"He was the last bladesinger, fearless in the face of certain death, and he was ready to sing the final song of his people."

"He was the last bladesinger, fearless in the face of certain death, and he was ready to sing the final song of his people."
NaNoWriMo is coming to a close... what are you sitting at?
See inside the mind of a NaNoWriMo winning author... it's scary!
So tired, but must keep writing...
NaNoWriMo in a nano minute! How's your month going?
Killing it this month! Having so much fun! *So tired*
Who has two thumbs and just wrote another two thousand words? THIS GUY!
Nearing 20k already, feels good to be a few days ahead!
Should probably sleep more, seems after naps I feel better! #HowDoIWriteThen
When you're a failure, at least be an honest one!