not have it be meaningless? Okay, let’s talk about productive filler, shall we?

The first thing I love to do is add in a character. More characters add depth to the story if done correctly and also add emotional fodder. I mean this wholeheartedly. In a story where you may have finished with thirteen thousand words from the target fifty thousand, adding in a character earlier (around ten thousand words in) can offer you a chance at some side stories as well as protagonist interaction. This can drive depth of your protagonist as well as help the story progress. Also this offers a fun opportunity later if you decide you want to challenge your protagonist. Death is virtually mainstream now in movies and literature (Thanks George R. R. Martin for killing off every character I’ve loved) but the things that make those stories successful is that it progresses past that point. A character dies, how does your protagonist react? Were they responsible? Will there be underlying guilt? Adding in a character puts the muse hard at work at weaving them into the story and makes it much more rewarding than lengthening every don’t and it’s to do not and it is.

Another fun thing to do is play with foreshadowing… this is another of the tools in my belt and I love it because it makes a story feel real. Also it is fun as hell that the hobo in scene two is secretly a man who is a fantastic swordsman who the characters have to return to later, and when they were already so close to him. Having things like these happen gives your readers those “Oh wow!” moments that keep them not only turning pages forward, but backward as well! I love trying to surprise the reader with things that make sense, but also it keeps the story interesting as it’s not just the main conflict that is driving the story. Sometimes it’s the tiny moments that push the characters that are most rewarding! If that isn’t clear enough email me or comment and I’ll try to explain it better with some examples!

So I suppose in short, please find more creative ways to fill those fifty thousand words. I beg of you not only as a fellow writer, but as a reader. NaNoWriMo is a writing challenge, but I think instead of just writing fifty thousand words they should celebrate quality over quantity as we are enforcing terrible habits into potentially good writers. I think if you complete a story arc, and it is over twenty five thousand words, that is something to be extremely proud of. Forcing some arbitrary number upon you and making you feel as though you’ve failed isn’t the writing celebration I’d be hoping for. But hell, I’m just glad they’re celebrating writing at all so I’ll take it!

Okay, so now that all of that is out of the way… here is an update from me (embarrassingly). All excuses aside, I have not moved from my eighty five thousand word mark in the editing of my novel. I have written a ton more in short stories and ideas behind the scenes, because when I have a good idea I experience the creative dam shattering and flooding a poor empty screen with words. I have thirteen one line story ideas on post it notes on my Mac Desktop… and I revisit them everyday. But all of that aside… damn you editing… damn you.

I’ve announced as well that I’ve got a pair of puppies coming soon to a few people and I may have even mentioned in the blog at some point. For those of you who like dogs or cute things, I’ve got a picture you may enjoy and I’ll post it below. My puppy is a miniature dachshund and he will be my first pet ever! This is exciting for me because I’ve always wanted a dog and well… when I was looking at the pups this one snuggled right in and made himself at home. Yes, my face melted. I am considering the name Thor and it hurts me that everyone I tell assumes I’m basing the name off the movies. Norse Mythology… it’s a thing. Look it up. That being said… I did like the new movie.

My puppy, possibly named Thor!
My puppy, possibly named Thor!

Also WordPress has deleted my entire final paragraph upon posting. No idea what’s happened there but let’s try it again! So for those of you falling behind in your NaNoWriMo efforts, would you like me to post your progress so it holds you accountable? Or is there anything I can help with? Also thanks to everyone who has emailed me or commented on the blog! Sorry if I don’t get back to you straight away as my inbox went from two emails a day to forty and I am working on getting back to any and all. The more the merrier I say! Also, if anyone takes the time to write to me, I will reply in one way or another! Anyway good luck and hope to hear from you (yes you!) soon!

Someone's Got A Case Of The Mondays: Or NaNoWriMo Name And Shame!

