My mind is hazy as I stir from my slumber as my head pounds with the force of a thousand jack hammers. Despite my eyes being wide open, I see only darkness. The rope bites into my wrists as I struggle to move from my sitting position. Tied to a chair. Never a good sign.

“Shh… He’s awake…”

The voice is slightly accented, but not welcoming at all. I turn toward the sound of footsteps as they draw near. Suddenly the darkness is lifted like a shroud and the light tears at my eyes. The stinging sensation rings alarms in my head, which accents the existing pain perfectly.

“Alex. Lovely to see you again.”

I squint through the agony into the man’s face and watch as his features refocus into someone I know. The man before me with the fantastic moustache and dark hair slicked to the side was none other than the man I was sent to investigate. “Jackson? What’s going on…” Of course, I already knew the answer to that. He had been discovered as a double agent for a few different countries, so he was put on a blacklist, which is why I was here.

“Yeah, we’re not going to play that game.” Jackson said as he stepped back and withdrew a pistol. “It’s a shame they sent you.” He nodded to a man standing behind me and suddenly the sound of jack hammers became much louder as the wind whistled in through the room. “I almost liked you.” 

He placed a single foot between my legs and tilted the chair backwards until I realised what the jack hammers were. We were on a train… and I was leaning out the door, my life at the mercy of a double agent. I stared down at his foot until he laughed. 

“Don’t bother.” Jackson laughed. “The number one agent in the world? Hardly.” He raised the gun and pointed it at my head. “Good bye Mr. Avanti. You’ll be sorely missed.”

The gun’s discharge felt as though it were in slow motion. I saw my life flash before my eyes. Training new recruits. First kiss. Broken and left for dead. As the world went dark, the whistling was almost soothing as I plummeted from the train to the waters below. My last clear image was Jackson watching my corpse falling to its doom before being taken by the darkness.


This is a scene I have had in mind for forever, but I hate writing full stories when I’m tired. I still will revisit this at some point, but I would love to be able to write the next Bond movie with this scene in it and also instead of being crazy action being a much more psychological thriller with action. That’d be fun! Anyway, I’m going to eat and sleep because I feel exhausted. But hopefully I’ll get some editing done tonight!

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