Unbiased Law: Episode 15

Episode Fourteen: As Magnus witnessed the murder, albeit in his defence, of the acting commissioner, he found himself an unlikely ally in Veronica. However the lady may giveth and may also taketh away as she frames him for the murder, thus slowing him down in his investigation. Magnus then learns more about the looming robot war from an old friend in his short stint in a holding cell. As he is escorted to an interrogation room, he finds himself looking down the barrel of yet another gun, only this time he’s ready. Will he win the struggle? Find out below! (or head back to Episode One or Episode Fourteen)!


As the sound of two clunky robots fighting across a table for a gun sounds much like a factory floor, no one outside the room seems to notice. I struggle to wrestle the gun from his hand, but it’s useless. We are robots, equal in strength and stamina. I attempt to put my intellect to good use, and look for a weak spot in his joints. I note a potential weak spot in his wrist and as our hands are locked around the gun, I slide my forearm up to our hands. I give him a little flex room with the gun and he noticeably relaxes a moment, just the moment I need. I slam my forearm hard onto his hand, landing his wrist on the edge of the table. Both hands come off much to my surprise, and apparently his as well. He looks at me and only gets a chance to say a few words, “Shoddy workmanship here” before I blow his metal head off his shoulders.

I step into the hallway and look around, the guards don’t spot me so I begin to sneak past and around the corner. I turn to look back one last time before continuing on. The path to the door is straight and I can easily make it, but something catches my eye. A janitorial robot with a limp. A limp. My mind flashes back to the Acting Commissioner and my Interrogator. Damn, not much time to think, he’s heading straight for more droids. I rush into the nearby bathroom and look for some sort of escape. Lucky for me, the main windows seem to lead into the alley and seem to be open. I turn to look behind me, being ever so cautious and then bolt for the window. Hmm, not as open as I’d hoped. As the window shatters around me, I land on the ground and keep running. I run until my energy meter tells me I’m low again. I run until I am back at my office.

I hurriedly grab all I need plus another gun not used in a crime and rush outside. I look around and I see my car parked conveniently nearby. As I look around confused by seeing it there, I hear the familiar hum of police sirens. Without a second thought, I run to my car. As I open the door, Veronica looks at me and I look at her legs. Human, she framed me, but do I have a choice? As I hop in, we peel away, leaving the police to investigate my office. They don’t pursue us at all. I turn to Veronica and she giggles. “Fun day at the office?” I feel rage well up inside my metal frame as if my cooling system just died. “You set me up!” I pull out my gun and point it at her. She does the same and pulls into an alleyway. As we sit, guns pointing at each other I feel the need to question her. “Why should I trust you?” She smiles. “Because I like you?” I stifle back a sarcastic laugh and shake my head. “You are beautiful, but I know you’re just a robot in a human body. You’re a thief.” The smile drains from her face and she scowls. “I am not a thief. I’m just as good as she is, and isn’t that the tin kettle calling the human pot black?” Her analogy makes little to no sense, but I understand what she means. As a human in a robot body, robots call people like me a driver, a human steering a machine.

The next few minutes are tense and then we both begin to lower our guns. She makes the first move. “I’m sorry. But what if someone told you that you could be human again, legally?” I think about that for a moment. Would I go back? I’m not exactly sure, if I was entirely human I’d have died this week. But in all reality, I wouldn’t have made it this far. “I don’t know, they both have their advantages.” She grabs my robot hand and puts it firmly on her breast. “I can feel that, it’s taken some getting used to, but I can feel everything. It’s incredible!” I stare at her breasts, so perfect, and my metal hand feels nothing. I pull my hand back and reflect on that for a minute. She looks over to me and sighs. “I’m sorry, I know you wish you could now for sure, but being a robot has it’s benefits for sure.” She puts her hand on my leg to reassure me. “The first time I stubbed my toe, I thought I was dying. Never feeling pain before made that seem so much worse than it really was.” As we sat there chatting suddenly a knock came on the window to the car. As Veronica rolled the window down, a gun slid in pointed directly in her face. At the other end was the other Veronica, and she seemed pissed.


Both Veronicas finally in the same place, and the only thing between them is Magnus. Will he be able to stop them from killing each other? Or will he get caught in the crossfire! Another Episode, in another Two Days!

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