Firstly, I’d like to thank any and all who are participating in this exercise! I spend my whole day at work feeling my phone vibrate only to get home and rush to my computer to see how everyone is doing and where we’re all at! You’ve all made me obsessed with my blog now! Shame on you! (No! I’m kidding! I love you all! Please don’t leave me!) Alright, so now that we’re past the moment of awkwardness I’d like to lead right into this update! I don’t know if I’ll do this daily (Unless anyone finds that it helps!) but today’s post revolves around you NaNoWriMo writers and how you’re doing! Also, I’m going to post some links so you guys out there can toss them a follow or like to help keep them on the right track! As I mentioned yesterday, if you’ve enjoyed me swinging by your neck of the web, please “Pay It Forward” by doing the same to one of these kindly folks daring enough to be named! Awesome!

Ravings Of Nonsense – Last Update = Nov 14th, Word Count = 7200 – After a quick comment about wanting to be held accountable I have found the following count on your page! Where are you at now? How’s the writing going? Let’s see if we can’t cheer you on to your goal of 50k! Toss over a few likes or follows to let them know you’re cheering them on!

M.L Swift – Last Update = Nov 16th, Word Count = 9842 – A newcomer to my blog who is doing NaNoWriMo when he gets the chance! In my effort to drum up some support for him, I’m hoping you kind folks out there will send him a quick follow or like to let him know that his fellow writer’s are supporting him too! Even if he doesn’t “Win” NaNoWriMo, let’s get him to his target of 50k!

J. R. Vowles – Last Update = Nov 16th, Word Count = Below 25000 – I ran across Jason’s Blog and M.L. Swift ended up following me from there! Vowles here decided part way through NaNoWriMo to restart his novel and I’ve been awaiting a new update! Show him some love and lets see if he can get in his 50k before December!

Christine Fichtner – Last Update = Nov 17th, Word Count = North of 30000 – Christine is on a good pace to make it to the fabled 50k mark! Great job and keep on smashing away at those keys!

Valourbörn – Last Update = Nov 18th, Word Count = 26746 – Alex was behind a bit but is back on track after an exciting writing session on Saturday! Let’s see if we can help her get to her target!

ElitistGeek – Last Update= Nov 15th, Word Count = 26954 – “Write” on track, ElitistGeek is well on her way to hitting that sweet 50k mark! If you’d love to, head over and give her a comment, a follow or a like just so she knows we’re watching and waiting with bated breath!

Those are my callouts for today! If you think this could help you let me know via comment or email and if I missed you, just let me know again! Since this blog has seen more action than ever before, I’ve been trying to keep up so I’ll apologize in advance if I missed your comment or missed putting you into the Monday update! Also I wanted to put more, but my internet has suddenly decided to start pushing up daisies… so I am now piggybacking off my mobile (HURRAY for technology!) Tomorrow’s post will most likely be more creative than the past few posts and I’ll end off with some people to support! Also, if I seem to dance around the fact if you are a lady or a gent, please let me know which it is! Sometimes blogs can be so ambiguous as to who is running the show!

Thanks for the patience and talk to you all soon!

Sharing Is Caring

Well, I’ve got a much more interesting following than I did a mere week ago. Now what to do with you… hmm?

Perhaps I could stalk all of your NaNoWriMo posts and post your word counts… MWA HA HA, no no… too evil!

Or you could volunteer your information, and I could dedicate a post to you fine ladies and gents beyond the typing glass! That’s entirely up to you, let me know if you’d be okay with that and I may have a weekly monday post that tosses out the previous week’s wins! This would also allow you guys to see who else is following along here as well as how they’re doing so you can offer them support just as I have you! That’s my hope, anyone seen that movie called… umm, what was it? Pay It Forward! That’s it! Well if you liked how you felt when some random guy swung by and tossed you a follow, or a like, or even a fabled comment; I ask of you to pay it forward and offer one of the struggling NaNoWriMo Writers your support so they can know, we’ve got their back too! If you guys would like me to post the title of your story or even a link to your NaNoWriMo page, let me know! I’m willing to go all out!

