Some Developments!

This is about to be a quick and dirty post as I only have until the end of the month to write a short story less than two thousand words to submit to Platform For Prose. This will probably the first thing I will have ever written explicitly for a competition or submission, so I’m interested to see how it turns out. No pressure or anything, am I right?

Also after my post on Social Media, Renae (Visit her blog on horror stories, TV and movies here) was kind enough to rant and rave through her own thoughts on the topic. I thought I might not only give her a wonderful call out in thanks for her common sense way of looking at things but also mention how this may change my own views.

One of the most poignant things she wrote was that “Big, popular blogs are for non-fiction writers, humor writers, and people who already have a fan base.” This still sticks with me since I read her comment this morning considering I’ve had all day at work to think about it and it still makes so much sense. Focus on your writing and eventually your network will come along with it. Wise words despite their simplicity!

Although one thing she also wrote was “For the record, I don’t think giving away shorts or episodic fiction on blogs works.” At first I really agreed, but then it struck me. I don’t write for others, despite the exhilarating feeling of someone reading it or liking it. I write because I really enjoy it and I want to get better at it. Even from the start of Jefferson & The Magician’s Curse to the halfway point in Pandemonium (roughly one hundred and sixty thousand words) my writing has improved dramatically. In this sense, I use my blog as a diary of sorts as well as a workbook. I guess I always knew deep down this blog wouldn’t be the thing to get me published. But it satisfies that little itch that needs scratching as to how many people read my post. Sadly… it’s addictive.

Once again, I’d like to thank Renae for lending me her ear and adding her two cents. After all, from one comment she brought to light something I should have known (and not ignored) as well as something that reaffirms why I write. It’d be great to be a published author but not for the millions of dollars (not everyone is a JK Rowling). I would be happy to write anything for the same wage I’m on now. Even if that meant revisiting the same world over and over and over and… well, you get the idea! Happy writing out there ladies and gents, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I’m thinking of doing a short piece by the end of the month too. (2000 words, but ONLY dialog–not even tags (she said) are allowed. It sounds like fun and like a nice change of pace.)

    I’m sorry I went off here yesterday. You tapped into my frustrations. That same phrase, about big popular blogs, has been echoing through my head since I typed it. It’s sort of freeing, really.

    What you said about posting fiction is perfect … I only meant it doesn’t attract new readers to a blog, in my experience. You are definitely getting a good return on the posting if it’s helping you create more and expand your skills.

    Good luck with the contest piece! Back to work 🙂

  2. TJ Edwards says:

    Hmm, interesting concept. Your characters will have to be quite separate, or it’ll all be in how you format it. I may take up that challenge down the track!

    Renae! Don’t apologize and don’t worry, I am certainly the last person to be offended (after all, your rant was exciting and is most certainly the award winner for longest comment) and you had some very valid points. But that echo won’t go away any time soon if I’m not mistaken. I keep thinking, should I post? I will finish out the month as this is a good way of showing I actually did something as opposed to editing. I need that feeling of completion, editing just doesn’t do that!

    My writing doesn’t bring all the readers to the yard, but considering this month my lowest day has been two, it feels pretty good! Mainly I am writing and well… I suppose that is the whole goal, to simply always be writing. This is a much better release than a video game (which I have a million of) and best of all- It’s free!

    Good luck with your piece Renae, thanks again for swinging by and your two cents are always welcome here!

    PS- I’m going to need all the luck I can muster for this contest, I second guess myself on tests… I figure this will be no different 😛 I’ll probably write a few pieces and set them all in my current world so that I can at least use them for back story!

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!