*Cue Elevator Music*

I finished my book a week ago today!

Now I wait anxiously while the most important person in my life reads what could possibly be the most intimate thing I’ve ever shared with her. That may sound strange to many of you out there, as I have a blog about my writing, I have self published a short story and frequently talk about my writing; however this is different.

My writing on here is probably never going to reach commercial status.

My short story may be available to the public, but as far as I can tell, very few have read it.

I’m always talking about my story and my ideas, but even still that only talks of my passion.

Even before self publishing my short story, it took twenty unbiased reviews to give me the confidence to put it out there and hope people enjoyed it. It also stung every time someone was exceptionally harsh, but I still took in what they said and made some changes. The thing that also worries me is that I have met and known other people who are far better writers than I and have written far more than me; yet they have not managed to get published.

As for life around writing, my store is doing well at hitting sales targets but we get destroyed on stats week in and week out. I’ll be the first to say that we are not perfect, but also that we are heading in the right direction. I just need to work on consistency with the ladies and gents. This does tie back in to writing though as I am using writing to drive my sales at work. How you ask? Simple. At work, if the store performs well for the month, I get a bonus for making target. So outside of work, I have written this wonderful book. Now, in order to get it published, I am relying on those bonuses to pay for a quality editor and hopefully get some manuscripts printed off and send them out to a few publishers in the next few months. I’m prepared for rejection, but also prepared to push through and write the next book, “Jefferson & The Eternal Mana” followed by “Jefferson & The Celestial of Spells”.

As for today, it is rainy and miserable and I am one step away from falling back to sleep. I may set my twenty thousand word targets for the next two stories and play some Thief for my PS4. That way I don’t feel like i spent all that money for a paperweight. It’s hard to say I love my PS4 when there hasn’t really been anything out for it. Anyway, as always if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them and I’ll get back to you ASAP!

Actually before I run… how is everyone doing with writing this year? You saving your word counts for November and NaNoWriMo? Or are you smashing it out? I’d love to hear from you!


  1. winterbayne says:

    I have several stories I’m outlining for April Camp Nano. Very slow at my current story, just decided to do a short story. Camp will give me the kick in the butt I need to power through this.

    I’ll worry over Nov Nano later. Even I’m not THAT much of a planner.

    I take it you’re not doing a summer camp of Nano?

    Come pitch a tent or rent a cabin with us gluttons for punishment.

    • TJ Edwards says:

      April has changed from Script Frenzy to NaNo?! *shudder* Two months of insanity? That might just be too much! I wish you the most luck I can send your way!

      I haven’t done a summer camp for NaNo, thought about it plenty though. Although something tells me getting together with people passionate about stories is enough to sideline me and shift me into over procrastinate mode.

      It’d be awesome to rent a cabin… actually that’d make for a terrifying horror story: Bunch of writers rent a cabin together only to find that one of them is a serial killer and they have no way out…

      Enjoy camp!

  2. winterbayne says:

    It’s probably still scriptfrenzy. Camp happens two months in the summer. This year it is April & July.

    The people motivate me. One reason why I love it.

    That does make a good story! Too bad I don’t do thrillers.

    • TJ Edwards says:

      Me either… at least not modern day ones. I write to escape today’s distractions and boredom. I like the future or the past or entirely unknown!

      I need two things to motivate me, time and no distractions. Although I’ve almost considered getting my own writing apartment or nook where no one can distract me and the internet is not connected. (Note to self: Buy shovel. Dig hole.)

Drop me a line, wait for my reply!