So I will be the first one to share my story with you… I always struggle to tell people what my story is about because it has been inspired by a number of things. Currently I am up to the eighty five thousand mark of the first edit for my novel, Jefferson And The Magician’s Curse. The lovely cover at the top right was made for me by a young lady who was offering free covers last year by the name of Fena Lee. She did a fantastic job and is actually part of the reason I pushed on. You see, she listened and made me the exact image that I had in mind for my cover and in taking that time she inspired me to be sure I finished the story. I told her that I would use her cover and I think even if I am heading out to get published, I may see if I can use that design as it is important to me.

Would you like to hear some details of the story? You would? I was hoping you’d say that! *Wink*Wink*


Magicians and circuses, orphanages and escapes; these are the obsessions of one young boy. As Jefferson the orphan escapes to the circus, he finds his obsession with illusions runs deeper than he ever imagined. Leaving the abusive carers he’d been entrusted to, he embarks on a journey of self discovery and lessons under Gabriel The Great. As they travel, Jefferson learns that most illusionists are part of a secret society of good magicians who protect the world from the forbidden arts.

The forbidden arts are guided carefully in the world by warlocks, evil magicians hell bent on destruction and power. The forbidden arts come with a price. Casting magic normally draws upon the caster’s own energy and spirit, thus limiting the type and strength of the spell cast. Yet the warlocks have the ability to channel the energy of others, through themselves, for greater spell power and destruction. Casting these spells links the caster mentally and spiritually with their victim for eternity, causing most warlocks to hear many voices and leading them into the depths of insanity. Their heart taints black with the Magician’s Curse, the veins blackening outward from over use of the forbidden magic.

Luckily for Jefferson, these magics are nearly forgotten… Unlucky for him, shadows move in the darkness and the forbidden arts begin to rise up, threatening the weakened societies of magicians and the world itself. Will Jefferson fall to the allure of power from the forbidden arts, or will his master’s teachings be enough to guide him through these dark times and into times of peace? As his destiny balances on the edge of a knife, two secret societies and the world await to see who will be victorious… and who will perish.


Okay, hopefully that sounds good. It does to me, but I am virtually sleep deprived and worked through… so it could be the equivalent of the song “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” and I might not even notice. Strangely enough though, I spelled that right on the first try. Good to know where my brain’s priorities are! I should be able to edit the final fifteen thousand words in the next week or so, but I also have to puppy proof my house. We get our pups (A Dachshund and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) around the seventh of December if all goes well, and here’s to hoping it does! But before that I need to completely destroy and rebuild the back garden and go all “Better Homes and Gardens” on its sorry excuse for a planter and install a raised veggie patch complete with a tiny peeing area for new pups. Should be fun! By the way, I’m a nerd and not handy in the slightest… so, does anyone know if IKEA sells raised planters? That’d make life easy!

In closing, if you do want to be mentioned in tomorrow’s post, please let me know! I’m hoping that everyone will be up for participating, I think it’ll make this particular group closer than others and it gives you that sense of, “I have to write so everyone can see my progress!” Remember, try my five tips from the last post if you’re struggling and I guarantee you’ll start to see results! Either way do what is best for you and good luck with your writing ladies and gents! Thanks for stopping by again!

NaNoWriMo's and Other Writers Unite!

Bam! Before I write anything, thanks again to everyone who is now following my blog! My visits went off like crazy and my phone is constantly vibrating with other writers commenting and messaging me to talk about writing! This has been a great time for me and I am so glad that I have opened up this Pandora’s Box of writers! I feel like I’m not using enough exclamation marks! What do you think?

Excitement aside, the effect of the community has pushed me to hit back at my editing and hit hard, going from being halfway through to editing roughly a quarter of the book in my past two days off. I edited from fifty six thousand words up to the eighty five thousand mark, and now all I see is the Matrix… but instead of numbers it’s nothing but Arial font, size ten. Thanks to all of you who have commented or followed me back, I have made these strides. If we all stick together, there is no telling how we can affect and influence each other’s writing! 

Today’s post is a post to see where everyone stands in their NaNoWriMo or Current Writing target. So consider this a support group. I don’t expect names or anything like that, but post in the comments your goal, your current word count and if you’re looking for a writing partner. When I say partner, I mean someone to check up on you. I’m fully on board with checking up on all of you if you’d like (I know I would) but if you wanted to break off and just check in with each other. Not everyone posts their progress everyday and knowing that random stranger is going to email you, may be the push you need to give it the priority you want. 

