NaNoWriMo and the Quest For The Published Novel

must write

As you can see from the photos and the title, I’ve gone all Monty Python & The Quest For The Holy Grail over this post. If you haven’t seen it, I still think that it holds up in this day and age for classy yet hilarious humour. It is the most quotable movie I know and I love so many of the scenes from it. In fact, it was hard to choose some scenes to fit into a writing theme as so many worked well!

I’m half delirious from forcing myself to stay awake due to the four hours of sleep I got last night to get past that fabled forty thousand mark. The other half is slowly going insane, as I mentally prepare for the three hour drive ahead of me tomorrow after work so I can spend a full day in training sessions to then drive three hours back home. The good news? I have the following two days off!

Screen Shot 2014-11-16 at 11.27.58 pm

As you can see above, I did manage to crack the fabled forty thousand mark. My mind is the equivalent of a ham and cheese omelette right now, but I managed to hit that mark. The last two hundred words were virtually typed one at a time as I forced myself to get there. Winning!


Taking a break from writing this post… *Cue Sweet Elevator Music*

I told themThe coolest part about this novel is it ties into my previous one in a big way. Whereas Jefferson laid the tracks for how magic worked and people struggled to come to terms with its evil uses, this story fully embraces magic (as it’s set many years after Jefferson). This means many different kinds of magic exist and there are some places where magic might be similar to each other, but for the most part everything is easily definable.

Tomorrow I’ve got some forced writing time ahead of me, so I’ll try and make the best out of it. In all honesty I’m hoping to have slammed out my fifty thousand by Wednesday of this week! Wish me luck and good luck in your own writing!

those who call me timPS – For those who have asked, my real name is Timothy… so I found the above photo extremely fitting! Enjoy!


    • TJ Edwards says:

      You hit the 50k?! That’s awesome! Congrats are in order! Also thank you for your kind words and I’m so glad someone out there is enjoying the blog! I definitely enjoy writing them, so it makes me really happy when I get such positive feedback! Makes me want to write more!

  1. suzanne says:

    I’m pretty sure you’ve already mentioned it before, but I looked for like, ten whole seconds and I couldn’t find it so I’m just going to ask. What do you use (that is pictured above) to keep track of your word count and set goals and the like? I’m totally content with what NaNoWriMo provides, but I’d like something for when after November ends. This story is going to take more than 50,000 words to tell and I like the accountability.

    Also, I love magic!! Once I’m finished with a friend of mine’s book from last year’s NaNoWriMo (all polished and published in time to write another this year – people amaze me) I want to meet Jefferson!

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Ahhhhh, yes… the infamous counter up there. That is actually a built in part of Scrivener, which has helped tremendously in my organisation and writing of my current novel. You can set the time frame and word targets all on your own, not just for the month of November! One of the many small (but polished) features that have made Scrivener invaluable for me. Winners get 50% off Scrivener and Participants get 20% off I think.

      I’m really glad you love magic! I’m hoping that many others out there do too. Jefferson is actually still in the editing phase (a year and still ongoing… that’s what I get for writing a novel while half asleep most of the time) so he may actually take longer to come out than my current novel. In my story I love that magic has serious consequences whether you’ve gone the forbidden arts route or the accepted magic route. The fact that its roots started with Jefferson and embedded themselves into my current novel has given me a lot to link the two together. So technically I’m writing Book 4. I’ll George Lucas this series if I have to, as Jefferson and Gabriel are spoken of in my book as legend and myth.

      Thanks again for stopping by Suzanne! If you have any questions about Scrivener, feel free to email me (email’s on the main page down the right!)

  2. Aaron_Betts says:

    Tim, great post! I agree – MP & the Holy Grail is one of the best movies of all time, but not everyone appreciates British Humor. But for those that do, What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? African or European??

    • TJ Edwards says:

      How can one not appreciate the humour behind the Bring out your dead skit? As for your question on swallows… I don’t know that! AUUUUGHHHH! *Is Cast into the Gorge of Eternal Peril*

    • TJ Edwards says:

      As it would seem, I’ve needed to bank those words as my last two days produced 230 words between them thanks to work commitments. Don’t get too green until we’re at the finish line! Just keep writing! That’s my plan! Thanks for stopping by and the kind words!

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