I know from past NaNoWriMos that it is easy to make excuses. Family events pop up, Christmas shopping to do, cleaning, sleeping from working hard, yadda yadda yadda… They all sound important. But I personally think the one thing that helped me the most get to my target of one hundred thousand words was making time for it. Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong. I am in no way a morning person, in fact I can avoid sleeping and be just fine(ish), but once I sleep, getting up is the devil. After re-evaluating my priorities, I decided that the only time that was never interrupted was the early morning. No one ever calls you at five AM to say “Hey, Let’s hang out!” So I woke up before work, before my partner, before the sun… and I wrote.

Some of it was drivel for the first while. (Did I mention I’m not a morning person?) Once the routine developed, I began to feel better. My creative juices began flowing easier. I was writing, with NO interruptions! It was a hard fought battle, but I had won! I will do it again for my next novel and I won’t think twice. So, I’ll leave you with the above homework (Comments, Goals, Partners) and the following things I did to get to my “redonkulous” target of one hundred thousand words!

1) Find an uninterruptable time to write, make it routine.

2) Do NOT include research time as writing time. Wikipedia will devour your soul (And free your mind).

3) Instead of setting a time goal, set a word goal. I used to say, I will write two thousand words today. I sat there. I wrote. It was painful sometimes, but it happened and it got easier as time went on. This also ensures you hit your goals.

4) Do NOT over structure. I set plot targets at every twenty thousand words, for example: the following events need to happen before this word target has been met. This allows you much more freedom and allows your characters to “play”. I found that if I designated every scene, the structure confined me where sometimes the characters were enjoying their moment.

5) Always write. No matter what. No matter how terrible you think it is. No matter how boring or unrelated to the story it feels at the time. Write it. The reason is forcing yourself to write through a block can offer inspiration into other directions and forces your brain into the routine you want. Only you can stop yourself from writing altogether, even if you can’t think of anything… just do it. 

Okay ladies and gentlemen, this has been a fun post to write and I am open to questions, comments, concerns, arguments (or discussions as I call them) and homework! If you’ve got the time- homework below and I’d love to know what you guys think of the five things I did to get to the one hundred thousand mark! Embrace the community I am trying to build here within my comments! Participation is key! Talk to you soon and happy writing! 😀

(PS- Thanks again, you… yes you! You may not know it, but you are my inspiration!)

A Quick Thanks!

Wow! So roughly twelve hours ago I decided to embark on a quest to seek out other writers in an attempt to find fellow struggling writers such as myself and give them support. What an awesome community us writers have! The quick comments and follows I’ve received back have been overwhelming and quite frankly made me eager to get back to my computer to see what has been happening! I went from my life time views being around thirteen hundred to over fifteen hundred in that short twelve hour span! My views have exploded and with like minded people! It’s all I could have hoped for! So thank you so much for your support and for all of you who have now followed me, you have my attention! If you need/want/would like anything, and I mean ANYTHING read or just want to chat, feel free to drop me a line!

Also, for those of you stuck during NaNoWriMo, I applaud you. Writing fifty thousand words on a deadline can be stressful and soul crushing. But from my own personal experience with the “Fifty Thousand Words of Doom” I can honestly say do not stress. If you don’t meet your target it is not the end of the world. NaNoWriMo in spirit is to give us writers a reason to get tapping away at those keys and unite us with a common cause; to celebrate the art of writing. People tend to think, “Oh woe is me, I have failed” when in reality, the fact they are writing at all is a success. The only failed writers are the ones who lose passion for writing altogether, so do not let the stress of NaNoWriMo kill your passion. If you need someone to check up on you, I dare you to keep me up to date with your word counts… maybe I’ll even post them here, MWA HA HA! Public shame! (For a good cause :P)

I am so amped up on life right now! Having this much interaction on my blog has really struck me and I have procrastinated most other duties I had for today just to rush back to this very page and speak to you all again! I haven’t been this excited about writing in a long time and I really hope that I can share my wins with you as I myself struggle to get the fabled published book. Because I’ve been so inspired, I must indeed rush off and get back to it and today I leave you with one of my oldest surviving pieces of writing (everything else was lost to floppy disk failures, failure to back up or the fabled room flooding) but here is my first published poem in a compilation from high school (Oh God, that was just over a decade ago…) aptly named, Not Quite Nostalgic (I’ve posted this awhile ago, but it still holds a special place in my heart). Hope you enjoy and stay tuned… I’ve got some wild ideas coming up! Exciting times ahead!

Thanks again everyone! TJ – The Canuck Amuck


Not Quite Nostalgic

A sea of hope, a beach of sand.
Some have never seen nor heard,
The whispering winds across the land.

Though I have seen many a time,
The lapping waves, in all their beauty,
Rising and falling, almost in rhyme.

The tide across the sandy beach,
No worries or cares, just silent sounds.
No lesson to learn, nor to teach,
Not quite nostalgic, yet my heart still pounds.

To Blog, Or Not To Blog… Perhaps That Is The Question.

Today’s mission for my blog is not to write something profound, something incredible. No, today it is something different.

Today I start seeking out other struggling writers. I seek them out because there are creatives out there working nine to five jobs who dream of success and want to get better. I seek them out because as I write the posts for this blog I feel as though my words fall on deaf ears. It sure is fun to get a few views. But wouldn’t it better if I got more? Of course!

Today I start to form my own circle of writers who want to be heard and want to read other people’s work. After all, some of us have to work at writing to be good, and only through reading and writing can we indeed get better!

Why am I doing this? Well if you read over my past posts, you’ll notice that I started writing with another person and that has proven quite fun and rewarding. The act of us bouncing a story back and forth has been interesting as we misinterpret each other’s ideas quite frequently; so where one leads the story, the other most certainly does not follow. The simple act of passing it back and forth has ignited some insane creativity flare which has me wanting more. It’s like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” novel where your choice is limited to a thousand words… and then your characters are left to someone else’s devices. 

If you’re reading this, I hope you’ll comment. I hope maybe you’ll shoot me an email. I hope that maybe after the hours and hours searching hundreds of blogs I may stumble across a few people who are like minded or at the very least excited about the creative process. I’ve reached out to you, read at least one post and now you may be returning the favour. If so, I whole heartedly thank you. 

I decided this year I wouldn’t NaNoWriMo… the reason being not only had I written a one hundred thousand word novel, but it taught me a thing or two about writing. I learned that if you just get out of your own way and write… it’s extremely easy. Is there such a thing as writer’s block? Perhaps. But sometimes smashing words into a keyboard mercilessly will prove worth the effort!

After reading this post over, I have decided to leave this as my fragmented thoughts for the day. I’ve been growing so frustrated with writing for no audience that after deciding to reach out I have followed many, many… sooo many blogs today searching for writing and NaNoWriMo tags in hopes to find and connect with those kindred spirits out there!

Also, as a final note… to any of you who may come through here while I sleep or have come through here while I have been on a whirlwind reading and post writing storm- Thank you. No really, just you ladies and gents stopping by is support, something to get me back into the habit of writing. Not only that, but it has been super hard in Australia to find people who share my passion for writing. Well, it has been easier now that I’ve switched stores to one closer to a University! But I do hope you all find something you enjoy on here or at the very least check back every once in awhile to see how insane I’ve gone!

Until the next post! 

The Lands of Anglia

Through the snow covered trees and far up the rocky mountain side, a society of men and women live in seclusion. They are considered thieves and barbarians, as they are among the only remaining creatures that still warship the animals they hunt and feed upon. Their homes are made of stone and ice, to shield them from the harsh climate however their weapons are made of wintersteel, a metal so cold that it regains its chill even after smelting. The barbarians are considered one of the first people in the land of Anglia and have lived in the mountains for centuries. They dare not stray from their gods of the hunt, strength, fertility and justice and nor do they stray from their star forge, where the suns rays radiate down through a large transparent rock wall to melt even the strongest and coldest of ores.

Meanwhile in the south, the lush green pastures and rolling hills are dotted with small inns and farms, leading to a great kingdom where heroes are born and legends are truth. The tall walled city of Ritharlia stands tall over the beautiful emerald forest surrounding it, its gorgeous white walls almost glowing in the sunlight. The city’s nightstone tiled roofs give the city a rich yet ominous feeling, as the dark blue color almost absorbs the light during the day. Some even say within the city’s walls it is darker than outside of them. The people inside the city range from the poorest of the poor to the richest of the rich. As Ritharlia stands in the middle of the contintent, it has become a trade hub for people from the port city further south or the people who dare come down from the northlands.

FInally the port city of Makta, is considered the gem of Anglia. Those from around the world know and have heard of Makta’s crystal clear waters and ports with fish so plentiful you can scoop them up with a rope and bucket. Considered to be the newest of the three major civilizations in Anglia, Makta was founded as a branch out to the nearby continent of Loras. When trade between the two continents exploded, Makta grew from the ship building dock it had began as into a larger area of commerce. Some even say the merchants who watch over the port wield more power and wealth than the high lord of Ritharlia.

Hidden away deep in the expansive forest surrounding Ritharlia lies the royal ancient forest. The forest is known to the barbarians as Sojourn. This is the place they believe the gods had come to stay before the white walls of the kingdom rose from the trees. It was once rumored a weapon of immense power was left in the hands of mortals and that the lineage of the Ritharlia has been defending it for centuries. That weapon was left behind in case the balance between the light and the darkness ever shifted unevenly. Only one with a true heart and neutral mind could wield the blade.

Tales of a once great city beneath the sea have been told for as long as the northlands have had pictures to convey stories. However, the mystery surrounding this city which had never been seen again is often regarded as tales or legend. The tales speak of the link between the elements and their respective ancient temples, and how the Altar of Agua is directly linked to those folk of the sea. However the ancient lores spoke of these temples and altars, yet despite the many adventures to find them, none have ever been found.

A final lore revolves around the Triad. Also known as the harmony, the Triad consists of three beings of immense spiritual power in: Discipline, Wisdom, Courage. There are many relics surrounding this relationship, however when the world is in complete and utter jeopardy, will the three align and beat back the evils to restore balance. No matter who, or what they may be.

*Three Short Introductions coming soon*

I've Landed! …in the iBookstore!

So after spending one night typing, copying and pasting over my Mac keyboard, I have finally found myself actually submitting a short story (thirty six pages of short) through the iBookstore and seeing it “published” to the masses. By masses, I mean Apple Users. By Apple Users, I mean only those who own an iPad. Well, lesson learned. I’ll work on getting it into more places as the process was interesting enough to learn and simple enough for anyone to complete. 

In case you’re interested in the finished product, click this link and remember… only available for iPad. Not sure if its available for Mac as well, so please if you download it to one of those… let me know!

Currently making some decent headway on the novel of doom… I’d rip the remainder of my hair out, but I’m already bald. There are some definite gaps and some actual moments of decent writing. I originally was worried, but some spans of writing are quality. After reading a bit, I forgot I was supposed to be editing and just kept reading. Hopefully that’s a good sign! Either way, that’ll hopefully be ready for the end of the month, if not then the new year!

Also, it appears my PDF version has gone live as well (Whoo more exposure!) but the ePUB version is broken virtually beyond repair (It took 37 pages and turned it into 1373 pages… I’m definitely not editing that). That link is over here and if you like it, please share it freely. After all, I made it free so I could get more feedback on my writing style (and to see if I have one).

Well, once again, it is past that midnight mark and I am growing tired. Looks like tonight was no time spent on the ole novel of doom, however I did watch Thor (which was awesome) and got my story more audience. All in all? Win! I just have to stay away from eBay… that place eats not only time, but money too! Take care out there, and thank you for your kind support! Also, if there is a format you’d like to see for future (or this) story, let me know!